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Show je Achievements [Deel 14]

Discussie in 'Algemeen' gestart door SHiZ NL, 20 jul 2009.

Niet open voor verdere reacties.
  1. Heilproeme

    Heilproeme Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Wat houdt die Tourney achievement dan in?

    Moet eggen dat de achievements best rap gaan in dit spel:+
  2. Zeepsop

    Zeepsop BRO BEANS

    Leuk Bevonden:
    55 van 1250 [​IMG]
    10 van 70 prestaties (14%)

    Mastered Unrivaled Soaring
    Successfully mastered the Unrivaled Soaring technique.
    5 [​IMG] (18-9-2009)

    Mastered Counter Attack
    Successfully mastered the Counter Attack technique.
    5 [​IMG] (18-9-2009)

    Finished Chapter 1
    Finished Chapter 1, "Sky City Tokyo."
    10 [​IMG] (18-9-2009)

    Mastered Furious Wind
    Successfully mastered the Furious Wind technique.
    5 [​IMG] (18-9-2009)

    Mastered Shadowless Footsteps
    Successfully mastered the Shadowless Footsteps technique.
    5 [​IMG] (18-9-2009)

    Mastered Flying Swallow
    Successfully mastered the Flying Swallow technique.
    5 [​IMG] (18-9-2009)

    Mastered Flying Bird Flip
    Successfully mastered the Flying Bird Flip technique.
    5 [​IMG] (18-9-2009)

    Mastered Obliteration Technique
    Successfully mastered the Obliteration Technique.
    5 [​IMG] (18-9-2009)

    The Art of the Inferno
    Successfully mastered the Art of the Inferno Ninpo.
    5 [​IMG] (18-9-2009)

    Mastered Reverse Wind
    Successfully mastered the Reverse Wind technique.
    5 [​IMG] (18-9-2009)

    Zieke game :cool:
  3. VanDen

    VanDen Denvan

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Dat je een doelstelling voltooid binnen bepaalde tijd. Je kan dat bij je News zien welke dat zijn.
    Die van nu is een week, dus die andere ook denk ik. Zit zelf daarom op 2/4.

    En je moet ingelogt zijn op xbox live op dat moment. Anders kan het niet.
  4. Godfrey

    Godfrey BeCoMe a LeGenD

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Hardened War Hero 100[​IMG]
    Completed the game on Hardened or Veteran difficulty and won on all fronts.

    Call of Duty World at War: 805/1000

    Silver Champion 60[​IMG]

    PGR 3: 440/1000
  5. XxTopgear360

    XxTopgear360 Hasta la Vista

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Halo 3: ODST

    Aangezien het nog niet op xbox.com staat doe ik het maar ff zo

    Tayari Plaza
    Date Earned: Saturday, September 19, 2009
    Completed Tayari Plaza and unlocked the Buck character in Firefight.

    Boom, Headshot
    Date Earned: Saturday, September 19, 2009
    Got 10 automag headshot kills in any level.

    Junior Detective
    Date Earned: Saturday, September 19, 2009
    Found the first clue unraveling the mystery.

    Date Earned: Saturday, September 19, 2009
    Accessed and downloaded the city map to your VISR.

    Dark Times
    Date Earned: Saturday, September 19, 2009
    Killed 5 enemies while using VISR mode.

    Heal Up
    Date Earned: Saturday, September 19, 2009
    Found the first Medical Kiosk and healed yourself.
  6. Burt Macklin

    Burt Macklin Formerly Known As

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Guitar Hero 5
    340 van 1000 [​IMG]
    25 van 49 prestaties (51%)

    Ménage à Huit
    Played 1v1v1v1v1v1v1v1 on the same instrument
    20 [​IMG] (19-9-2009)

    Battled as a traditional band
    20 [​IMG] (19-9-2009)

    Play It To The Bone
    Played an hour long set
    20 [​IMG] (19-9-2009)
  7. Rbz NL

    Rbz NL Xbox Juan XBW.nl VIP

    Leuk Bevonden:
    The Beatles: Rock Band
    615 van 1000 [​IMG]
    33 van 50 prestaties (66%)

    Teachers Who Taught Me WERE Cool
    Complete all the Beatle Beats.
    15 [​IMG] (20-9-2009)

    And the Band Begins to Play
    Earn Expert gold stars on the 4 songs displayed on the Achievements screen.
    35 [​IMG] (18-9-2009)

    Oh Yeah, All Right!
    Hit 100% of the notes in the solo of The End on Hard or Expert Guitar.
    30 [​IMG] (16-9-2009)

    Goo Goo G'joob
    Get a 550-note streak playing I Am The Walrus on Drums.
    25 [​IMG] (16-9-2009)

    Are You Gonna Be in My Dreams?
    Hit 100% of the notes in the solo of The End on Expert Drums.
    35 [​IMG] (15-9-2009)

    What I Got I'll Give to You
    Hit 100% of the notes in the solo of Can't Buy Me Love on Hard or Expert Guitar.
    30 [​IMG] (14-9-2009)

    Better Free Your Mind Instead
    Earn Expert gold stars on the 4 songs displayed on the Achievements screen.
    35 [​IMG] (14-9-2009)

    Like a Million Suns
    Score 1,000,000 points in a single song.
    20 [​IMG] (12-9-2009)

    In Seconds Flat
    Maintain Beatlemania for 60 seconds.
    15 [​IMG] (12-9-2009)

    All Together Now
    Get a Guitar, Bass and Drum unison bonus on the songs listed on the Achievements screen.
    15 [​IMG] (12-9-2009)

    Eight Days A Week
    Get an 8x Band Multiplier.
    10 [​IMG] (12-9-2009)

    BIETOLS! De rest moet makkelijk lukken lijkt me zo. Alleen voor double Fab moet ik wel even homies regelen.
  8. Volkoren

    Volkoren Active Member XBW.nl VIP

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Halo Wars
    725 of 1200 [​IMG]
    42 of 58 Achievements (72%)

    Wall of Recognition
    Got a Gold Medal on every Campaign Mission

    30 [​IMG] (9/20/2009)

    Collected all Skulls
    30 [​IMG] (9/20/2009)

    Everything's Better with Bacon
    Mission 1: Rammed 50 Grunts with Warthogs
    5 [​IMG] (9/20/2009)

    Micro Manager
    Mission 7: Did not destroy any Power Node
    5 [​IMG] (9/20/2009)

    Walk-Off Winner
    Used one of the 6 Major Leader Powers to destroy an enemy's last unit
    30 [​IMG] (9/20/2009)

    Epic Grinder
    Obtained a Lifetime Campaign Score over 1,000,000
    40 [​IMG] (9/20/2009)

    My Virtual Friends Love Me
    Won a 3v3 Skirmish game with 2 AI Allies
    10 [​IMG] (9/19/2009)

    Ramblin' Man
    Mission 8: Used Elephants to train 100 Infantry
    5 [​IMG] (9/19/2009)

    Rhino Hugger
    Mission 6: Successfully protected every Rhino
    5 [​IMG] (9/19/2009)

    He's Got The Jack
    Mission 5: Jacked 6 Covenant Vehicles
    5 [​IMG] (9/19/2009)

    Crushed Colors
    Improved your Score in any Campaign Mission
    10 [​IMG] (9/19/2009)

    The Real Winner
    Mission 4: Saved Adam
    5 [​IMG] (9/19/2009)

    Endless Fun
    Mission 2: Destroyed every Methane Tank
    5 [​IMG] (9/19/2009)

    Didn't Get To Second Base
    Mission 14: Didn't claim an extra base
    5 [​IMG] (9/12/2009)

    Beaming with Pride
    Mission 13: Destroyed 25 units with the Scarab
    5 [​IMG] (9/12/2009)

    Handy with Tools
    Mission 12: Repaired the Power Core in less than 4 minutes
    5 [​IMG] (9/12/2009)

    Battened Down the Hatches
    Mission 11: Saved all the Airlocks
    5 [​IMG] (9/12/2009)

    Officer on Deck
    Obtained the Lieutenant Rank on Xbox LIVE
    30 [​IMG] (8/13/2009)

    Penny Pincher
    Got a winning High Score with 10 or less Squads against the Heroic AI
    10 [​IMG] (8/12/2009)

    Empire Builder
    Won a game in every Skirmish Game Mode
    5 [​IMG] (8/12/2009)

    Freak on a Streak
    Gained at least 15 population from a single wave in a Reinforcement game.
    20 [​IMG] (8/10/2009)

    Completed any Campaign Mission in Co-op Mode
    10 [​IMG] (8/10/2009)

    2 Bugs are Better Than 1
    Won a Skirmish Game with Dual Scarabs
    10 [​IMG] (8/10/2009)

    Big Al's Scooter
    Won a Heroic Skirmish Game against the AI in under 10 minutes
    10 [​IMG] (8/10/2009)

    Halo Academic
    Unlocked 20 Timeline Events
    15 [​IMG] (8/10/2009)

    So Lonely at the Top
    Won and had the Highest Score in a Matchmade Skirmish Game on Xbox LIVE

    20 [​IMG] (8/10/2009)

    N00b n0 M0r3
    Won a Matchmade Skirmish Game on Xbox LIVE
    10 [​IMG] (8/7/2009)

    Basically Naive
    Obtained the Recruit Rank on Xbox LIVE
    10 [​IMG] (8/7/2009)

    Detour the Great Journey
    Completed the Campaign on Legendary Difficulty
    50 [​IMG] (8/5/2009)

    Adjudicate the Arbiter
    Completed the Campaign on Heroic Difficulty
    30 [​IMG] (8/5/2009)

    No Way Home?
    Completed Act IV on any difficulty
    70 [​IMG] (8/5/2009)

    24 Hours of Quality
    Played Halo Wars for at least 24 Total Hours
    20 [​IMG] (8/5/2009)

    Thinkin' about My Doorbell
    Mission 15: Opened the Doors in order
    5 [​IMG] (8/5/2009)

    Ugly is only Skin Deep
    Completed Act III on any difficulty
    70 [​IMG] (8/3/2009)

    The Procrastinator
    Mission 10: Disrupted all Tractor Beams
    5 [​IMG] (8/3/2009)

    Sweet Naptime
    Mission 9: Put every Colony in Hibernation Mode at the same time
    5 [​IMG] (8/3/2009)

    Momma's Boy
    Got a Gold Medal on any mission
    5 [​IMG] (8/3/2009)

    Key to Pirth
    Completed Act II on any difficulty
    50 [​IMG] (8/2/2009)

    Alas, Poor Andrew Thomas
    Collected your first Skull
    5 [​IMG] (8/1/2009)

    Ice Warriors
    Completed Act I on any difficulty
    40 [​IMG] (7/29/2009)

    Covenant "Hot Drop"
    Mission 3: Killed at least 5 Covenant Units with the Bridge
    5 [​IMG] (7/29/2009)

    Meet Sergeant Forge
    Completed Mission 1 on any difficulty
    10 [​IMG] (7/29/2009)
  9. denv

    denv Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    140 van 1000 [​IMG]
    10 van 35 prestaties (28%)

    Found Shun
    Find and free Shun
    10 [​IMG] (20-9-2009)

    Tree Hugger
    Shake 15 trees
    10 [​IMG] (20-9-2009)

    Defeat 10 enemies as the boar
    10 [​IMG] (20-9-2009)

    No Conjurer of Cheap Tricks
    Expend 1500 Ki using Kuji magic
    20 [​IMG] (20-9-2009)

    Off The Richter Scale
    Defeat Boss Lumbering Fool
    30 [​IMG] (20-9-2009)

    Big Guy
    Defeat a large one
    10 [​IMG] (20-9-2009)

    Found Suzume
    Find and free Suzume
    10 [​IMG] (19-9-2009)

    Bear With Me
    Defeat 10 enemies as the bear
    10 [​IMG] (19-9-2009)

    Off You Go
    Completed basic training
    20 [​IMG] (19-9-2009)

    Found Futo
    Find Futo
    10 [​IMG] (19-9-2009)

    Wat een leuk spel zeg!
  10. SjaccoPopino

    SjaccoPopino Stay Frosty

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Shadow Complex
    200 van 200 [​IMG]
    12 van 12 prestaties (100%)

    Serious Complex
    Level up to experience level 50
    10 [​IMG] (20-9-2009)

    Deze week elke avond een leveltje gegrind en net eindelijk level 50 gehaald! Wat een super vette game was het! Zal m over een tijdje vast en zeker nog een keer gaan spelen!

    Edit: inclusief arcade games, nu 35 games 100% :)
    Laatst bewerkt: 20 sep 2009
  11. Lenny-t

    Lenny-t Melted Forest XBW.nl VIP

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Van de laatste dagen:

    Beautiful Katamari
    30 of 1250 [​IMG]
    6 of 40 Achievements (15%)

    Sorta Big Katamari
    You made a katamari over 5m!
    5 [​IMG] (9/20/2009)

    Request x 6
    Completed 6 Requests.
    5 [​IMG] (9/20/2009)

    Collection 20%
    Rolled up 20% of the Collection.
    5 [​IMG] (9/20/2009)

    Small Katamari
    You made a katamari over 1m!
    5 [​IMG] (9/20/2009)

    Request x 3
    Completed 3 Requests.
    5 [​IMG] (9/19/2009)

    Mini Katamari
    You made a katamari over 30cm!
    5 [​IMG] (9/19/2009)

    Trials HD
    155 of 200 [​IMG]
    10 of 12 Achievements (83%)

    Market Meltdown
    Skyrocketing in Stock Market is only temporary. Be prepared for the fall and the big bang.
    15 [​IMG] (9/20/2009)

    Demon on Wheels
    The Player has completed all Extreme tracks.

    En natuurlijk:
    Brothers in Arms: HH
    1000 of 1000 [​IMG]
    36 of 43 Achievements (83%)

    Remember September '44
    Played Hell's Highway on the anniversary of Operation Market Garden
  12. Yellow 13

    Yellow 13 Well-Known Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Nice!!! :thumbs:
  13. WOUW5

    WOUW5 Cpt. Censorshades!

    Leuk Bevonden:
    ik heb m ook ^^
  14. VanDen

    VanDen Denvan

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Bij toeval kreeg ik hem tegen de CPU. :p

    NHL® 10
    140 van 1000 [​IMG]
    5 van 40 prestaties (12%)

    Look No Goalie
    Pull your goalie and score a goal against the CPU or an online opponent in a ranked match
    35 [​IMG] (20-9-2009)
  15. Rbz NL

    Rbz NL Xbox Juan XBW.nl VIP

    Leuk Bevonden:
  16. xerofox

    xerofox were given today

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Na heel wat geregel met wat Amerikanen

    Guitar Hero 5
    1000 van 1000 [​IMG]
    49 van 49 prestaties (100%)

    Played 4 x Drums
    10 [​IMG] (21-9-2009)
  17. Lenny-t

    Lenny-t Melted Forest XBW.nl VIP

    Leuk Bevonden:
    How can you forget to remember september '44? :p
  18. WOUW5

    WOUW5 Cpt. Censorshades!

    Leuk Bevonden:
    ik heb speciaal gewacht met het aanschaffen van die game voor die achievement. :9 ging er wel vanuit dat ik anders geen jaar zou wachten
  19. xbwdx

    xbwdx FeanFan

    Leuk Bevonden:
    De achievements van het afgelopen weekend.

    800 van 1000 [​IMG]
    29 van 31 prestaties (93%)

    Easy Difficulty Complete
    Complete the game on the Easy difficulty.
    10 [​IMG] (17-9-2009)

    Brothers in Arms: HH
    900 van 1000 [​IMG]
    35 van 43 prestaties (81%)

    Remember September '44
    Played Hell's Highway on the anniversary of Operation Market Garden
    50 [​IMG] (17-9-2009)

    Mirror's Edge™
    785 van 1250 [​IMG]
    33 van 50 prestaties (66%)

    Find all 30 hidden bags
    80 [​IMG] (20-9-2009)

    Fallout 3
    1470 van 1550 [​IMG]
    69 van 72 prestaties (95%)

    Not of This World
    Completed "Not of This World"
    20 [​IMG] (20-9-2009)

    En met dank aan yellowedbanana :thumbs:

    Fable II
    1340 van 1350 [​IMG]
    65 van 66 prestaties (98%)

    The Fowl Player
    A Hero dressed as a chicken and proceeded to kick many of its own kind. We're sickened.
    10 [​IMG] (20-9-2009)
  20. Voltreffer

    Voltreffer A.F.C.A. CBS

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Brothers in Arms: HH
    220 van 1000 [​IMG]
    16 van 43 prestaties (37%)

    Objective SNAFU
    Completed Chapter Three : "The Five Oh Sink"
    20 [​IMG] (20-9-2009)

    Ordered your squad to Assault the enemy 5 times
    10 [​IMG] (20-9-2009)

    Action Camera Veteran
    Triggered 10 Action Camera moments
    20 [​IMG] (20-9-2009)

    Action Camera Blast
    Triggered an Action Camera moment with explosives
    10 [​IMG] (20-9-2009)

    Bunker Buster
    Destroyed a sandbag emplacement with a bazooka team
    10 [​IMG] (20-9-2009)

    The Four F's
    Used your squad to Suppress and Flank the enemy 10 times
    10 [​IMG] (18-9-2009)

    Completed Chapter Two : "Operation Market"
    15 [​IMG] (18-9-2009)

    Squad Kills
    Helped your squad earn 20 kills
    10 [​IMG] (18-9-2009)

    Dig In!
    Killed 25 enemies while using cover
    45 [​IMG] (18-9-2009)

    Enemy Arms
    Captured and fired a German MG42
    10 [​IMG] (18-9-2009)

    First Recon
    Found a Recon Point
    10 [​IMG] (18-9-2009)

    Kilroy was here!
    Found a Kilroy
    10 [​IMG] (18-9-2009)

    Basic Training
    Ordered your squad to fall-in, move and attack
    10 [​IMG] (18-9-2009)

    A Lethal Portent
    Completed Chapter One : "Lost"
    10 [​IMG] (18-9-2009)

    Action Camera Sniper
    Triggered an Action Camera moment with fire arms
    10 [​IMG] (18-9-2009)

    Suppressive Fire
    Suppressed an enemy
    10 [​IMG] (18-9-2009)

    Quantum of Solace
    660 van 1000 [​IMG]
    36 van 50 prestaties (72%)

    Yes. Considerably.
    Play 100 online matches.
    20 [​IMG] (18-9-2009)

    Life is full of small challenges
    Earn over 10,000 in credits.
    20 [​IMG] (18-9-2009)

    Die Another Day
    Escape as Bond in Bond Evasion mode.
    15 [​IMG] (18-9-2009)

    The best player in the service.
    Be a top player in an online match.
    15 [​IMG] (16-9-2009)

    We have people everywhere
    In Siena, shoot all seven satellite dishes on the rooftops.
    15 [​IMG] (16-9-2009)

    You've defused hundreds of these
    Defuse a bomb in Bond Versus once.
    15 [​IMG] (16-9-2009)

    The nature of evil
    Eliminate 10 players while blind firing from cover across all games.
    20 [​IMG] (16-9-2009)

    He's coming fast!
    In Sink Hole, kill the helicopter pilot while the gunners are still alive.
    15 [​IMG] (15-9-2009)

    Velvet Assassin
    290 van 1000 [​IMG]
    20 van 45 prestaties (44%)

    You have completed the mission "Leave A Light On - Storage"
    10 [​IMG] (16-9-2009)

    You have secured the unique "Marine Honor Dagger" collectible
    10 [​IMG] (16-9-2009)
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