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Saints Row 2

Discussie in 'Algemeen' gestart door Flavourlicious, 8 apr 2007.

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  1. Juunanagou

    Juunanagou Live streamer XBW.nl VIP

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Australtische special editie verpakt in een Freckle Bitches pizza box. :D

    Zoals cookie zei het is gewoon de verpakking waar een pistool op getekend staat in 3d zodat het et lijkt dat er een gun inzit. ;)

    En et is inderdaad nu groter het gebied aan de linker kant was vroeger ontoegangbare bergen. Nu kun je er zo te zien komen aangezien er ook een eilandje is links onder.
    En in plaats van 5 bruggen zijn er nu 6.

    Oude map:

    Laatst bewerkt: 27 aug 2008
  2. kilon

    kilon Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    en hoe groot is de map dan ongeveer als je het vergelijkt met een GTA?
  3. Dusky Demon NL

    Dusky Demon NL Daan

    Leuk Bevonden:
    @ Juun en Fiasco:

    Het zijn trouwens 6 bruggen nu ik beter keek. En als je op die nieuwe map kijkt dan is die rechtse brug ook anders.
  4. egelhunter

    egelhunter It's all in the game

    Leuk Bevonden:
    gta is zeker 3x zo groot
  5. Fiasco

    Fiasco Big Stepper XBW.nl VIP

    Leuk Bevonden:
    O ja, nu zie ik het pas goed met die oude map erbij. Heb de game ook al meer dan een jaar niet gespeeld, dus ben echt totaal alles kwijt wat ik ervan wist. :+
  6. Dedemsvaart

    Dedemsvaart redonkulous

    Leuk Bevonden:
  7. Fiasco

    Fiasco Big Stepper XBW.nl VIP

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Hoop trouwens weer op een dikke Soundtrack. Vond die van Saints Row echt zwaar goed, en dan vooral die Hip Hop zender.

    Al Gator - Good With Them Numbers _O_

    Hoor je alleen in het start scherm, heb echt elke cd winkel langs gegaan in de game maar nooit kunnen vinden. Zat niet in de game zelf, alleen bij het start scherm. Om naar niet te beginnen over het lekkere cruisen met Two Shots of Henny, of Time Has Come aan. Heerlijk, denk maar weer de game via XBW's Bazaar te scoren voor een tientje :)
    Laatst bewerkt: 27 aug 2008
  8. Dedemsvaart

    Dedemsvaart redonkulous

    Leuk Bevonden:

    HAHAHA, op het politie bureau.


    Developer Blog - “Activities and Diversions”
    Remember all of those Activities in Saints Row which allowed you to gain respect? Did you have any favorites or wishes that some would return in Saints Row 2? Scott Phillips, Design Architect (Lead Designer), has composed a detailed look at what to expect from the new and improved Activities in Saints Row 2. He also makes mention of the new Diversions system - or “always on” gameplay - and how this works into gaining respect around Stilwater.

    To read the full blog, hit the jump below.

    Saints Row 2 Activities

    Activities were a core gameplay element in the original Saints Row (SR1); earning the player the Respect they required to play missions. Starting work on Saints Row 2 right on the heels of SR1’s release we had a list of Activity improvements that was derived from data that was internally developed, pulled from game reviews, plus info provided by player feedback, blogs, and scores. This data led us to several big changes that players will immediately notice and appreciate in Saints Row 2.

    Major changes to Saints Row 2 Activities are:

    1.) We created dozens upon dozens of functional in-game Activity prototypes from which we hand picked just a few to become full Activities for the final game. Some of the original concepts were: Counterfeiting, Disorderly Conduct, Extortion, Grave Robbery, and even one called Happy Fun Ball. These concepts eventually gave way to all of the new Saints Row 2 Activities.

    2.) We decreased the number of levels of each Activity from 8 to 6. This made each level of the Activity more enjoyable and kept it fresh through all the levels.

    3.) We now give players an unlockable reward for completing half of the levels (:cool: of each Activity and then another even better reward for completing all of the levels (6) of each Activity. This more than doubles the amount of unlockable rewards players get for playing Activities in SR2 as compared to SR1. Unlockable rewards in Saints Row 2 are enormously useful and powerful.

    Returning Saints Row 1 Activities

    Since we had plans for the new SR2 Activities, we also knew that we were going to have to revisit fan favorite SR1 Activities and improve them to respond to feedback or to blow out much loved features even more. We reviewed and weighted each SR1 Activity before deciding upon which ones we would keep. Once we knew which ones we were going to retain we had to start the hard part, planning for how to improve the already kick ass gameplay of those SR1 Activities.

    In some cases this was easy, for instance Snatch was solid and incredibly enjoyable in SR1 so we added new complications, iterated the gameplay, and moved the Activity to new areas to make it feel brand new while retaining the best of the SR1 gameplay.

    In other cases, like Insurance Fraud, this was much more difficult for Designers. Because of how popular this Activity was it meant that we had to keep it pretty much the same while at the same time improving it. It took a lot of iteration, but paid off big time. Saints Row 2 players will experience a pumped up and pimped out version of Insurance Fraud in SR2, including our all new “Adrenaline Mode” in which players can literally go airborne (and by airborne, I mean hundreds of feet in the air) while using “after touch” to control their bodies in the air and line up their next bone crushing impact.

    Co-op Activities

    Designing Activities that a player can do many, many times is tough for a single player game. In Saints Row 2 we threw in a whole additional player in Co-Op, this made things really interesting and incredibly fun for Designers. We knew from the start that Co-op was going to change everything, but we really had no idea how much adding another player into the mix was going to crank everything up to 11 and turn fun into a mind blowing one of a kind Co-op experience.

    One of the first Activities we knew we had to absolutely blow out in Co-op was Escort. In the original Saints Row the player would drive ladies of the night around as they pleasure their sometimes unusual customers in the backseat. Twisting and turning through the streets of Stilwater the player attempts to keep the client safe from the paparazzi.

    In Saints Row 2 Co-op Escort players will participate in the backseat rendezvous directly instead of leaving the work to someone else. While their Co-op partner is pleasing the client in the backseat using our new Co-op Escort Minigame the other player is driving the car around dodging paparazzi, news vans, the IRS, and even irate former lovers through the streets of Stilwater.


    Diversions are a brand new type of gameplay for Saints Row 2. Essentially Diversions are “always on” types of gameplay that don’t interrupt the flow of the game. The idea behind Diversions is very simple: players do cool things, and are rewarded for them. Too often players in other games will do amazing stunts, kill enemies in fancy or difficult ways, or even just drive crazily to test their skills and will receive no reward for it. We fixed this in Saints Row 2 with Diversions.

    Driving class Diversions range from Oncoming Lane and Near Miss, e.g. driving in the oncoming lane and dodging traffic, to Powersliding, all the way to the Roadkill Diversion which requires that you knock a pedestrian off their feet and carry their limp body on top of your car for a distance.

    Combat Trick Diversions involve killing enemy gang members in stylish ways from One Hit Kills, to Melee “Beatdown” kills, all the way to the classic Headshot and Nutshot. Each of these Diversions reward different amounts of respect based upon difficulty plus how many times it’s done within a short period of time. By doing certain sets of Diversions the player can also unlock some incredibly powerful unlockable rewards.

    On top of the combat and driving diversions are more general diversions that are ambiently available in the world. Diversions in this category are things like the Tow Truck Diversion where players repo cars from deadbeat owners, Base Jumping which is skydiving from incredible heights and landing in a specific small area for respect and a special reward, and even visiting brothels and random bathrooms for intimate rendezvous in a Diversion called Ho-ing.

    These Diversions are just a small taste of the dozens of Diversions ready to be discovered and enjoyed throughout the city of Stilwater.

    New Saints Row 2 Activities List

    Crowd Control – Players act as a security guard and attempt to protect a celebrity as they go about their daily business at various events. Crazed fans will attack the celebrity with knives, baseball bats, and their fists so players must respond appropriately by throwing them into garbage truck compactors, helicopter rotor blades, and even airplane engines.

    Fight Club – Compete in a brutal hand to hand underground fight club. Using fists, feet, TVs, tires, cement blocks, and trash cans players must knock down and then break the necks of every other fighter in the ring to win.

    FUZZ – Players will get to don a police uniform and take part in the Stilwater episodes of the famous TV show FUZZ. Bring your own brand of justice to Stilwater with Grenades, Flamethrowers, and RPGs.

    Heli Assault – Protect your lieutenants from the air as they go on drug deals across Stilwater. This is not just any protection though; players get to use the Tornado Attack Helicopter to rain death from above.

    Septic Avenger – Property across the city needs to be devalued and the owners need to smell the error of their ways. What’s the best way to do that? Why raw sewage sprayed from a Septic Truck of course!

    Trail Blazing – Race through courses across the city while wearing a fire suit that ignites any person, explodes any car, and kicks any ass that gets in your way. Light everything you can on fire, as that’s the key to beating the race timers!

  9. Dyonko

    Dyonko Duke

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Crowd Control – Players act as a security guard and attempt to protect a celebrity as they go about their daily business at various events. Crazed fans will attack the celebrity with knives, baseball bats, and their fists so players must respond appropriately by throwing them into garbage truck compactors, helicopter rotor blades, and even airplane engines.

    haha geweldig, gewoon afmaken die groupies }:]
  10. hayabusa halo

    hayabusa halo Half-shark, half-man, skin like alligator

    Leuk Bevonden:
    VEtte activitieS :D FUzz lijkt me ook lachen :D
  11. AC/DC

    AC/DC Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Krijgen we dezelfde map in Deeltje 2? Die op de special edition foto is exact hetzelfde..
  12. Juunanagou

    Juunanagou Live streamer XBW.nl VIP

    Leuk Bevonden:

    No offence hoor maar heb je uberhaubt de reacties gelezen die erna kwamen?
  13. AC/DC

    AC/DC Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Nee overheen gelezen zie ik net. Maar goed, valt me tegen dit dat we weer in Stilwater moeten.
  14. Cookie

    Cookie #TaylorSwift XBW.nl VIP

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Kan op zich wel leuk zijn als je Stilwater van een aantal jaren later te zien krijgt. Ze zullen het heus niet 1 op 1 kopiëren en als je dan weer ergens langs rijdt wat je herkend komen de herinneringen weer naar boven :cool: Dus het hoeft niet per definitie tegen te vallen. Hangt er maar net vanaf hoe ze het hebben veranderd en hoeveel ervan.
  15. AC/DC

    AC/DC Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Opzich heb je een punt. Ik ben veel van Stilwater vergeten, het noordwestelijke gedeelte kan ik me nog wel goed herinneren met dat grote huis die je daar kon kopen. Heb het meer dan twee jaar niet gespeeld dus.
  16. Juunanagou

    Juunanagou Live streamer XBW.nl VIP

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Als het goed is, is alles ''veranderd'' wat vervallen was is either meer vervallen of juist vervangen door mega bedrijven of super de luxe flat gebouwen. Elke plek hebben ze naar gekeken en er een schop onder gezet. Dus als het goed zul je geen enkle plek zien dat precies het zelfde zal zijn.

    Natuurlijk zul je wel plekken herkennen als je door straten rijd. Maar zul je wel denken ''wat hebben ze met mn Freckle Bitches gedaan.'' :"(

  17. Modder-Eter

    Modder-Eter XBW.nl VIP XBW.nl VIP

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Is deel 1 eigenlijk nog een aanrader om aan te schaffen of zal ik echt wachten totdat deel 2 uit is? Die lijkt namelijk bigger, better and more te worden.
  18. PePzi NL

    PePzi NL Ōkami! XBW.nl VIP

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Als je het nu koopt en speelt is het nog echt een coole game, als je het na deel 2 gaat spelen zal het inderdaad allemaal wat minder (groot) zijn.
  19. Dusky Demon NL

    Dusky Demon NL Daan

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Ik zou hem gewoon nu kopen en dan daarna Saint's Row 2 :D

    BTW: Echt supervette activities! Maar ik hoop niet dat dit al de hele lijst is. Er mogen er wel meer zijn. Ik moet de startpost maar weer eens gaan updaten :D
  20. Dedemsvaart

    Dedemsvaart redonkulous

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Ik heb vanmiddag ff speciaal de PU gekocht omdat er een groot artikel over
    Saints Row 2 instaat.:D
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