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Show je Achievements [Deel 10]

Discussie in 'Algemeen' gestart door Rbz NL, 14 okt 2008.

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  1. [2k]

    [2k] XBW.nl VIP XBW.nl VIP

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Chill. Dat was hem dus.
  2. Modder-Eter

    Modder-Eter XBW.nl VIP XBW.nl VIP

    Leuk Bevonden:
    oooh, vandaar.

    Dash of Destruction
    200 van 200 [​IMG]
    12 van 12 prestaties

    Extinction Event 10 [​IMG]
    Won a local multiplayer game
  3. Crazy Killa nl

    Crazy Killa nl Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    staat toch onder de achievement als ik me niet vergis : Win a local multiplayer game :+
  4. VanDen

    VanDen Denvan

    Leuk Bevonden:
    niet precies

    als je de achievement nog niet hebt staat er "Win a multiplayer game"

    verwarrend O-)
  5. Lethal AK47

    Lethal AK47 Well-Known Member XBW.nl VIP

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Na de belachelijk makkelijke 200G van Dash of Destruction, moest en zou ik vandaag 25000G Gamerscore hebben. Dus ik zocht me de *biep* naar 10G en ja... gevonden bij Marble Blast Ultra:
    10G - Blue Gem Hunt
    Collect a blue gem in a Marble It Up! multiplayer match.

    Jeuh! \o/
  6. Crazy Killa nl

    Crazy Killa nl Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Das idd best debiel,
    ik had het eerlijk gezegd eerst ook geprobeerd online maar dacht dat het een glitch was ofzo... even later heb ik hem ff local gedaan met mijn broertje en toen had ik hem wel gelijk ;)
  7. HIM

    HIM Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    paar newe! nu op naar de 10k vandaag 9k gehaald :thumbs:

    NFS Undercover
    535 of 1000 [​IMG]
    34 of 50 Achievements

    Hired Goons 20 [​IMG]
    Takeout all the 'Goons' in Career

    2 Birds, 1 Stone 25 [​IMG]
    Complete the mission 'Double Trouble'

    Nickel and Dimes 25 [​IMG]
    Complete the Nickel sequence in mission 'Payback'

    Pine Creek & Douglas 15 [​IMG]
    Dominate the Pine Creek & Douglas event

    Window Shopper 20 [​IMG]
    Discovered all 3 Pro Shops in Career

    Bay Drive & Harbor 15 [​IMG]
    Dominate the Bay Drive & Harbor event

    Meet Rose 10 [​IMG]
    Face off against Rose in 'Rollercoaster'

    Unstoppable Force 10 [​IMG]
    Avoid 50 Road Blocks in Career

    Wasting Tax Dollars 20 [​IMG]
    Get $100,000 Cost to State in a single pursuit and evade

    en die van Dash of Destruction maar die zijn niet meer orgineel :thumbs:
    Laatst bewerkt: 18 dec 2008
  8. Xenn0X

    Xenn0X Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Quantum of Solace
    105 van 1000 [​IMG]
    7 van 50 prestaties

    The Living Daylights 15 [​IMG]
    Complete Shanty Town and Construction Site.

    From Russia With Love 15 [​IMG]
    Complete Siena, Opera House, and Sink Hole.

    The Man with the Golden Gun 20 [​IMG]
    Defeat 50 enemies with one shot each.

    We have people everywhere 15 [​IMG]
    In Siena, shoot all seven satellite dishes on the rooftops.

    The Bourne Conspiracy
    15 van 1000 [​IMG]
    1 van 49 prestaties

    Dangerous Beginning 15 [​IMG]
    Completed Dangerous Beginning

    Dash of Destruction
    180 van 200 [​IMG]
    10 van 12 prestaties

    Employee of the Month 15 [​IMG]
    Made 40 deliveries

    Speed of Light 20 [​IMG]
    Obtained Mike's Nitrous Kit for Speed Junkies

    Supercharged 25 [​IMG]
    Obtained Mike's Street-Pro Supercharger

    Speed of Sound 20 [​IMG]
    Obtained Mike's Nitrous Kit for Beginners

    A New Hope 20 [​IMG]
    Finally replaced those tiny, ineffectual arms

    Tough as Nails 15 [​IMG]
    Obtained Borland Bionics T-Rex All-Weather Body Armor

    Hungry Hungry Dino 15 [​IMG]
    Ate 40 trucks

    Adrenaline Boost 15 [​IMG]
    Obtained Borland Bionics Professional Grade Leg Enhancement

    Mike's Protégé 25 [​IMG]
    Beat any level in a single player campaign

    DestructoMatic Rex 10 [​IMG]
    Destroyed all buildings in a single campaign map
  9. SHiZ NL

    SHiZ NL Active Assassin

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Na een lange tijd weer eens opgepakt! Wat blijft dit toch een vette racer jiiiii!

    Burnout Paradise
    495 van 1050 [​IMG]
    26 van 52 prestaties

    Party Crasher 15 [​IMG]
    Completed 25 online Challenges

    Join the Party 10 [​IMG]
    Completed 1 online Challenge

    Just for Pics 10 [​IMG]
    Made Your First online Rival

    Criterion Fever 20 [​IMG]
    Caught Criterion Fever
  10. HIM

    HIM Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    2newe erbij :D

    NFS Undercover
    650 of 1000 [​IMG]
    36 of 50 Achievements

    Most Wanted 100 [​IMG]
    Successfully complete 50 Pursuits

    Love thy Tires 15 [​IMG]
    Avoid 12 Spike Strips total in Career pursuits
  11. Frangster

    Frangster Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Gisteren Doom maar weer eens opgepakt aangezien de laatst behaalde achievement van mij voor deze game alweer uit 2006 stamde.

    Find all items in level

    Find a secret area of a map

    Kill all monsters in level on 'Hurt Me Plenty' or higher

    Win a Nightmare level in single player

    Complete Episode 1 on 'Hurt Me Plenty' or higher
  12. Basserr

    Basserr You're Breakfast!

    Leuk Bevonden:
    toch maar een x gehaald na zon 200 potjes online, telkens vergeten uit die damned chopper te hoppen :p

    BF: Bad Company

    Darwin's Parachute 10 [​IMG]
    There is no parachute, right?
  13. Cookie

    Cookie #TaylorSwift XBW.nl VIP

    Leuk Bevonden:
    11de arcade op 200/200 :)

    A Kingdom for Keflings
    200 van 200 [​IMG]
    12 van 12 prestaties

    Friend 10 [​IMG]
    Collected 10 unique player banners from other giants during Xbox LIVE play

    World Traveler 10 [​IMG]
    Played in an online game where 20 different player banners appear
  14. Rbz NL

    Rbz NL Xbox Juan XBW.nl VIP

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Fallout 3
    210 van 1000 [​IMG]
    12 van 50 prestaties

    Big Trouble in Big Town 20 [​IMG]
    Completed "Big Trouble in Big Town"

    Protector 10 [​IMG]
    Reached Level 8 with Good Karma

    Tranquility Lane 20 [​IMG]
    Completed "Tranquility Lane"

    Scientific Pursuits 20 [​IMG]
    Completed "Scientific Pursuits"

    Nog steeds een prachtige game. Al was die quest met Big Town niet zo heel bijzonder. Ik ben nu level 9 :p
  15. Cookie

    Cookie #TaylorSwift XBW.nl VIP

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Ik vind Fallout 3 toch wel één van de spellen met de tofste achievement plaatjes en er is ook best wat moeite voor gedaan :)
  16. Rbz NL

    Rbz NL Xbox Juan XBW.nl VIP

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Ja dat is zeker waar :p Alleen dat Vault Tec poppeke is niet van Bethesda maar zat al in Fallout 1 geloof ik. Welke ik echt mooi vind is dat plaatje van de perk Bloody Mess. Daar zie je zo'n blije bobblehead die iemand helemaal uit elkaar laat spatten. LOL
  17. Crazy Killa nl

    Crazy Killa nl Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Naruto The Broken Bond
    720 van 1000 [​IMG]
    33 van 46 prestaties

    My taijutsu coach 20 [​IMG]
    Learn all of the combos in the Dojo.

    Naruto Raving Ninja 25 [​IMG]
    Win all of the gold medals in the Tanzaku festival games.

    Top dog 20 [​IMG]
    Complete all races with Kiba.

    Gold collector 35 [​IMG]
    Collect 50% of the gold coins

    Genin 15 [​IMG]
    Reach the Genin rank online

    Ben van plan de 1000 te halen met Naruto, ga alleen niet de Jonin achievement doen.
    Die is toch 0G waard en meer een showachievement.
  18. Lenny-t

    Lenny-t Melted Forest XBW.nl VIP

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Zal ook even orgineel doen:

    Dash of Destruction
    200 of 200 [​IMG]
    12 of 12 Achievements

    Extinction Event 10 [​IMG]
    Won a local multiplayer game

    Tricked Out 10 [​IMG]
    Tricked out your ride with fuzzy dice!

    Employee of the Month 15 [​IMG]
    Made 40 deliveries

    Speed of Light 20 [​IMG]
    Obtained Mike's Nitrous Kit for Speed Junkies

    Supercharged 25 [​IMG]
    Obtained Mike's Street-Pro Supercharger

    Speed of Sound 20 [​IMG]
    Obtained Mike's Nitrous Kit for Beginners

    A New Hope 20 [​IMG]
    Finally replaced those tiny, ineffectual arms

    Hungry Hungry Dino 15 [​IMG]
    Ate 40 trucks

    Tough as Nails 15 [​IMG]
    Obtained Borland Bionics T-Rex All-Weather Body Armor

    Adrenaline Boost 15 [​IMG]
    Obtained Borland Bionics Professional Grade Leg Enhancement

    Mike's Protégé 25 [​IMG]
    Beat any level in a single player campaign

    DestructoMatic Rex 10 [​IMG]
    Destroyed all buildings in a single campaign map
  19. Davey666

    Davey666 Dislocated Boy

    Leuk Bevonden:
    NBA STREET Homecourt
    840 van 1000 [​IMG]
    13 van 16 prestaties

    Ultimate Journey 150 [​IMG]
    Finish Homecourt Journey

    Cloverdale Champ 100 [​IMG]
    Win The Cloverdale Tournament

    Rupert Bell Champ 70 [​IMG]
    Win The Rupert Bell Tourney

    Kung Fu Panda
    110 van 1000 [​IMG]
    5 van 39 prestaties

    Fearless 20 [​IMG]
    Made it through an entire level without blocking an attack.

    Awesomely Awesome 30 [​IMG]
    Defeated 250 Enemies.

    Kung Fu Warrior 20 [​IMG]
    Obtained a Hit Chain of 15 or higher using any combination of attacks.

    Strongest Warrior 20 [​IMG]
    Obtained a Hit Chain of 5 or higher using only Strong Attacks.

    Fastest Warrior 20 [​IMG]
    Obtained a Hit Chain of 10 or higher using only Fast Attacks.
    Laatst bewerkt: 18 dec 2008
  20. Timnation

    Timnation Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    M'n eerste 2 dagen met m'n 360:

    Forza Motorsport 2
    50 van 1000 [​IMG]
    6 van 44 prestaties

    All Gold (Proving Grounds) 15 [​IMG]
    Achieve a gold medal in every Career event of the Proving Grounds Race Type.

    Blowout 5 [​IMG]
    Awarded to the driver who wins the race, beating the rest of the field by a full race section.

    Level 10 15 [​IMG]
    Reach Level 10 in Career mode.

    Flawless Race 5 [​IMG]
    Awarded to the driver(s) who finish the race with no time penalty against an opponent.

    Level 1 5 [​IMG]
    Reach Level 1 in Career mode.

    Flawless Lap 5 [​IMG]
    Awarded to the driver(s) who finish a lap with no time penalty against an opponent.

    FIFA 09
    115 van 1000 [​IMG]
    11 van 48 prestaties

    Sparkly clean 10 [​IMG]
    Keep a clean sheet

    Wing play 10 [​IMG]
    Score from a cross

    The Parolin Manoeuvre 10 [​IMG]
    Win a game whilst not signed in to Xbox LIVE

    On the spot 5 [​IMG]
    Score from a penalty in a match

    The ol' switcheroo 5 [​IMG]
    Successfully perfom a pass that switches the play from one flank to the other

    A.Bell Fever 20 [​IMG]
    Catch the A.Bell Fever by beating the creator or someone who has already has the fever

    Screamer! 10 [​IMG]
    Score from over 30 yards out in a match

    Eat my chip 10 [​IMG]
    Score by chipping the keeper in a match

    Good head on your shoulders 10 [​IMG]
    Score with a header in a match

    In off 20 [​IMG]
    Score off the woodwork in a match

    Gimme five 5 [​IMG]
    Score five goals in the arena

    Midnight Club: LA
    30 van 1000 [​IMG]
    2 van 45 prestaties

    Streaker 20 [​IMG]
    Win 5 races in a row offline.

    The Basics 10 [​IMG]
    Complete one of the missions you receive in the mission log.

    Kung Fu Panda
    50 van 1000 [​IMG]
    2 van 39 prestaties

    Awesomely Awesome 30 [​IMG]
    Defeated 250 Enemies.

    Fearless 20 [​IMG]
    Made it through an entire level without blocking an attack.

    Veel verschillende games, maar ik houd er niet van steeds maar dezelfde te doen :p
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