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Show je Achievements [Deel 14]

Discussie in 'Algemeen' gestart door SHiZ NL, 20 jul 2009.

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  1. Bassie

    Bassie No lollygaggin'

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Yeperoonie!! Nieuwe DMC4 achievements. ^^

    Devil May Cry 4
    600 van 1000 [​IMG]
    34 van 46 prestaties (73%)

    Item Collector
    Acquire a maximum number of all items.
    50 [​IMG] (14-8-2009)

    Speak of the Devil
    Clear the game with Super Nero (Dante).
    20 [​IMG] (14-8-2009)

    Step into the Light
    Clear all missions in Heaven or Hell Mode.
    10 [​IMG] (14-8-2009)

    The Seventh Circle
    Clear stage 70 of Bloody Palace Mode.
    10 [​IMG] (14-8-2009)

    All Bow Before You
    Clear all missions in Dante Must Die Mode.
    40 [​IMG] (14-8-2009)

    Red Orb Millionaire
    Acquire 1,000,000 Red Orbs.
    40 [​IMG] (14-8-2009)

    Good days, bad days and... VIKINGS!!!!

    655 van 1000 [​IMG]
    36 van 50 prestaties (72%)

    Isaholm Supplies Freed
    Isaholm farm, still, lumber mill, and quarry freed from the Legion
    20 [​IMG] (14-8-2009)

    Viking Blademaster
    Unlocked all advanced combat moves
    18 [​IMG] (14-8-2009)

    Die onderste ben ik erg blij mee. Eindelijk niet meer zo'n debiele GS. :+ Maanden wakker van gelegen.

    535 van 1000 [​IMG]
    21 van 40 prestaties (52%)

    Awarded 30 Technique medals
    30 [​IMG] (13-8-2009)

    Ham Star
    Awarded 30 Performance medals
    30 [​IMG] (13-8-2009)

    LIPS ROCKS! Echt een heel tof spel. :9 What is love?
  2. NLegendkiller

    NLegendkiller Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Er zaten wat races in waar ik nogal moeite mee had, maar als je eenmaal doorzet en een betere auto hebt is dit ook wel te doen. Vooral tijdrovend, maar erg vervelend vond ik dat niet, game heeft een lekkere soundtrack en ik hou altijd wel van de Need for Speed spelletjes.
  3. Steel Dogg

    Steel Dogg Registered User

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Call of Duty: WaW
    1450 van 1500 [​IMG]
    63 van 66 prestaties (95%)

    Frequent Flyer!
    We thank you for choosing us as your preferred method of escape!
    25 [​IMG] (15-8-2009)

    40 Knives!
    THIS is a Knife!
    25 [​IMG] (15-8-2009)

    Marble Blast Ultra
    170 van 250 [​IMG]
    12 van 15 prestaties (80%)

    Adept's Badge
    Complete all Advanced Levels.
    25 [​IMG] (15-8-2009)

    Master of the Spires
    Collect 50 gems in Spires (Agoraphobia pack).
    20 [​IMG] (13-8-2009)
  4. FR-thaan

    FR-thaan Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
  5. Yellow 13

    Yellow 13 Well-Known Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    @ Pepzi en NLegend: Feli beide, goed gedaan.
  6. NLegendkiller

    NLegendkiller Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Ik vond het niet echt netjes om te doen, dus besloot serieus te beginnen. Kwam echter in een potje terecht met nog een paar spelers die allemaal niet aanwezig waren, dus zo kon ik makkelijk de winst halen, en uiteindelijk ben ik ook niets meer gaan doen om zo tot de 119 races te komen (die er uiteindelijk 146 bleken te zijn alvorens ik de achievement kreeg, maar dat schijnt een veel gehoord probleem te zijn).

    @ Yellow 13 - Bedankt!
  7. Syn3rgy

    Syn3rgy Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    302 of 1000 [​IMG]
    16 of 50 Achievements (32%)

    Savior of Niflberg Normal
    Liberated Niflberg on normal difficulty level
    25 [​IMG] (8/15/2009)

    Hero Of Darkwater
    Achieved victory at the battle for Darkwater
    10 [​IMG] (8/15/2009)

    Demon Eviscerator
    Performed 100 fatalities
    20 [​IMG] (8/15/2009)

    Dragon Summoner
    Summoned the dragon-guardian of Niflberg
    15 [​IMG] (8/15/2009)

    Secretive Rogue
    Sneaked into the infested settlement of Darkwater
    20 [​IMG] (8/15/2009)

    Op naar de volgende eilanden :)
  8. White Muscle

    White Muscle Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Trials HD
    160 van 200 [​IMG]
    11 van 12 prestaties (91%)

    Demon on Wheels
    The Player has completed all Extreme tracks.
    30 [​IMG] (15-8-2009)

    Eindelijk na een "paar" keer proberen gehaald\o/
  9. Shin David

    Shin David Ajax Amsterdam

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Bully Scholarship Ed.
    130 van 1000 [​IMG]
    6 van 38 prestaties (15%)

    Complete 9 Classes
    30 [​IMG] (15-8-2009)

    Complete All 4 of the Carnival Games once
    20 [​IMG] (15-8-2009)

    Spend 5 hours out after curfew
    20 [​IMG] (15-8-2009)

    Complete Chapter 1
    20 [​IMG] (15-8-2009)

    Complete 6 Classes
    20 [​IMG] (15-8-2009)

    Complete 3 Classes
    20 [​IMG] (15-8-2009)

    Wat een originele game. Echt geweldig dat sfeertje. Maar ik verwachtte ook niets anders van Rockstar natuurlijk.
  10. FR-thaan

    FR-thaan Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Ja ik begon ook wel serieus, maar na een dertigtal potjes begint het toch echt te vervelen, zeker als tegenstanders er ook niet zijn. En die Bug is idd bekent, bij mij unlockte die volgens mij ook pas na 130 ofzo..
  11. Modder-Eter

    Modder-Eter XBW.nl VIP XBW.nl VIP

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Idd. Ik durf zelfs te zeggen dat ik snel nog liever zo'n game van ze zie dan een nieuwe GTA. Helaas is er als je 1000/1000 hebt nog maar weinig te doen in de game. :mad:

    Weer een stapje in de goede richting (zit momenteel pas op 60 uur):

    Star Ocean: TLH
    260 van 1000 [​IMG]
    12 van 50 prestaties (24%)

    Colosseum Charter
    Broke into the top 30 in solo or team battle rankings.
    10 [​IMG] (16-8-2009)

    De game gaat me nog wel minimaal 600 uur duren voordat ik ook maar iets in de buurt van de 1000/1000 kom.
  12. Alizor

    Alizor Murdaturk

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Spidey: Web of Shadows
    655 van 1000 [​IMG]
    32 van 45 prestaties (71%)

    Complete Web of Shadows
    Game Completed
    75 [​IMG] (13-8-2009)

    Black Cat and Spider-Man
    Black Cat Conclusion achieved
    20 [​IMG] (13-8-2009)

    Defeat Symbiote Vulture
    Symbiote Vulture Defeated
    20 [​IMG] (13-8-2009)

    Defeat Symbiote Black Cat
    Symbiote Black Cat defeated
    20 [​IMG] (13-8-2009)

    20 Enemies Web-Strike Bounced in succession
    25 [​IMG] (13-8-2009)

    Defeat Symbiote Wolverine
    Symbiote Wolverine Defeated
    20 [​IMG] (13-8-2009)
  13. Chorus

    Chorus youtube.com/CH0RUS

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Aegis Wing
    200 van 200 [​IMG]
    12 van 12 prestaties (100%)

    Destroy all enemies in a level.
    15 [​IMG] (16-8-2009)

    Complete the game on Insane.
    50 [​IMG] (16-8-2009)

    Earn 185,000 points.
    20 [​IMG] (16-8-2009)

    Complete a level without dying or losing any allies.
    15 [​IMG] (16-8-2009)

    Complete a level without taking damage.
    15 [​IMG] (16-8-2009)

    200 van 200 [​IMG]
    12 van 12 prestaties (100%)

    Lord of the Deep
    Get 10,000 kills. Unlocks a Gamer Picture!
    35 [​IMG] (15-8-2009)

    Complete each chapter on Ultra
    30 [​IMG] (13-8-2009)
  14. Demeandor

    Demeandor Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Ik zal jullie maar niet meteen vervelen met ál m'n achievements, dus ik die alleen die van de afgelopen dagen ;)

    The Orange Box (TF2)
    238 van 1000 [​IMG]
    25 van 99 prestaties (25%)

    Impenetrable Defense
    Successfully defend Dustbowl without giving up a capture.
    10 [​IMG] (13-8-2009)

    Relentless Offense
    Win Hydro without giving up a capture.
    20 [​IMG] (15-8-2009)

    Hard to Kill
    Get five kills in a row without dying.
    10 [​IMG] (15-8-2009)

    Set five enemies on fire in 30 seconds.
    5 [​IMG] (15-8-2009)

    Impossible Defense
    Successfully defend Gravel Pit without giving up a capture.
    30 [​IMG] (15-8-2009)

    Powerhouse Offense
    Win 2Fort with a shutout.
    5 [​IMG] (15-8-2009)

    Splosion Man
    40 van 200 [​IMG]
    4 van 12 prestaties (33%)

    Get Them Out of Our Schools
    Eliminate 10 Scientists and stop them from spreading their filthy lies.
    10 [​IMG] (15-8-2009)

    Only Gandhi Would Be Proud
    Complete a level without killing any Scientists.
    10 [​IMG] (15-8-2009)

    Master of Controls
    Change the controls around in the "Controls" menu.
    10 [​IMG] (15-8-2009)

    Lay Off the Caffeine
    Splode 300 times in a single level.
    10 [​IMG] (15-8-2009)

    Fable II
    465 van 1350 [​IMG]
    29 van 66 prestaties (43%)

    The Archmage
    Five human enemies were killed with one magnificent spell.
    10 [​IMG] (16-8-2009)
  15. Modder-Eter

    Modder-Eter XBW.nl VIP XBW.nl VIP

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Dat is ook de bedoeling. ;)
  16. PePzi NL

    PePzi NL Ōkami! XBW.nl VIP

    Leuk Bevonden:
    1000 van 1000 [​IMG]
    31 van 31 prestaties (100%)

    Every upgrade collected.
    Collect every upgrade in the game.
    40 [​IMG] (16-8-2009)

    Professional Prospector
    Mine every gold ingot in the West.
    40 [​IMG] (16-8-2009)

    Every weapon collected.
    Collect every weapon in the game.
    40 [​IMG] (16-8-2009)

    The Greatest Hunter
    Find and complete all of the Hunting side missions.
    40 [​IMG] (16-8-2009)

    Bounty Hunter
    Find and complete all of the Bounty Hunter side missions.
    40 [​IMG] (16-8-2009)

    Professional Postman
    Find and complete all of the Pony Express side missions.
    40 [​IMG] (16-8-2009)

    The Unrivaled Horseman
    Find and complete all of the Horse Challenges.
    40 [​IMG] (16-8-2009)

    Normal Difficulty Complete
    Complete the game on the Normal difficulty.
    30 [​IMG] (16-8-2009)

    Hard Difficulty Complete
    Complete the game on the Hard difficulty.
    70 [​IMG] (16-8-2009)

    Insane Difficulty Complete
    Complete the game on the Insane difficulty.
    130 [​IMG] (16-8-2009)

    Easy Difficulty Complete
    Complete the game on the Easy difficulty.
    10 [​IMG] (16-8-2009)

    Magruder's Mine Complete
    Progress through the 'Magruder's Mine' level on any difficulty.
    70 [​IMG] (16-8-2009)

    Escape the Ambush Complete
    Progress through the 'Escape the Ambush' level on any difficulty.
    50 [​IMG] (16-8-2009)

    Across The Badlands Complete
    Progress through the 'Across The Badlands' level on any difficulty.
    25 [​IMG] (16-8-2009)

    Card Shark
    Win the Texas Holdem Tournament side mission.
    40 [​IMG] (16-8-2009)

    Keeper of the Peace
    Find and complete the 'Keep the Peace' side mission.
    40 [​IMG] (16-8-2009)

    Battle at the Steamboat Complete
    Progress through the 'Battle at the Steamboat' level on any difficulty.
    20 [​IMG] (16-8-2009)

    Attack the Fort Complete
    Progress through the 'Attack the Fort' level on any difficulty.
    20 [​IMG] (15-8-2009)

    Hollister's Fort Complete
    Progress through the 'Hollister's Fort' level on any difficulty.
    20 [​IMG] (15-8-2009)

    Save Soapy Complete
    Progress through the 'Save Soapy' level on any difficulty.
    20 [​IMG] (15-8-2009)

    Take Down Hoodoo Complete
    Progress through the 'Take Down Hoodoo' level on any difficulty.
    20 [​IMG] (15-8-2009)

    Defend the Hideout Complete
    Progress through the 'Defend the Hideout' level on any difficulty.
    20 [​IMG] (15-8-2009)

    Ambush the Train Complete
    Progress through the 'Ambush the Train' level on any difficulty.
    20 [​IMG] (15-8-2009)

    Escape From Jail Complete
    Progress through the 'Escape From Jail' level on any difficulty.
    15 [​IMG] (14-8-2009)

    Law and Order Complete
    Progress through the 'Law and Order' level on any difficulty.
    20 [​IMG] (14-8-2009)

    Stage Coach Complete
    Progress through the 'Stage Coach' level on any difficulty.
    20 [​IMG] (14-8-2009)

    Quick Killer Complete
    Progress through the 'Quick Killer' level on any difficulty.
    15 [​IMG] (14-8-2009)

    The Red Hand Gang Complete
    Progress through the 'The Red Hand Gang' level on any difficulty.
    20 [​IMG] (14-8-2009)

    Honest Tom Complete
    Progress through the 'Honest Tom' level on any difficulty.
    5 [​IMG] (14-8-2009)

    Steamboat Massacre Complete
    Progress through the 'Steamboat Massacre' level on any difficulty.
    15 [​IMG] (14-8-2009)

    The Hunt Complete
    Progress through 'The Hunt' level on any difficulty.
    5 [​IMG] (14-8-2009)

    Whuppa, nummer 20 \o/
  17. Demeandor

    Demeandor Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Ik had al zo'n vermoeden :D Om het maar geen spam te laten zijn, een achievement die ik zojuist heb gehaald:

    The Orange Box (TF2)
    243 van 1000 [​IMG]
    26 van 99 prestaties (26%)

    World Traveler
    Play a complete game on every map.
    5 [​IMG] (13-8-2009)
  18. arma22

    arma22 Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Gears of War 2
    510 van 1750 [​IMG]
    38 van 79 prestaties (48%)

    Frigid Body Dynamics
    Played in the snow on all of the Snowblind Map Pack maps
    5 [​IMG] (15-8-2009)

    Call of Duty: WaW
    310 van 1500 [​IMG]
    18 van 66 prestaties (27%)

    Bloody Peleliu
    Completed 'Little Resistance' on Veteran difficulty.
    30 [​IMG] (16-8-2009)

    Weapon of Mass Destruction
    You called in a naval bombardment that took out at least 4 Japanese soldiers.
    15 [​IMG] (16-8-2009)

    Get Your Hands Dirty
    Completed 'Semper Fi' on Veteran difficulty.
    30 [​IMG] (15-8-2009)

    You were crazy enough to try it - completed a mission without firing a single shot.
    15 [​IMG] (15-8-2009)

    The Godfather™ II
    530 van 1000 [​IMG]
    32 van 41 prestaties (78%)

    Modified Firepower
    Find a level 3 firearm upgrade.
    20 [​IMG] (16-8-2009)

    Control all extortable businesses.
    25 [​IMG] (16-8-2009)

    CIA? DOA
    Kill Henry Mitchell.
    25 [​IMG] (16-8-2009)

    This Thing Of Ours
    Recruit a full family tree.
    25 [​IMG] (15-8-2009)

    Call of Duty: WaW maar eindelijk op veteran begonnen en bij the Godfather 2 weer een stukje verder.
    The Godfather 2 zal ik wel op 100% halen maar zal wel even duren omdat ik die telkens tussendoor doe.
  19. DulleNL

    DulleNL I'm a little teapot Magic Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    UEFA EURO 2008™
    200 van 1000 [​IMG]
    12 van 48 prestaties (25%)

    Beat a champion
    Beat any previous winner of Euro on Pro level or above (solo only)
    10 [​IMG] (16-8-2009)

    Retain the Golden Boot
    Win the Golden Boot as 2004 winner Milan Baros in Captain Your Country (solo only)
    45 [​IMG] (16-8-2009)

    Penalty taker
    Score from a penalty in Captain Your Country (solo only)
    15 [​IMG] (16-8-2009)

    Lead from the front
    Qualify for UEFA EURO 2008™ in Captain Your Country as an Attacker (solo only)
    25 [​IMG] (16-8-2009)

    First ever win
    Win a qualifying match with San Marino on Pro level or above (solo only)
    10 [​IMG] (15-8-2009)

    Lead from the middle
    Qualify for UEFA EURO 2008™ in Captain Your Country as a Midfielder (solo only)
    25 [​IMG] (15-8-2009)

    Break the hoodoo
    Win a penalty shootout with England (Any Difficulty/solo only)
    10 [​IMG] (14-8-2009)

    Pass Master
    Get a Pass Completion% of at least 90% in a Captain Your Country Match (solo only)
    10 [​IMG] (14-8-2009)

    Captain Your Country
    Earn the captaincy in a full international in Captain Your Country mode (solo only)
    10 [​IMG] (14-8-2009)

    Man of the Match
    Get Man of the Match in Captain Your Country (solo only)
    10 [​IMG] (14-8-2009)

    Trials HD
    80 van 200 [​IMG]
    7 van 12 prestaties (58%)

    Trials Master
    The player has unlocked every track in the game.
    15 [​IMG] (16-8-2009)

    The player has completed Groundhog Returns faultlessly without changing the rider's posture.
    15 [​IMG] (16-8-2009)

    Om tot rust te komen na de frustraties van Trials HD:

    A Kingdom for Keflings
    20 van 200 [​IMG]
    3 van 12 prestaties (25%)

    Think Big
    Built a building made of more than 8 pieces (Single Player)
    10 [​IMG] (16-8-2009)

    If I Had a Hammer
    Built a lumbermill (Single Player)
    5 [​IMG] (16-8-2009)

    Siegfried (or Roy)
    Trained a Kefling (Single Player)
    5 [​IMG] (16-8-2009)
  20. xbwdx

    xbwdx FeanFan

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Eindelijk begonnen met See the Future. Best leuk, maar een beetje kort.

    Fable II
    1190 van 1350 [​IMG]
    58 van 66 prestaties (87%)

    The Paramour
    Being a Hero isn't just about quests, it's about spreading the love. A lot of love.
    10 [​IMG] (16-8-2009)

    The Visionary
    You have seen what is to come. But will you be ready for the future when it arrives?
    50 [​IMG] (16-8-2009)

    The Howler
    A balverine Hero scared five innocent bystanders. How were they to know it was just a costume?
    10 [​IMG] (16-8-2009)

    The Repugnant
    You, or a friend, brought a wave of nausea to five poor people. It was probably fake rotting flesh.
    10 [​IMG] (16-8-2009)

    The Ghastly Jester
    Nothing makes people laugh more than hobbes dressed as heroes. Except Heroes dressed as hobbes.
    10 [​IMG] (16-8-2009)

    The Nutcracker
    Heroes are the harbingers of injuries both painful and comedic. Which explains the 25 groin shots.
    10 [​IMG] (16-8-2009)
    Laatst bewerkt: 17 aug 2009
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