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[XOne] Rage

Discussie in 'Games' gestart door Flavourlicious, 3 dec 2007.

  1. Servantes

    Servantes Well-Known Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    als je zo gaat beginnen is er altijd wel een wereld van andere game gejat...
  2. LocKuM

    LocKuM Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Was er al niet een trailer vrijgegeven van Rage voordat Fallout 3 uitkwam?
    De wereld ziet er een stuk interessanter uit in Rage dan Fallout 3 imo(als we dan toch beginnen :/ )
  3. Servantes

    Servantes Well-Known Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    ik weet het niet maarja dat is ook argument van niks van die gast:)

    zoveel game werelden lijken opelkaar ook al zou het erop lijken als het goed uitpakt wat is het probleem dan?
  4. strapping young lad

    strapping young lad Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Ziet er prima uit, en godzijdank dat we dit soort settings krijgen (fallout, borderlands, rage) want ik vindt die hele mad max setting erg tof, even los van het feit welke game nou het "eerste" was met deze setting.

    Ik zie erg veel actie a la quake en doom, maar ze zeggen dat je ook de hele game stealthy kan spelen.. vindt ik zelf toffer.
  5. tricker

    tricker Semper Fi

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Ik vind het er ook erg stoer uit zien! En dat Wasteland idee spreekt mij echt aan en geeft mij ook echt het idee van dat ik vrijheid heb en niet opgesloten zit in een gebouw
  6. Servantes

    Servantes Well-Known Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
  7. DulleNL

    DulleNL I'm a little teapot Magic Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
  8. Servantes

    Servantes Well-Known Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    dit word toch wel een musthave voor mij zoals het er nu allemaal uit ziet kan niet wachten tot die komt maar zal nog wel even duuren helaas :mad:
  9. Camo81

    Camo81 Dood en Verderf

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Je ziet toch dik dat het een rip off is of moet je naar de bril service.

  10. JT83

    JT83 Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Rage is al vanaf 2004 / 2005 in ontwikkeling en volgens mij was er toen weinig bekend over Fallout 3?
    Zal vast wel wat van afgekeken zijn maar who cares?

    Anyway eindelijk doen ze bij ID weer eens wat anders, dit ziet er vet uit en ik wil het spelen!
  11. strapping young lad

    strapping young lad Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Zei je vorige keer ook al, we vatten nu wel dat jij dit erg op de fallout wereld vindt lijken.. maakt het nog geen rip off he.

    Zo vinden veel mensen wolfenstein erg veel op doom lijken, en lijkt COD:WAW erg veel op COD 1 en 2, medal of honor airbourne, MOH: allied assault, frontline, heroes, en zo lijkt frontlines erg of battlefield, en lijkt GTA4 erg veel op GTA3, scarface en the godfather 2 lijken weer erg veel GTA:vice city, en lijkt prototype erg veel op the hulk, mercenaries 2 lijkt erg veel op just cause, etc.

    Zo even uit m'n hoofd lijkt dan alles wel erg op elkaar.. het is te simpel om allse maar een rip-off te noemen, zonde joh.
  12. strapping young lad

    strapping young lad Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Ook nog een goed punt inderdaad.. beide titels zijn zo rond 2004 begonnen aan hun ontwikkeling, alleen kwam bethesda eerder uit de kast met hun game dan RAGE.. dus niks geen rip-off.
  13. Flavourlicious

    Flavourlicious Game Developer Moderator Redacteur

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Rage To Feature Classic id Weapons?

    id Software's creative director has unveiled new details on the studio's upcoming post-apocalyptic FPS/combat racing hybrid

    Discussing the history of id Software's classic FPS arsenal, Tim Willits told Total PC Gaming: "Rage will feature many of the classic id Software weapons of the past, along with some new and unique Rage weapons as well. We are focusing not only on great weapons, but on engineering items that will add to the variety of gameplay. We will also have multiple ammo types available for a number of the weapons."

    “We are focusing not only on great weapons, but on items that will add to the variety of gameplay”

    So chainsaws, lightning guns and BFGs all the way then? Like many other recent titles the game will also embrace its multi-genre approach with elements not found in id's previous work. "Rage also has an economy where you are allowed to choose how you spend your money earned through combat and racing," Willits confirmed. "You might decide you love the wingstick (a boomerang-cum-shuriken weapon) and stock up on them, or you may feel inclined to purchase parts to build more sentry bots or to keep your armour upgraded and repaired."

    19 November 2009, Nowgamer.com.

  14. DulleNL

    DulleNL I'm a little teapot Magic Member

    Leuk Bevonden:

    Rage Preview
    The team that invented the first-person shooter shows us the future.

    US, May 4, 2010 - Tim Willits wanted to stress one thing when he recently gave an extended demo of Rage: this is the next big thing from id software. Remember, these are the guys that invented the shooter through timeless classics like Doom, Wolfenstein, and Quake. This is the company with a technical lead that dabbles in rocket science in his spare time. Rage isn't a spin-off, an add-on, or a one-off. This is the best, current example of what happens when id goes all-in on a new franchise.

    And based on what was shown in that demo, that means that gamers should prepare to be blown away.

    Rage is a post-apocalyptic shooter that visually evokes other recent genre hits like Borderlands or Fallout 3, though with much more of a graphical wow factor than its competition. You play as a member of the Ark program, a group of humans selected to live underground in relative safety while an asteroid went about destroying all life above. The idea was that you and other Ark members would emerge once things cooled down and repopulate the planet.

    Watch our brand new id video interview.
    //Video werkt niet

    Things, as they tend to do in videogames, go awry. Some people survive the apocalypse. Others are morphed into mutants. Society crumbles and things go all Mad Max, which doesn't make things very pleasant for your character once he finally gets another look at daylight.

    From the moment you get your bearings, you're free to run off in any direction and see what the wide world of Rage has to offer. Most will likely continue straight into the storyline, though, by following the directions of the folks you meet and the little quests they offer. It's an open, but directed, style of action we're told; one that combines the slick first-person shooting id has become famous for with some light role-playing and action elements that you wouldn't necessarily associate with a game like this. Follow the story and you'll shoot your way through mutants, bandits, and all manner of nasty beasts. Take a moment to look around and you'll find a complex upgrade and item creation system, vehicles to race and fix up, and lots of little side quests that you can use to fill up your wallet and beef up your arsenal.

    We've seen and written about Rage in the past, and many of the gameplay elements on display were repeat showings. Things like vehicular combat, a wicked bladed boomerang, and item scavenging were quickly shown to refresh everybody's memories, or get them up to speed. During this time, all I could do was sit back and marvel at the graphics. Rage is easily one of the best looking games I've seen, even with the entirety of 2010 left as development time for id to further polish it. The crazy part? The demo was shown on an Xbox 360 and id was happy to point out that the current PS3 version was running even more smoothly. Thinking about how the PC iteration will look on a top of the line machine makes my head spin.

    Rage is looking really, really good.

    There will be plenty of chances to drool over the visuals of Rage in the future, rest assured. For now, I'll try to focus on what was shown during the demo.

    It's easy to get lost in writing about the impressive feature set of Rage. There's a huge world to explore, vehicles to ride, bandits to blast, side-quests to take part in and lots of weapons to find special ammo for. It's tempting to talk about it as if it is an RPG, but at its core Rage is most definitely a shooter. It's just a shooter with a lot of options.

    During the demo I got to see several different combat scenarios. The first was in a vehicle and it wasn't so much of a contest as it was a total slaughter. Bandits that were unlucky enough to be in the way were torn to bits by the mounted machine guns…or simply splattered all over the desert floor.

    What followed next was some of the slickest and most impressive combat around. The mission at hand involved thwarting some plans to poison the local watersupply, and that meant a trip down into the sewers. Here id began to talk about how it is working to make sure every environment is unique, and every different faction and enemy type you meet up with has a unique behavior. This area gave a peek at how that ambition will play out.

    Rage has quite a bit of environmental interaction, which we first saw courtesy of a crossbow and some electric ammo. It's a sewer area filled with water, so you can probably guess the results. Swapping weapon and ammo types on a controller is done with a bumper press and two radial menus, a process that looked rather fluid. That's a good thing given the fast-acting enemies and the awesome looking AI at work. This particular sect of bandits moved a bit like monkeys on crack, swinging from pipes to move between levels and swarming the player from all sides.

    Friend? I guess not.

    At the bottom of the sewer, id decided to show off its gadget system. By scavenging parts, the player can build little gizmos to use as destructive tools. We saw everything from a little remote controlled bomb to stationary turrets. Gadgets can be assembled at any time during the game, meaning that item collection becomes useful the second you find the last spare part. That's right, there's no work bench required to build and unleash a spider-bot that can scout ahead and even attack enemies around a corner. If your gadget doesn't get destroyed, you can pick it up and use it again. If it does, you can scavenge a few parts to perhaps help you build another in the future.

    In this situation, id chose to toss out a series of turrets. It seemed like a great plan, but the artificial intelligence made short work of this seemingly unstoppable wall of firepower. The fast moving bandits quickly flanked the turrets, kicked them over, and then turned their sights on the player.

    Next I was shown a totally different area, above ground in a building and filled with a level of detail that looked like a finished product. Again, id stressed how this was a unique area without repetitive features, and the enemies here certainly acted differently than the crew that infested the sewers. This was more of an all out brawl, capped with some explosive bits of the environment engulfing some of the bad guys in flames.

    Seriously impressive AI at work here.

    What made our demo of Rage so overwhelming was the seamless nature of the action. Other developers might have lingered on the customizable ammo types, the streamlined interface, or the impressive enemy AI routines that looked so good I could have swore they were scripted. But the only way to really appreciate what Rage is doing is to see all of these things working together, in one very fast paced and pretty action sequence. And when there's a lull in the shooting, you'll be wandering through a colorful wasteland that can easily be described as the next step on the route to photo realistic videogames.

    What I saw from Rage looked like a finished game, and a really good one at that. Yet, the game isn't due out until 2011, and id still isn't making any promises about multiplayer other than that it will exist and that it will be awesome. There's a long way to go until release, but this latest look at id's next major franchise has me completely excited. Once again, it looks like the team that invented the first-person shooter is pushing the boundaries.

  15. Gakkie

    Gakkie Black Queen

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Eerst zien, dan geloven... De 3d-shooter en 3d-engine troon is lang geleden al overgegaan op Epic. iD heeft al lang geen fatsoenlijke game meer uitgebracht...

    Maarre, als het ze lukt, fine by me :D
  16. baszs

    baszs Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    looking nice though
  17. Flavourlicious

    Flavourlicious Game Developer Moderator Redacteur

    Leuk Bevonden:
  18. Fiasco

    Fiasco Big Stepper XBW.nl VIP

    Leuk Bevonden:
  19. tricker

    tricker Semper Fi

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Het is dus GEEN rpg, en hij komt pas volgend jaar ergens :'-( Teveel teleurstellingen in 1 trailer.
  20. DulleNL

    DulleNL I'm a little teapot Magic Member

    Leuk Bevonden:

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