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Show je Achievements [Deel 10]

Discussie in 'Algemeen' gestart door Rbz NL, 14 okt 2008.

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  1. DulleNL

    DulleNL I'm a little teapot Magic Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Prince of Persia
    280 van 1000 [​IMG]
    21 van 50 prestaties

    Alchemist Special 20 [​IMG]
    Congratulations, you can dominate the Alchemist.

    Improviser 10 [​IMG]
    Congratulations, you used the environment to your advantage.

    Throw Master 10 [​IMG]
    Congratulations, you have mastered throwing enemies.

    Death of a Warrior King 20 [​IMG]
    Congratulations, you have killed the Warrior.

    In Harmony 10 [​IMG]
    Congratulations, you have learned to work with Elika.

  2. Daz

    Daz Well-Known Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Gears of War 2
    95 of 1000 [​IMG]
    8 of 50 Achievements

    Girl About Town 10 [​IMG]
    Seen the sights with Betty

    Takes a Licking 30 [​IMG]
    Bashed 30 Tickers

    Escort Service 10 [​IMG]
    Escorted Betty to Landown

    Collector 5 [​IMG]
    Recovered 5 of 41 collectibles

    It's a Trap! 10 [​IMG]
    Successfully defended the hospital

    Once More, With Feeling 10 [​IMG]
    Mastered the ways of the Active Reload

    One-Night Stand 10 [​IMG]
    Completed 1 chapter in Co-op on any difficulty

    Green as Grass 10 [​IMG]
    Showed Carmine the ropes

    Toffe singleplayer tot nu toe!
  3. Rbz NL

    Rbz NL Xbox Juan XBW.nl VIP

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Zeg Dazlin sinds wanneer heb jij een nieuwe gamertag :p Ik dacht al waarom ben je nooit online xD
  4. Priest

    Priest Just Live Your Life.

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Unreal Tournament 3

    Get a life...
    Got 200 kills in multiplayer on 50 different days.

  5. Daz

    Daz Well-Known Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Mhm, sinds een maand ongeveer. Voeg me maar toe als je wilt. ;)
  6. Fiasco

    Fiasco Big Stepper XBW.nl VIP

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Prince of Persia
    200 van 1000 [​IMG]
    16 van 50 prestaties

    Light Seeds Provider 10 [​IMG]
    Congratulations, you have collected 300 Light Seeds.

    Titanic view 10 [​IMG]
    Congratulations, enjoy the view…you are Prince of the World!

    Improviser 10 [​IMG]
    Congratulations, you used the environment to your advantage.

    45 van 200 [​IMG]
    3 van 12 prestaties

    UNO! 10 [​IMG]
    Successfully call UNO! and win the game.

    Quick Change Artist 15 [​IMG]
    Change the color of the discard pile 5 or more times in a single round.

    Ace! 20 [​IMG]
    Go out without ever drawing a card.

    Boom Boom Rocket
    45 van 200 [​IMG]
    5 van 12 prestaties

    Curtain call 10 [​IMG]
    Complete 10 songs with any rating.

    The "C" student 15 [​IMG]
    Get a C rating or above on 10 songs on any difficulty.

    Pyro 10 [​IMG]
    Achieve 100% Hit ratio on any song.

    Johnny 3 Fingers 5 [​IMG]
    Unlock your first firework type.

    Bonus, Schmonus 5 [​IMG]
    Activate the bonus run for the first time.

    Zo :D
  7. Yellow 13

    Yellow 13 Well-Known Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Je had destijds toch iedereen een berichtje gestuurd over je nieuwe gamertag? Ik heb hem geloof ik wel gehad. ;):)
  8. Coachman

    Coachman Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    FIFA 09 Prestaties

    999 van 1000
    47 van 48 prestaties

    Real world winner
    Win 5 Interactive League matches

    Frequent flyer
    Win in every stadium

    The Poon Sang
    Win with a team of 11 created players in an unranked Xbox LIVE match

    1st time out
    Win an Online League match

    Ook een oudje uit de kast getrokken :9

    Saints Row

    470 van 1000
    20 van 43 prestaties

    Scourge of the Air
    Destroyed 50 helicopters.

    Contract Killer
    Completed all of the Hitman locations.

    Took 50 Hostages.

    Completed all of the Racing locations and levels.
  9. [2k]

    [2k] XBW.nl VIP XBW.nl VIP

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Ook maar weer eens verder gegaan met GoW2. Toffe game. Vind SP nu wel erg vet, terwijl ik die in deel 1 niet zo super vond.

    Gears of War 2
    85 van 1000 [​IMG]
    9 van 50 prestaties

    Heartbroken 10 [​IMG]
    Performed a chainsaw multiple bypass

    Freebaird! 10 [​IMG]
    Freed Baird from capture

    That Sinking Feeling 10 [​IMG]
    Watched Ilima sink

    Collector 5 [​IMG]
    Recovered 5 of 41 collectibles

    Once More, With Feeling 10 [​IMG]
    Mastered the ways of the Active Reload
  10. powerslave666

    powerslave666 Bakker Gijs

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Tomb Raider Underworld
    405 van 1000 [​IMG]
    17 van 31 prestaties

    Croft Manor Expedition 25 [​IMG]
    Croft manor Expedition successfully completed

    Master Grenadier 10 [​IMG]
    Killed three enemies with one grenade

    Dedicated Relic Collector 50 [​IMG]
    Found 3 Relics

    Skilled Treasure Collector 40 [​IMG]
    Found 50 Treasures

    Coastal Thailand Expedition 75 [​IMG]
    Coastal Thailand Expedition successfully completed
  11. Chillco

    Chillco Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    The Darkness maar weer eens gespeeld (en het blijft een topgame):

    The Collector 10 GP
    Unlock 50 collectables

    Ripper 15 GP
    Kill 30 enemies using Demon Arm

    Darkness Master 100 GP
    Only for those who are completely in tune with the Darkness
  12. tracks789

    tracks789 Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    brothers in arms hells highway

    Through the Looking Glass 40
    Explore the abandoned hospital and discover Baker's fate...
    Weather the Storm 45
    Repel Kampfgruppe Walther's crushing attack on Veghel.
    Recon Bronze 15
    Find six Recon Points

    guitar hero world tour

    One Man Band 10
    Perform as every instrument at least once (Vocals, Lead, Bass & Drums)

    mortal kombat vs dc universe

    Worlds Collide 10
    Complete Story Mode MK Chapter 1
    Infiltration 15
    Complete Story Mode MK Chapter 3
    Deadly Alliance 20
    Complete Story Mode MK Chapter 5
    Worlds Remade 50
    Complete the MK side of Story Mode
    The Ultimate Evil! 20
    Complete Both Mortal Kombat and DC Universe Stories
  13. Davey666

    Davey666 Dislocated Boy

    Leuk Bevonden:
    NBA STREET Homecourt
    590 van 1000 [​IMG]
    11 van 16 prestaties

    Rupert Bell Champ 70 [​IMG]
    Win The Rupert Bell Tourney

    Mastered 80 [​IMG]
    Earn a Master Skill

    Ash Park Champ 50 [​IMG]
    Win The Ash Park Tournament

    Named 50 [​IMG]
    Earn a Nickname
  14. Shcaap

    Shcaap Liev Gastje

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Fallout 3
    770 of 1000 [​IMG]
    40 of 50 Achievements

    Take it Back! 40 [​IMG]
    Completed "Take it Back!"

    The American Dream 20 [​IMG]
    Completed "The American Dream"

    Finding the Garden of Eden 20 [​IMG]
    Completed "Finding the Garden of Eden"

    Picking up the Trail 20 [​IMG]
    Completed "Picking up the Trail"
  15. Xenn0X

    Xenn0X Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Far Cry® 2
    140 van 1000 [​IMG]
    10 van 48 prestaties

    Playing both sides... 20 [​IMG]
    Switched sides in Leboa-Sako - the Northern Territory

    Bagman 10 [​IMG]
    Delivered stamped travel documents to the Underground in exchange for medicine

    Lent a hand 20 [​IMG]
    Completed a Buddy side quest

    Weapon Specialist 10 [​IMG]
    Purchased the manuals and acquired the bandolier for one weapon

    Supply... 10 [​IMG]
    Unlocked new weapons by hitting a Convoy

    Lineman 20 [​IMG]
    Completed a Mission intercepted from a cellular tower signal
  16. DulleNL

    DulleNL I'm a little teapot Magic Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Prince of Persia
    460 van 1000 [​IMG]
    33 van 50 prestaties

    Concubine Special 20 [​IMG]
    Congratulations, you kept your distance.

    Light Seeds Gatherer 10 [​IMG]
    Congratulations, you have collected 700 Light Seeds.

    Now who's the Hunter? 20 [​IMG]
    Congratulations, you have killed the Hunter.

    Assassin View 10 [​IMG]
    Congratulations, enjoy the view but don't jump, we ran out of straw.

    Ruined Citadel Runner 10 [​IMG]
    Congratulations, you have run the Ruined Citadel!

    Speed Kill 10 [​IMG]
    Congratulations, you have killed 10 enemies before they spawned.

    Light Seeds Hoarder 10 [​IMG]
    Congratulations, you have collected 600 Light Seeds.

    Hunter Special 20 [​IMG]
    Congratulations, you can deflect the Hunter's attacks.

    City of Light Runner 40 [​IMG]
    Congratulations, you have run the City of Light!

    Sinking to New Depths! 10 [​IMG]
    Congratulations, you have found the lowest place in the world.

    Titanic view 10 [​IMG]
    Congratulations, enjoy the view…you are Prince of the World!

    Light Seeds Harvester 10 [​IMG]
    Congratulations, you have collected 500 Light Seeds.

  17. Yellow 13

    Yellow 13 Well-Known Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Schiet lekker op met jou DulleNL. Is die game moeilijk qua besturing en puzzels? Zo te zien heb je nog een paar grote achievements te gaan.
  18. DulleNL

    DulleNL I'm a little teapot Magic Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Besturing is heerlijk, en er zijn eigenlijk niet zo veel puzzels. :9
    Stuk of 3 tot nu toe gehad. Alleen de eerste heb ik even mee zitten te klooien voordat ik em had.

    Maar misschien komen er nog meer?

    Ik denk dat ik de game sowieso nog een 2e keer uit ga spelen.
    Ten eerste omdat ie erg vet is
    En ten tweede; zodat ik op zijn minst de achievement kan halen waar ik de game binnen 12 uur moet uitspelen (en met een beetje geluk dat ik minder dan 100 keer wordt gered)

    De echte moeilijkheid qua achievements lijkt me nu te zitten in de 1001 lightseeds verzamelen (er is geen guide beschikbaar) en alle combo's ontdekken in de game.
    Ach ja, ik zie wel hoe ver ik kom. O-)
  19. tmffirework

    tmffirework Willem II Tilburg!

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Guide zal er echt wel komen!
  20. PePzi NL

    PePzi NL Ōkami! XBW.nl VIP

    Leuk Bevonden:

    Rock Band

    Rhythm Rocker - 20G
    Finish Drum Solo Tour on Easy

    Groove Technician - 30G
    Finish Drum Solo Tour on Medium

    Heavy Hitter - 40G
    Finish Drum Solo Tour on Hard

    Net voordat Rbz langskwam om het baspedaal over te nemen voor Run to the Hills haalde ik 'm in m'n eentje :D w00t
    Laatst bewerkt: 15 dec 2008
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