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Red Dead Redemption

Discussie in 'Algemeen' gestart door DulleNL, 4 feb 2009.

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  1. Willem

    Willem Obi-Willem XBW.nl Bestuur

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Win-gehalte vond ik wel meevallen, maar ik ben nu wel benieuwd naar het spel! Ziet er tof uit. :D
  2. Delphiki

    Delphiki Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Meer win dan Grand Theft Postkoets is er toch bijna niet?

    Hoop dat de quick draw duels er nog steeds inzitten en dat je ook nog af en toe met andere characters speelt
  3. Willem

    Willem Obi-Willem XBW.nl Bestuur

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Haha, smaken verschillen. ;) Maar dat was inderdaad een mooie. Maar wow, wat zien die paarden er goed uit. Onze buren links en onze buren rechts hebben beide een dozijn van die beesten lopen, dus ik weet precies hoe ze er uit zien. 8) In Oblivion waren ze lelijk en animaites waren zwak, in Assasins Creed was er een grote stap voorwaarts te zien en dit ziet er helemaal goed uit.

  4. Delphiki

    Delphiki Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    zien er inderdaad goed uit, ik vind het vooral belangrijk dat ze goed animeren (a la shadow of he colossus) en niet als een houterige onbestuurbare drol door de wereld stappen ( a la Oblivion)

    Ben benieuwd hoe drukbevolkt deze wereld wordt vergeleken met GTA.
  5. Daz


    Leuk Bevonden:
    Zoo, die spieren zijn ook mooi nagemaakt zeg! :eek:
  6. Kevf

    Kevf Hardcore poster

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Ik ben toch een beetje bang dat dit GTA met een nieuwe skin gaat worden. Meerdere moves uit het filmpje (gebukt lopen, iemand uit de koets trekken) zijn exact hetzelfde als in gta.

    Het zal me benieuwen
  7. Dusky Demon NL

    Dusky Demon NL Daan

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Dit ziet er wel vetter uit als Call of Juarez 2 :D Dat accent is ook vet :D

    @ Kevf: Volgens mij hebben we het niet over dezelfde trailer lijkt het. Want ik vind het dus echt nergens op GTA (met een nieuwe skin) lijken hoor.
    Laatst bewerkt: 7 mei 2009
  8. strapping young lad

    strapping young lad Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Dat komt wel goed met deze game.. ik had liever wat echte gameplay gezien, maar we kennen rockstar nu inmiddels wel en hun stijl en manier van het hypen en het aankondigen van games.. niks mis mee.
    Maar dit soort trailers doen me minder in een western game.
    In GTA was het mooi, dan zag je voor het eerst burgers rondlopen in de grote stad, je zag stadsdelen, je zag weerseffecten, etc... het enige wat ze hier kunnen laten zien zijn dorre vlaktes, treinen en veel houten stadjes en wat slechterikken op paarden.. dan zie ik toch liever wat gameplay.

    Maar goed, het ziet er al prima uit, sfeertje zit er al in, stemmen zijn geweldig, en inderdaad houden ze die shootouts erin, plus het spelen met verschillende karakters.
    Wat ik ook wel zou willen zien is een character opbouw a la fable/mass effect.. het behalen van XP waarmee je moves kunt unlocken, en geld verdienen met klusjes zodat je naar de kapper kunt gaan om een strakke nieuwe baard te laten staan, nieuw kapsel, mischien wat nieuwe guns kopen in een shop, wat nieuwe kleren... dat soort dingen.
  9. Distoration

    Distoration Da diii

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Dus een soort rpg/shooter?
  10. strapping young lad

    strapping young lad Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Zou mooi zijn toch? *) in ieder geval net even iets meer diepgang dan GTA4 had.. was een beetje te kaal qua upgrades en kleding/kapsels opties.

    In ieder geval zullen we in deze game geen irritante mobiele telefoon hebben die om de haverklap af gaat.. maar rockstar kennende zullen ze het wel vervangen met een postduif.
    Dat je dan in deze game weer die kloteduif ziet aankomen vliegen met een briefje aan zijn poten van een zeer irritante neef die net een koetsen-taxi bedrijfje is begonnen en dat die constant wat met je moet doen.. dan weer naar de "titeeee bar" of poolen, dan weer darten, weer drinken, etc...
  11. Fiasco

    Fiasco Big Stepper XBW.nl VIP

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Heheh :lol:

    Ik heb zelf liever het serieuze aanpak. Dus een diepgaand personage, kleding wil ik wel veranderen. Misschien een ander baardje en een lapje om mijn oog, maar dat is het dan ook. Denk niet dat Rockstar komt met een character opbouw a la fable/mass effect. Zolang ik tenminste maar een keer in de game een bank en een trein moet overvallen ben ik blij. Lekker van mijn paard afstappen in zo'n stadje en de sheriff vermoorden. :cool:
    Laatst bewerkt: 7 mei 2009
  12. DulleNL

    DulleNL I'm a little teapot Magic Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Red Dead Redemption First Look
    Details and impressions of Rockstar's open-world Western.

    May 7, 2009 - They may share two of three words in their titles and be labeled as Western-themed games, but it doesn't seem like the upcoming Red Dead Redemption is going to be much like its predecessor, Red Dead Revolver. While the first game (which wasn't actually a Rockstar original but rather a project imported from Capcom and completed internally) was more of a stage-based affair with some mild platforming thrown in, it appears Rockstar is going all out with Redemption. The sequel is going to be set in an open world, which Rockstar claims is one of the largest it has created.

    Rockstar San Diego is working on the game primarily, but also helping out are parts of Rockstar's GTA team, along with members from Rockstar's Leeds team. Thoughts about how an open world could be meshed with a Western-style game were being exchanged even as Rockstar acquired a few semi-completed levels of Red Dead Revolver, but the company had to wait until the appropriate technology came along to start up production. Redemption is being built on Rockstar San Diego's RAGE (Rockstar Advanced Game Engine), the same one used in titles like Grand Theft Auto IV and Table Tennis. For physics, Rockstar is using some of its own tech combined with Natural Motion's Euphoria, which makes for interesting post-impact character and object model reactions.


    For this game you won't be playing as Red Harlow, the protagonist of Revolver. Instead, you're John Marston, a former outlaw who's since started a family and given up his previous life of traveling around, looting and causing problems. As the game begins, elements from Marston's past bubble up and force him away from his home and into the wild, where players will be free to move him through the sprawling game world to accept missions, engage in mini-games, ride horses, trains and stagecoaches, hunt wildlife and go on killing sprees.

    Set around the turn of the 20th Century, a theme throughout the game world will be the encroachment of technology and structured society upon the open frontiers and lawlessness in the territories the game covers, which are broken up into three large sections. Initially you'll start out in what's being called the Frontier, filled with vast plains, broken up by ranges of low mountains and rocky hillocks, with stretches of low brush and desert grasses mixed in with towns of varying sizes and technological development. Next, the main story will direct you toward Mexico, a wilder land painted with more reddish sand which we only saw briefly. Finally, you'll head into the Northern territories for the later stages of the game. Progression across unlocked territories will be somewhat similar to GTA games of the past, meaning you won't be able to ride a horse all the way across the virtual space at the beginning.

    As for its gameplay, Redemption will still be a third-person action game. You'll get an opportunity to wield a variety of pistols, rifles and shotguns, and we also saw a lasso and a kerosene lamp. It's only Marston you're going to be controlling in this game -- there aren't multiple playable characters for the single-player mode like there were in Revolver. Deadeye mode is still in the game, which slows time around Marston to allow for more accurate shooting, and two levels of it can be unlocked. Initially you'll get a simple, temporary slow-motion mode and then a little later on you'll meet up with a certain non-player character who'll show you a more advanced technique for firing pistols. In the latter mode you can paint multiple targets while the action is slowed. Once you flip back into real-time gameplay, the pistol's bullets are unloaded in rapid succession.

    Dueling will be in Redemption, though we didn't get a chance to see it.

    It seems four items can be set as active at a time, which in the demo we saw was generally a pistol, a rifle, a knife and then a special item like the lasso or kerosene lamp. Exactly how you manage your inventory wasn't revealed to us, though we were told you won't have a safe house or be able to own property. All Marston's equipped items will show up on his person, so you'll be able to see the lasso tied to his belt and rifle at the ready. For Redemption, Rockstar has decided to implement a regenerative health system, so there'll be no fretting about health packs or anything like that. The edges of the screen will flash red once you're struck and -- as should be familiar to most gamers out there -- if you avoid damage for a short while you'll return to full strength.

    Once engaged in combat during missions or while wandering around the game world, you'll have a few options aside from simply standing, moving around and shooting. Against any environmental object of reasonable size you'll be able to pop into cover, blind fire, or move slightly out to try to line up a better shot. According to Rockstar, the guns in the game aren't going to be entirely accurate when fired to give them a more realistic feel and the uses and effectiveness of the weapons will differ depending on which model and type you're using.

    Fighting and using Deadeye while riding a horse is also an option. Obtaining a steed can be done by snagging one from out in the wild and taming it to a degree or buying one from a vendor. The more you ride with a horse, the better it will behave. During battle if your foes happen to be galloping around on a horse, you can take out their ride with a few well aimed shots and -- because of Euphoria -- see an entertaining variety of death animations.

    During the hands-off demo we saw, the animals tumbled headfirst into the dirt, sending their riders flying. Some would simply slump over while some dismounts were more spectacular. We were told a rider can fall off and get his foot stuck in a stirrup on the way down and be dragged behind the horse if it's still moving forward, though this didn't happen during the demo. It'll also be possible to use the lasso on foot and from horseback for combat, but the animation wasn't finished in the demo so we didn't get to see how it really worked.

    To navigate the game world you can walk, ride a horse, hop into a horse-drawn stagecoach, or catch a ride on a train. On either the train or stagecoach you can choose to take a nap on the way to a selected destination to speed up the process, which sounds similar to how cabs worked in GTA IV. And if you're worried about being able to catch up to a train, you should know that some of these machines move especially slowly and should be able to be overtaken on horseback. Locating mission givers and other points of interest is made easier through a GTA-style mini-map that sits in a corner of the screen.

    There'll be a huge expanse of land to explore.

    As far as the ebb and flow of the open world is concerned, the game will feature a full day and night cycle, dynamic weather systems, traffic on roads in the form of single riders, stagecoaches and groups of riders occasionally dragging bodies and blasting bullets into the air. NPCs in town areas will follow day and night routines, so while they sun's out you can find them at work, and at night perhaps they'll head over to the local saloon or elsewhere. While wandering around in the world you'll encounter random NPCs that'll offer you tasks, such as someone by the side of the road who asks for help, though occasionally it might be a decoy. In one instance demoed by Rockstar, a gang of armed bandits emerged from behind a busted wagon after Marston was drawn in by a lady calling for assistance.

    Plenty of townships big and small will litter the landscape and it's up to you whether you want to seek them all out or whether you'd rather stick to following along with the main story. Some of the larger townships will be built up and feature more advanced technology (such as telegraph wires), whereas the smaller ones will be more rustic. In case you're the type of person that doesn't like to play nice, you could wipe out one of these settlements, turning it into a ghost town for a while and watch as vultures descend upon the scene to pick apart the remains. The township won't stay empty forever -- you can't permanently eradicate the world's virtual residents -- but the townsfolk will take a while to respawn. There's also some plan to implement a kind of "character status system" related to your actions, though the specifics of this were not divulged during the demo.

    As should be familiar to anyone who's played a Grand Theft Auto game, your actions have consequences. Obviously it won't be cop cars that come racing after you in Redemption, but there will be some sort of rough equivalent. There will be law enforcement around, as well as bounty hunters who'll give chase, though it'll function quite differently from Grand Theft Auto because these characters, obviously, don't have radios to call in backup. The game world isn't completely lawless but we'll have to wait a little longer to get more specifics on exactly how the game's notoriety system works.

    Fight on foot or from the saddle.

    Because this particular open world game isn't taking place in a dense urban sprawl with only city streets to navigate, there's going to be a lot of open space. Rockstar is encouraging players to explore, not only to find special scenarios such as the broken wagon example, but also to absorb the atmosphere by traveling over distant mountain ranges, as well as hunt wildlife, of which there will be varying types. While an actual hunting sequence was not shown, we were told you can engage in this sort of activity, bring the pelts back to towns and eventually receive rewards. The animals roaming the world will have their own AI, so as you're moving by on your horse you might see wolves hunting rabbits or a mountain lion randomly reaching out and attacking a human.

    In towns, you'll have full freedom to walk around and enter into banks, saloons, offices and other types of establishments and there won't be any loads for transitioning from the outdoors to a building's interior. If you look through an open door or window of a saloon, you'll be able to see all the NPCs in there and what they're doing. Mini-games will be another diversion around towns, including one called five finger filet. In it you sit down at a wooden table with an NPC and engage in a timing game where you need to tap face buttons on your controller to match up with knife strikes onscreen. The goal is to quickly tap the table between your fingers with a knife without cutting into your hand and if you're successful, other NPCs will step in to try and challenge you.

    Another aspect Rockstar was not yet willing to show off was a dueling system, which will be in the game, but no specifics were really available. Multiplayer will be included as well, but again Rockstar wasn't saying much, aside from it sounding like the modes will be separate from the single-player game world. In other words, it doesn't seem like you can team up within the solo game experience and roll around in a posse, though perhaps some style of gameplay similar to that might be present in one of the separate modes. Things like cut-scenes, voice acting and other elements of presentation were not in the build we saw, so we can't really comment on cutscenes or voice acting beyond what was already shown in the debut trailer.

    As for the game's missions, it seems there'll be plenty of different setups and there will be mid-mission checkpoints from which you can reload, though their implementation isn't finalized. One mission we saw involved a botched prisoner exchange, where Marston and some officers were handing someone over to a group of outlaws to rescue an officer's daughter. The bandits didn't cooperate and the situation escalated into an all-out gun fight in the middle of the small, dusty town. After taking cover and using Deadeye to wipe out a few enemies, a cutscene was triggered where a lady named Bonnie was strung up on a gallows. This introduced a timed element to the mission, as it was a goal to get to get her down before the life was choked out of her. To get through the mission, you can either battle all the way through the bandits to the gallows and cut Bonnie down, or you can actually just shoot the rope that's holding her up.

    Horses, stagecoaches and trains will serve as modes of transportation.

    The next two missions were more escort-style quests, the first of which involved Marston defending the stagecoach of a snake oil merchant. As it charged forward, Marston shot at riders coming in from all sides, taking out riders or their horses to flip them to the ground. At one point an enemy stagecoach rolled in as well, as Marston was able to slow it down by wiping out a few of the horses who pulled it along, letting the snake oil merchant gradually increase the spacing between them. At various points there'd be blockades in the road and to take them out while riding along it'll be necessary to peg an explosive barrel and clear the debris.

    Finally, we saw a mission set in Mexico where Marston rode on horseback to defend a train from inbound hostiles. To facilitate having to control your horse while aiming at the same time, there'll be a degree of intelligence built in so the animals won't get hung up on rocks and such when trying to peg an enemy with a rifle bullet. Though missions like this might take place with groups of friendly NPCs fighting alongside Marston, he won't have a regular group he rolls around with. He's generally a lone wolf.

    While we didn't actually get to play, the game certainly looks to be promising so far. The style of the graphics is impressive, as it seems on track to nail the feel of the world. Furthermore, the ambient sounds of wind whipping over the plains, the trills of local wildlife and the crunch of dirt underfoot seems to reinforce a sense of place. It definitely looks to be a far more ambitious game than Revolver, so anyone who enjoyed that product will likely find a lot more to appreciate here. There's quite a bit of potential for some entertaining gameplay with the mix of gun fights, open world roaming, and dynamic elements of the open world in which Red Dead Redemption is set. Of course, we can't say anything for sure until we've seen much more of the game world; this is just a first impression. Check back with IGN for an extensive interview with Rockstar's Dan Houser digging into more details about Red Dead Redemption's world, gameplay, and style.

    Red Dead Redemption is currently scheduled to be released this fall for Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 consoles.
  13. Tyrant

    Tyrant Well-Known Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    + Niet alleen in Mexico en het zuiden van de US, maar ook in het noorden!
    + Exploren wordt beloond
    + Dikke sfeer, met dieren enz die je kan looten
    + Kleine mini questjes

    - "Character status system" :emo:
    - Ik verwacht niet enorm veel wapens
  14. Camo81

    Camo81 Dood en Verderf

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Lijpe shit!
  15. DulleNL

    DulleNL I'm a little teapot Magic Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Laatst bewerkt: 12 mei 2009
  16. Shinobi X

    Shinobi X Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Das maar goed ook. Vond dat nogal irritant en het zou ook totaal niet passen in een game als deze.

    Vette screens wel!
  17. TruthLies

    TruthLies Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    "Multiplayer will be included as well, but again Rockstar wasn't saying much."

  18. DulleNL

    DulleNL I'm a little teapot Magic Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Red Dead Redemption: Quick Reload
    All the essential information, all in one spot.

    May 12, 2009 - Rockstar's Red Dead Redemption is a big game. If you've been following along with our coverage, you'll notice the initial preview and parts one and two of our interview with Dan Houser have been anything but brief. Maybe you didn't want to wade through that sea of text to get at the meat of what Redemption is, why it's interesting, and why you should keep an eye on it as its expected release date of sometime this fall approaches.

    In this article, we'll deliver a more digestible outline of what the game is and how it works.

    What is Red Dead Redemption?

    It's Rockstar's next attempt at making an open world game, this time with a Western setting. If you've played the 2004 title Red Dead Revolver, you should know Redemption has very little to do with it. It's a different period of time, a different main character, and set in a gigantic game world. In it, you're free to roam around, take on missions in towns, explore the landscape, hunt wildlife, play mini-games, shoot at whoever you want, and progress through the story.


    Who Am I?

    You're John Marston, a former bandit who hung up his hat and started a family. The past doesn't stay buried for long, however, as characters from his nefarious background jump out of the shadows and force Marston back into the fray. Rockstar is staying pretty quiet as far as story specifics go, which is just fine. Marston is more of a loner, so don't expect a cast of several main characters like in Revolver. From time to time Marston may join up with others for a mission, but he's generally on his own.

    How Do I Kill Things?

    With revolvers, rifles, shotguns, and even a Gatling gun mounted on a train. Helping you out will be a Deadeye mode, which returns from the original game. Triggering it temporarily drops the onscreen action into slow-motion, helping you to line up a shot. Later on you get a better version of this as it relates to your revolver, which lets you specify locations where you want all your bullets to go before snapping back to real-time. There'll also be a cover system.

    How Do I Get Around?

    Horses, trains, and stagecoaches are all around the game world for you to hop into. You can buy horses in town or use your lasso to break ones in the wild, and while riding you can still shoot at anyone who gets in your way. On trains and stagecoaches you can either stay on in real time or, if you just want to get somewhere quickly, can just take a nap. When you wake up, you'll be at your destination.

    What Else is There to Do?

    Well, you get the normal stuff like taking on missions or free roaming exploration and combat along with a number of side activities. The game features quite a few mini-games like five finger filet (a timing game where you slam a knife into a table without nicking your fingers) and cards along with many others Rockstar isn't talking about. You'll also be able to hunt and skin wildlife for profit, as well as take part in a number of side-quests that pop up around the game world. For instance, if you find a broken wagon on the side of the road and a lady next to it calling for help, you can choose to help out or steer clear.

    What's to Stop Me From Killing Everything?

    There is a system in Redemption that prevents you from going on uncontested shooting sprees, so don't think you'll be able to just wipe out the entire game world. Even if you do manage to kill everyone in a large population center, people return after a few days, so you can't permanently wipe out the whole map. Officers of the law will also give chase, along with other characters, though the specifics of this notoriety system aren't yet finalized so we can't say exactly how it's all going to work.

    Hop on trains, horses, and stagecoaches to get around.

    Why is This Game Worth My Attention?

    It's a Rockstar game. It looks pretty. It's a giant, interactive world that seems to offer a lot of interesting activities for players to dig into. It'll have a multiplayer component. From the trailer it seems like it'll have some high quality voice acting and in-game music. Most Western-themed games just aren't very good, and it seems like this could really deliver an impressively comprehensive experience.

    When's it Coming Out?

    This fall on Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3.
  19. strapping young lad

    strapping young lad Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Ziet er tof uit en klinkt tot zover goed.. ik hoop alleen wel dat rockstar zichzelf niet zo serieus gaan nemen deze keer.
    GTA4 heeft een geweldige engine en het idee erachter is goed, maar ik vondt het verhaal maar behoorlijk saai met missies waarvan ik me 10% niet eens meer kan herinneren, vorige delen hadden dit niet zo erg.
    Als ze maar gewoon in eerste instantie een leuke game gaan maken zonder overdreven voor realisme te gaan dan gaat het weer de goede kant op.

    In ieder geval lekker klaverjassen, geld verdienen door te jagen op dieren en mensen, kleding en items kopen met dat geld, lassowerpen, en drie grote plaatsen om lekker in te rotzooien.. da's al wel veelbelovend.
  20. DulleNL

    DulleNL I'm a little teapot Magic Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
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