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Show je Achievements [Deel 10]

Discussie in 'Algemeen' gestart door Rbz NL, 14 okt 2008.

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  1. Alizor

    Alizor Murdaturk

    Leuk Bevonden:
    325 van 1250 [​IMG]
    18 van 55 prestaties

    Old School 25 [​IMG]
    On any difficulty setting, complete a level without using any of the Tequila Bomb Special Moves

    Chow Would Be Proud 15 [​IMG]
    Kill 10 enemies with a 5 star style rating

    Deadly World 25 [​IMG]
    Kill 50 enemies by using the environment instead of guns

    Wong's Estate Completed 25 [​IMG]
    Complete the Wong's Estate level on any Difficulty setting

    Game Completed - Casual 40 [​IMG]
    Complete the entire game on the Casual Difficulty setting

    Master of Spin Attack 25 [​IMG]
    Kill 100 enemies with the Spin Attack Special Move

    Slums of Kowloon Completed 20 [​IMG]
    Complete the Slums of Kowloon level on any Difficulty setting

    505 van 1000 [​IMG]
    27 van 49 prestaties

    Meat Market 30 [​IMG]
    1000 dismemberments

    Death Rain 30 [​IMG]
    Kill 100 enemies by death fall

    Fatal Touch 30 [​IMG]
    500 grapple kills

    Death Grip 20 [​IMG]
    250 grapple kills

    Man Handle 15 [​IMG]
    50 Grapple Kills

    Parry King 20 [​IMG]
    200 parry kills

    Chop Shop 20 [​IMG]
    500 dismemberments

    Parry Assassin 15 [​IMG]
    100 parry kills

    Spider-Man 3
    780 van 1000 [​IMG]
    30 van 43 prestaties

    A Dark Reward 20 [​IMG]
    Unlocked Black-Suited Spider-Man.

    Spider-Man 50 [​IMG]
    Completed all missions.

    Eddie Brock 40 [​IMG]
    Defeated Venom.

    Police Officer 30 [​IMG]
    Completed all Crime Spree missions.

    Police Sergeant 30 [​IMG]
    Completed all Bank Robbery missions.

    Master Tourist 20 [​IMG]
    Took a 500-point photograph.

    Mega Tourist 10 [​IMG]
    Took a photograph from the tallest building in the city.

    Mega Web Swinger 30 [​IMG]
    Swung a total of 200 miles.

    Police Corporal 30 [​IMG]
    Complete all Petty Theft missions.

    Cold Blooded Super Master 30 [​IMG]
    Completed all Connors missions.

    Dash of Destruction
    190 van 200 [​IMG]
    11 van 12 prestaties

    Tricked Out 10 [​IMG]
    Tricked out your ride with fuzzy dice!

    Employee of the Month 15 [​IMG]
    Made 40 deliveries

    Speed of Light 20 [​IMG]
    Obtained Mike's Nitrous Kit for Speed Junkies

    Supercharged 25 [​IMG]
    Obtained Mike's Street-Pro Supercharger

    Speed of Sound 20 [​IMG]
    Obtained Mike's Nitrous Kit for Beginners

    A New Hope 20 [​IMG]
    Finally replaced those tiny, ineffectual arms

    Tough as Nails 15 [​IMG]
    Obtained Borland Bionics T-Rex All-Weather Body Armor

    Hungry Hungry Dino 15 [​IMG]
    Ate 40 trucks

    DestructoMatic Rex 10 [​IMG]
    Destroyed all buildings in a single campaign map

    Adrenaline Boost 15 [​IMG]
    Obtained Borland Bionics Professional Grade Leg Enhancement

    Mike's Protégé 25 [​IMG]
    Beat any level in a single player campaign

    Marble Blast Ultra
    5 van 250 [​IMG]
    1 van 15 prestaties

    Timely Marble 5 [​IMG]
    Finish any level under par time.

    FIFA 08
    105 van 1000 [​IMG]
    8 van 49 prestaties

    Dutch League 10 [​IMG]
    As the Lead Profile in a single player game win the Dutch Eredivisie in Manager Mode

    Zo, dat is nog eens een lange post :). Achievements van de afgelopen tijd, kan zijn dat ik sommige al eerder heb gepost. Bijna 5000 GS.
  2. Frangster

    Frangster Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Zojuist 200G behaald bij Dash of Destruction zoals zoveel andere mensen. Ik begrijp nu waarom deze game gratis was :+.
  3. Metal Mark

    Metal Mark VIP Dino XBW.nl VIP

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Same :cool:
  4. Davey666

    Davey666 Dislocated Boy

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Jup, hier ook :+
  5. Crazy Killa nl

    Crazy Killa nl Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Naruto The Broken Bond
    605 van 1000 [​IMG]
    28 van 46 prestaties

    Broken Bond: New Sasuke unlocked 35 [​IMG]
    Complete the fight against Sasuke.

    Nine tails: Fox Naruto unlocked 60 [​IMG]
    Transform into Fox Naruto

    Green beast: Rock Lee unlocked 20 [​IMG]
    Defeat Kimimaro as Rock Lee

    Red Sand: Gaara unlocked 20 [​IMG]
    Defeat Gaara

    Broken Bones: Kimimaro unlocked 20 [​IMG]
    Complete the Naruto vs. Kimimaro fight

    Special someone: Temari unlocked 20 [​IMG]
    Complete the fight against Tayuya

    Twisted music: Tayuya unlocked 20 [​IMG]
    Complete the fight against Sakon.

    Deadly web: Kidomaru unlocked 20 [​IMG]
    Defeat Kidomaru

    Rock and Roll: Jirobo unlocked 20 [​IMG]
    Complete the fight against Jirobo.

    Hell twins: Sakon unlocked 20 [​IMG]
    Defeat the Sound Four as Sasuke.

    Tsukuyomi: ANBU Itachi unlocked 30 [​IMG]
    Complete Sasuke's Labyrinth

    Academy Graduate 15 [​IMG]
    Reach the Graduate rank online

    Dash of Destruction
    200 van 200 [​IMG]
    12 van 12 prestaties

    Extinction Event 10 [​IMG]
    Won a local multiplayer game

    Tricked Out 10 [​IMG]
    Tricked out your ride with fuzzy dice!

    Employee of the Month 15 [​IMG]
    Made 40 deliveries

    Speed of Light 20 [​IMG]
    Obtained Mike's Nitrous Kit for Speed Junkies

    Supercharged 25 [​IMG]
    Obtained Mike's Street-Pro Supercharger

    Speed of Sound 20 [​IMG]
    Obtained Mike's Nitrous Kit for Beginners

    A New Hope 20 [​IMG]
    Finally replaced those tiny, ineffectual arms

    Tough as Nails 15 [​IMG]
    Obtained Borland Bionics T-Rex All-Weather Body Armor

    Hungry Hungry Dino 15 [​IMG]
    Ate 40 trucks

    DestructoMatic Rex 10 [​IMG]
    Destroyed all buildings in a single campaign map

    Adrenaline Boost 15 [​IMG]
    Obtained Borland Bionics Professional Grade Leg Enhancement

    Mike's Protégé 25 [​IMG]
    Beat any level in a single player campaign

    Best een leuk spelletje, maar zou er geen geld voor uitgeven...
    Laatst bewerkt: 17 dec 2008
  6. SjaccoPopino

    SjaccoPopino Stay Frosty

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Gratis? Waar? Hoe?
  7. Metal Mark

    Metal Mark VIP Dino XBW.nl VIP

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Ja! Marktplace! Downloaden!
  8. DulleNL

    DulleNL I'm a little teapot Magic Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Gratis? > Ja.
    Waar? > Op de Xbox Live Marketplace
    Hoe? > Door het te downloaden.
    Doe dat via je 360 of zet het nu alvast in de wachtrij. De download begint dan direct op je 360 zodra je em aanzet.

    Toen ik de achievements postte was ik tenminste nog origineel. :+
  9. SjaccoPopino

    SjaccoPopino Stay Frosty

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Nice! Thnx! Achievementhoer als ik ben sla ik natuurlijk gratis 200G niet af :+!
  10. Chorus

    Chorus youtube.com/CH0RUS

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Kun je ergens zien wat het % van je completed games?
  11. DulleNL

    DulleNL I'm a little teapot Magic Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Laatst bewerkt: 17 dec 2008
  12. SjaccoPopino

    SjaccoPopino Stay Frosty

    Leuk Bevonden:
    @ Chorus


    Hier die van ons twee compared

    En aanmelden bij www.360voice.com! Daar zijn ook paar links te vinden om je stats te bekijken (mits je dus lid bent)!
    Zoals deze link (nu dus voor mijn GT)
    Laatst bewerkt: 17 dec 2008
  13. Chorus

    Chorus youtube.com/CH0RUS

    Leuk Bevonden:
    17236 (91.58%)? Heb toch al een tijdje 23000+, maar moet Tomb Raider nog ff doen en nog wat losse andere.
  14. Bonbridge

    Bonbridge Hi!

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Dat komt omdat die games niet geupdate zijn. Als je die spellen weer in je xbox zou doen wordt hij geupdate. Waarschijnlijk heb je ze offline gespeeld. Die van mij is wel 100 up-to-date.

    Net ook dat gratis baggerspelletje vol :) 23/30 games heb ik 100% komende maanden probeer ik geen spellen te kopen en hier 28 van te maken. 2 zijn in principe onmogelijk
  15. Yellow 13

    Yellow 13 Well-Known Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Waarom zijn die twee onmogelijk?
  16. Burt Macklin

    Burt Macklin Formerly Known As

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Spider-Man™: FoF

    Nepal Complete.
    Defeated Mysterio. Found all collectibles and secrets.

    Transylvania Complete.
    Defeated Venom. Found all collectibles and secrets.

    All Tied Up.
    Fully upgrade Web Stun with all available Abilities and Mods.

  17. Modder-Eter

    Modder-Eter XBW.nl VIP XBW.nl VIP

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Prince of Persia
    260 van 1000 [​IMG]
    19 van 50 prestaties

    Sinking to New Depths! 10 [​IMG]
    Congratulations, you have found the lowest place in the world.

    Deflect Master 20 [​IMG]
    Congratulations, you have mastered the art of Deflecting.

    Royal Palace Runner 30 [​IMG]
    Congratulations, you have run The Royal Palace!

    Light Seeds Locator 10 [​IMG]
    Congratulations, you have collected 400 Light Seeds.

    Light Seeds Provider 10 [​IMG]
    Congratulations, you have collected 300 Light Seeds.

    Death of a Concubine 20 [​IMG]
    Congratulations, you have killed the Concubine.

    Improviser 10 [​IMG]
    Congratulations, you used the environment to your advantage.

    Light Seeds Collector 10 [​IMG]
    Congratulations, you have collected 200 Light Seeds.

    Block Master 20 [​IMG]
    Congratulations, you have mastered the art of Blocking.

    Light Seeds Finder 10 [​IMG]
    Congratulations, you have collected 100 Light Seeds.

    Good Company 10 [​IMG]
    Congratulations, you have an inquisitive mind.

    Getting to Know You 10 [​IMG]
    Congratulations, you are learning about Elika and her world.

    Heal the Land 30 [​IMG]
    Congratulations, the first part of the world is healed.

    Compass 10 [​IMG]
    Congratulations, Elika can now guide you.

    Wallrunner 10 [​IMG]
    Congratulations, you have learned the basic moves.

    Where's that Temple? 10 [​IMG]
    Congratulations, you have talked to Elika.

    Saved! 10 [​IMG]
    Congratulations, you have unlocked Elika's saving ability.

    Up against it 10 [​IMG]
    Congratulations, you have survived a close encounter.

    Into the Storm… 10 [​IMG]
    Congratulations, you have started the adventure!

    Dash of Destruction
    190 van 200 [​IMG]
    11 van 12 prestaties

    Tricked Out 10 [​IMG]
    Tricked out your ride with fuzzy dice!

    Employee of the Month 15 [​IMG]
    Made 40 deliveries

    Speed of Light 20 [​IMG]
    Obtained Mike's Nitrous Kit for Speed Junkies

    Supercharged 25 [​IMG]
    Obtained Mike's Street-Pro Supercharger

    Speed of Sound 20 [​IMG]
    Obtained Mike's Nitrous Kit for Beginners

    A New Hope 20 [​IMG]
    Finally replaced those tiny, ineffectual arms

    Tough as Nails 15 [​IMG]
    Obtained Borland Bionics T-Rex All-Weather Body Armor

    Hungry Hungry Dino 15 [​IMG]
    Ate 40 trucks

    Adrenaline Boost 15 [​IMG]
    Obtained Borland Bionics Professional Grade Leg Enhancement

    Mike's Protégé 25 [​IMG]
    Beat any level in a single player campaign

    DestructoMatic Rex 10 [​IMG]
    Destroyed all buildings in a single campaign map

    origineel is met 190/200 :cool:
    Dr is gewoon nietmand online in die game...
  18. [2k]

    [2k] XBW.nl VIP XBW.nl VIP

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Ik moet ook die online achievement nog. Kom ook niet in een match.
  19. VanDen

    VanDen Denvan

    Leuk Bevonden:
    die achieve is toch via Local-Multiplayer.. gewoon 2de controller aansluiten en potje winnen
  20. Zeepsop

    Zeepsop BRO BEANS

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Leuk, leuk spelletje :D

    Splinter Cell D.A.
    100 of 1000 [​IMG]
    4 of 38 Achievements

    Iceland Assignment Completed 30 [​IMG]
    In solo mode, completed the Iceland assignment

    Getting Technical 20 [​IMG]
    In solo mode, knocked out 5 enemies using non-lethal gadgets

    Teacher's Pet 40 [​IMG]
    In solo mode, successfully completed both training courses

    Training Completed 10 [​IMG]
    In solo mode, successfully completed a training course

    CoD: World at War
    25 of 1000 [​IMG]
    2 of 46 Achievements

    Throw a Six and a Half 15 [​IMG]
    You took it to the enemy and came out of the fray unscathed.

    Carlson's Raiders 10 [​IMG]
    Surprised the Japanese with a daring raid of the Makin Atoll.
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