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Show je Achievements [Deel 10]

Discussie in 'Algemeen' gestart door Rbz NL, 14 okt 2008.

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  1. Voltreffer

    Voltreffer A.F.C.A. CBS

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Fifa 09
    519 / 1000 [​IMG]

    The purist 100 [​IMG]

    Complete a Manager Mode season without simming any games
  2. Cookie

    Cookie #TaylorSwift XBW.nl VIP

    Leuk Bevonden:
    A Kingdom for Keflings
    180 van 200 [​IMG]
    10 van 12 prestaties

    Master Builder 25 [​IMG]
    Build a cathedral (Single Player)

    Like Rabbits 15 [​IMG]
    Reached a total Kefling population of 30 (Single Player)

    King 40 [​IMG]
    Finished a complete castle with three connected parts (Single Player)

    Haberdasher 20 [​IMG]
    Encountered every possible Kefling hat (Single Player)

    Vanity 20 [​IMG]
    Built a glorious statue of oneself (Single Player)

    Big Bully 15 [​IMG]
    Became the big bully of the village (Single Player)

    Frank Lloyd 25 [​IMG]
    Unlocked 25 blueprints (Single Player)

    Think Big 10 [​IMG]
    Built a building made of more than 8 pieces (Single Player)

    If I Had a Hammer 5 [​IMG]
    Built a lumbermill (Single Player)

    Siegfried (or Roy) 5 [​IMG]
    Trained a Kefling (Single Player)

    Heerlijk spelletje _O_
  3. Frangster

    Frangster Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Geometry Wars 2

    Weken en weken geoefend om het einde van sequence te bereiken, maar gisteren toen ik dan eindelijk alle hoop opgegeven had en het nog 1 keer probeerde lukte het opeens. Nu alleen nog de smile achievement, maar die zal ik wel nooit halen. Die Wax Off achievement vond ik ook een ellende om te halen.

    Wax Off
    Perform the Wax On achievement twice in a single game, don't forget to breathe.

    Game Over
    Reach the end of sequence.

    Laatst bewerkt: 17 dec 2008
  4. DulleNL

    DulleNL I'm a little teapot Magic Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Prince of Persia
    930 van 1000 [​IMG]
    48 van 50 prestaties

    Speed Demon 10 [​IMG]
    Congratulations, you finished the game in under 12 hours.

    Be gentle with her 100 [​IMG]
    Congratulations, you have been kind to Elika.

    Nog 2.
  5. [2k]

    [2k] XBW.nl VIP XBW.nl VIP

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Nice. Meeste zijn zeker gewoon story achievements die je vanzelf unlocked? Op uitspelen binnen 12u, niet te veel gered worden en lightseeds verzamelen na?
  6. DulleNL

    DulleNL I'm a little teapot Magic Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Er zijn +/- 15 achievements die onmogelijk zijn om te missen.
    Of ze horen bij het verhaal of het is gerelateerd aan een actie die je doet in de tutorial.

    Dan heb je natuurlijk de lightseeds achievements (10 stuks), de bosses op een bepaalde manier 'verslaan' (bv. 20 keer in 1 battle aanval ontwijken).
    Hoogste / laagste punt van de wereld vinden, time trial achtige dingen.

    En een aantal achievements die niet gerelateerd aan de tut of verhaal zijn, maar in principe onmogelijk zijn om te missen. (500 co-op jumps met Elika bv.)

    Het is niet de moeilijkste game voor een 1000/1000, maar het is ook geen Avatar. :+

    Of zoals xerofox ze zo mooi in categorieën heeft opgedeeld:


    Dash of Destruction
    200 van 200 [​IMG]
    12 van 12 prestaties

    Tricked Out 10 [​IMG]
    Tricked out your ride with fuzzy dice!

    Speed of Light 20 [​IMG]
    Obtained Mike's Nitrous Kit for Speed Junkies

    Employee of the Month 15 [​IMG]
    Made 40 deliveries

    Supercharged 25 [​IMG]
    Obtained Mike's Street-Pro Supercharger

    Speed of Sound 20 [​IMG]
    Obtained Mike's Nitrous Kit for Beginners

    A New Hope 20 [​IMG]
    Finally replaced those tiny, ineffectual arms

    Tough as Nails 15 [​IMG]
    Obtained Borland Bionics T-Rex All-Weather Body Armor

    Extinction Event 10 [​IMG]
    Won a local multiplayer game

    Hungry Hungry Dino 15 [​IMG]
    Ate 40 trucks

    Adrenaline Boost 15 [​IMG]
    Obtained Borland Bionics Professional Grade Leg Enhancement

    Mike's Protégé 25 [​IMG]
    Beat any level in a single player campaign

    DestructoMatic Rex 10 [​IMG]
    Destroyed all buildings in a single campaign map


    Prince of Persia
    950 van 1000 [​IMG]
    49 van 50 prestaties

    Sword Master 20 [​IMG]
    Congratulations, you have performed the most powerful combo.

    Bijna. :D
    Laatst bewerkt: 17 dec 2008
  7. Lenny-t

    Lenny-t Melted Forest XBW.nl VIP

    Leuk Bevonden:
    LooL dat Dash of destruction heb je ook in 10min of niet :+
  8. DulleNL

    DulleNL I'm a little teapot Magic Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Nee, ik heb gewoon mad skilz0rz :cool: :+
  9. Jorrie

    Jorrie ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Moderator

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Fable II
    660 of 1100 [​IMG]
    37 of 53 Achievements

    The Teaser 5 [​IMG]
    Bandits deserve having their minds messed with, and it's also jolly good fun!

    The Party Animal 10 [​IMG]
    You, or a friend, spread the joy (and pain) of intoxication to five people in under three minutes.

    The Menace To Society 5 [​IMG]
    You, or a friend, committed an act of public indecency. Oh, the shame of it.

    Even een paar makkelijke achievements gehaald, nu nog de wat lastigere (completionist, gargoyles), of iemand helpt me hierbij O-)
  10. DulleNL

    DulleNL I'm a little teapot Magic Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    yay \o/

    Prince of Persia
    1000 van 1000 [​IMG]
    50 van 50 prestaties

    Combo Specialist 50 [​IMG]
    Congratulations, you have completed every combo in the game.
  11. Xenn0X

    Xenn0X Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    lol heb je nu al vakantie?:lol:

  12. DulleNL

    DulleNL I'm a little teapot Magic Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Ik ben gewoon goed. :cool:
  13. Xenn0X

    Xenn0X Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    kan ik je huren voor halen van gamerpoints?_O_

    DulleNL > Gamerpoints 4 hire.;)
  14. Mastat

    Mastat Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:

    Dash of Destruction
    200 van 200 [​IMG]
    12 van 12 prestaties

    Extinction Event 10 [​IMG]
    Won a local multiplayer game

    Tricked Out 10 [​IMG]
    Tricked out your ride with fuzzy dice!

    Employee of the Month 15 [​IMG]
    Made 40 deliveries

    Speed of Light 20 [​IMG]
    Obtained Mike's Nitrous Kit for Speed Junkies

    Supercharged 25 [​IMG]
    Obtained Mike's Street-Pro Supercharger

    Speed of Sound 20 [​IMG]
    Obtained Mike's Nitrous Kit for Beginners

    A New Hope 20 [​IMG]
    Finally replaced those tiny, ineffectual arms

    Tough as Nails 15 [​IMG]
    Obtained Borland Bionics T-Rex All-Weather Body Armor

    Hungry Hungry Dino 15 [​IMG]
    Ate 40 trucks

    Adrenaline Boost 15 [​IMG]
    Obtained Borland Bionics Professional Grade Leg Enhancement

    Mike's Protégé 25 [​IMG]
    Beat any level in a single player campaign

    DestructoMatic Rex 10 [​IMG]
    Destroyed all buildings in a single campaign map
  15. Fiasco

    Fiasco Big Stepper XBW.nl VIP

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Prince of Persia
    580 van 1000 [​IMG]
    36 van 50 prestaties

    To be continued… 80 [​IMG]
    Congratulations, the game is complete..the story has only just begun...

    Precious Time 10 [​IMG]
    Congratulations, you know when to stop.

    From Darkness…Light! 30 [​IMG]
    Congratulations, you have reimprisoned Ahriman.

    Explorer 20 [​IMG]
    Congratulations, you have explored the whole land.

    Saviour of the City of Light 50 [​IMG]
    Congratulations, the world has been healed.

    Death of a Warrior King 20 [​IMG]
    Congratulations, you have killed the Warrior.

    Light Seeds Accumulator 10 [​IMG]
    Congratulations, you have collected 800 Light Seeds.

    Death of a Concubine 20 [​IMG]
    Congratulations, you have killed the Concubine.

    Assassin View 10 [​IMG]
    Congratulations, enjoy the view but don't jump, we ran out of straw.

    Sinking to New Depths! 10 [​IMG]
    Congratulations, you have found the lowest place in the world.

    Light Seeds Gatherer 10 [​IMG]
    Congratulations, you have collected 700 Light Seeds.

    Zo, geweldige game. Hier laat ik het wel bij, ik ben iemand die alles een keer speelt en daarna verder gaat met iets anders. Ik wil deel 2 8)
  16. Xboxgamernr1

    Xboxgamernr1 Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Ik ook: :p

    Dash of Destruction
    190 van 200 [​IMG]
    11 van 12 prestaties

    Tricked Out 10 [​IMG]
    Tricked out your ride with fuzzy dice!

    Employee of the Month 15 [​IMG]
    Made 40 deliveries

    Speed of Light 20 [​IMG]
    Obtained Mike's Nitrous Kit for Speed Junkies

    Supercharged 25 [​IMG]
    Obtained Mike's Street-Pro Supercharger

    Speed of Sound 20 [​IMG]
    Obtained Mike's Nitrous Kit for Beginners

    A New Hope 20 [​IMG]
    Finally replaced those tiny, ineffectual arms

    Tough as Nails 15 [​IMG]
    Obtained Borland Bionics T-Rex All-Weather Body Armor

    Hungry Hungry Dino 15 [​IMG]
    Ate 40 trucks

    Adrenaline Boost 15 [​IMG]
    Obtained Borland Bionics Professional Grade Leg Enhancement

    Mike's Protégé 25 [​IMG]
    Beat any level in a single player campaign

    DestructoMatic Rex 10 [​IMG]
    Destroyed all buildings in a single campaign map
  17. Lenny-t

    Lenny-t Melted Forest XBW.nl VIP

    Leuk Bevonden:
    En die laatste dan? :eek:
  18. Xboxgamernr1

    Xboxgamernr1 Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Had geen zin om online te spelen :9

    Doe ik straks wel :b:
  19. SusPenZz

    SusPenZz Veldhuis tot me dood

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Brothers in Arms: HH
    900 van 1000 [​IMG]
    37 van 43 prestaties

    Obsessive 100 [​IMG]
    Played the game on 100 different days

    Fable II
    895 van 1100 [​IMG]
    45 van 53 prestaties

    The Ruler of Albion 100 [​IMG]
    There is no richer Hero in the whole of Albion!

    The Gargoyle 25 [​IMG]
    You uncovered the gargoyles' treasure. The cheeky rocks have mocked you for the last time.

    Far Cry® 2
    40 van 1000 [​IMG]
    3 van 48 prestaties

    Out of the frying pan... 20 [​IMG]
    Got rescued by a Buddy

    Hehe, Far Cry 2 gekregen van Sint, gelijk kapotte disc. Nu vandaag van Ubisoft NL een nieuwe gekregen:) Best grappig, Ubisoft NL zit gevestigd vlak bij mijn huis en dat wist ik niet eens.
  20. Cookie

    Cookie #TaylorSwift XBW.nl VIP

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Dit is echt de avatar onder de arcade spellen 8)

    Dash of Destruction
    200 van 200 [​IMG]
    12 van 12 prestaties

    Extinction Event 10 [​IMG]
    Won a local multiplayer game

    Tricked Out 10 [​IMG]
    Tricked out your ride with fuzzy dice!

    Employee of the Month 15 [​IMG]
    Made 40 deliveries

    Speed of Light 20 [​IMG]
    Obtained Mike's Nitrous Kit for Speed Junkies

    Supercharged 25 [​IMG]
    Obtained Mike's Street-Pro Supercharger

    Speed of Sound 20 [​IMG]
    Obtained Mike's Nitrous Kit for Beginners

    A New Hope 20 [​IMG]
    Finally replaced those tiny, ineffectual arms

    Tough as Nails 15 [​IMG]
    Obtained Borland Bionics T-Rex All-Weather Body Armor

    Hungry Hungry Dino 15 [​IMG]
    Ate 40 trucks

    Adrenaline Boost 15 [​IMG]
    Obtained Borland Bionics Professional Grade Leg Enhancement

    Mike's Protégé 25 [​IMG]
    Beat any level in a single player campaign

    DestructoMatic Rex 10 [​IMG]
    Destroyed all buildings in a single campaign map
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