Ahahaha wat een figuur is dat toch he, prachtig.
Nice om te zien dat Lara mooi hoogt scoort.
Het klinkt allemaal zeer goed, maar ik baal wel van wat Eurogamer over de tombs en puzzels zegt:
In nine optional Challenge Tombs and at a couple of junctures in the story, Lara finds herself gingerly exploring lonely ruins, gorgeous in their centuries-old decay. Here she solves cleverly assembled, if relatively simple, physics puzzles to gain access to a treasure trove. (In this game, the treasures are new skills - the designers clearly knew what they were getting right.) Quiet descends, all the firefights and resource nodes and progress tickers recede, and the game drinks from a well too few contemporaries bother to seek out. Just a woman and her wit, unlocking the secrets of the distant past.
It's not the lip-service the 2013 game paid to the tomb-raiding concept, but it's still barely more than a sideline for nouveau Tomb Raider. Given the tombs' strong flavour and Crystal Dynamics' comfortable command of the form, why couldn't there have been more of them, with harder puzzles, and why couldn't they have occupied some of the space filled with empty battles and vacant scrambles in the storyline
Maar das Eurogamer....
vele andere reviews zijn er juist wel positief over weer. Guess we'll find out. Het enige wat ik wil is gewoon een paar puzzles waarvan je denkt....fuuuuuuuck hoe zit dit in elkaar?