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Show je Achievements [Deel 14]

Discussie in 'Algemeen' gestart door SHiZ NL, 20 jul 2009.

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  1. DulleNL

    DulleNL I'm a little teapot Magic Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    FIFA 09
    370 van 1250 [​IMG]
    22 van 58 prestaties (37%)

    A.Bell Fever
    Catch the A.Bell Fever by beating the creator or someone who has already has the fever
    20 [​IMG] (6-10-2009)

    Save a penalty
    10 [​IMG] (6-10-2009)

    The Gipson Curse
    Go into an online match after choosing your own arena player
    10 [​IMG] (6-10-2009)

    The purist
    Complete a Manager Mode season without simming any games
    100 [​IMG] (6-10-2009)

    Score from over 30 yards out in a match
    10 [​IMG] (6-10-2009)

    Bend it like a pro
    Score from a free kick in a match
    15 [​IMG] (6-10-2009)

    What a Beauty!
    Score on the volley in a match
    5 [​IMG] (6-10-2009)

    On yer bike!
    Score with a bicycle kick
    30 [​IMG] (6-10-2009)

    Voor de bovenste 2: <3 Modder. :+
  2. Voltreffer

    Voltreffer A.F.C.A. CBS

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Dulle, zou jij samen met mij nog even de 11 created players achievement willen halen? Kunnen we die vanmiddag even doen ofzo?
  3. Modder-Eter

    Modder-Eter XBW.nl VIP XBW.nl VIP

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Geen dank. Ik speelde echt verdomde slecht die eerste wedstrijd. Ik had nog mazzel dat het tot penalties kwam, want je had gewoon al minimaal 2 keer moeten scoren.
  4. DulleNL

    DulleNL I'm a little teapot Magic Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Meh, vind het te vroeg om nu al achievements te boosten. :p Doe ik meestal pas als ik genoeg begin te krijgen van de game.
    Boosten gaat met mij sowieso nooit lekker aangezien ik geen headset heb. ;) Kan je beter iemand zoeken die dat wel heeft.
    Ik heb een cursus afronden nodig. :+ 2/3 keer op de paal, en nog een aantal kansen gemist.
    2e wedstrijd ging slechter voor mij. Of beter voor jou, is maar hoe je het bekijkt natuurlijk. :p
    De 2 goals die ik van je tegen kreeg waren uiteindelijk onnodig, maar niet geheel onverdiend denk ik. Al had ik er zelf ook wel wat in mogen prikken.

    Vandaag eens kijken of ik ook eens ranked kan winnen. Gisteren op zo een lullige manier de 2-1 tegen gekregen in 120e minuut. :'-(
  5. powerslave666

    powerslave666 Bakker Gijs

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Batman: Arkham Asylum
    645 van 1000 [​IMG]
    32 van 47 prestaties (68%)

    Biggest Bang
    Complete story mode on Hard difficulty
    50 [​IMG] (7-10-2009)

    Bigger Bang
    Complete story mode on Normal difficulty
    50 [​IMG] (7-10-2009)

    Big Bang
    Complete story mode on Easy difficulty
    50 [​IMG] (7-10-2009)

    Party Pooper
    KO all the henchmen celebrating your arrival at the party
    10 [​IMG] (7-10-2009)

    Catch a Batarang (any play mode)
    5 [​IMG] (7-10-2009)

    Poisoned Ivy
    Defeat the giant Titan Ivy plant
    50 [​IMG] (7-10-2009)

    Freeflow Combo 20
    Complete a combo of 20 moves (any play mode)
    10 [​IMG] (7-10-2009)

    Freakshow Rodeo
    Ride Titan henchman and knock down 10 thugs (any play mode)
    10 [​IMG] (7-10-2009)
  6. Priest

    Priest Just Live Your Life.

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Halo 3 ODST

  7. SjaccoPopino

    SjaccoPopino Stay Frosty

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Batman: Arkham Asylum
    140 van 1000 [​IMG]
    11 van 47 prestaties (23%)

    Baneful Payback
    Defeat Bane
    25 [​IMG] (8-10-2009)

    Survive the nightmare of the Scarecrow's fear gas
    10 [​IMG] (8-10-2009)

    Just What The Doctors Ordered
    Save all the doctors in Medical
    10 [​IMG] (8-10-2009)

    Cryptic Investigator
    Solve 10% of Riddler challenges
    20 [​IMG] (8-10-2009)

    Born Free
    Escape from Intensive Treatment to the island surface
    10 [​IMG] (8-10-2009)

    Arkham Analyst
    Solve 5% of Riddler challenges
    20 [​IMG] (8-10-2009)

    String up one henchman and drop him to surprise a second (any play mode)
    10 [​IMG] (8-10-2009)

    Malpractice Needs More Practice
    Survive the onslaught from the deformed Joker henchman
    10 [​IMG] (8-10-2009)

    Leave No Man Behind
    Rescue the guards and henchman from the Joker toxin in Decontamination
    10 [​IMG] (8-10-2009)

    Shocking Rescue
    Take down Zsasz in the Patient Pacification Chamber
    10 [​IMG] (8-10-2009)

    Freeflow Combo 5
    Complete a combo of 5 moves (any play mode)
    5 [​IMG] (8-10-2009)

    Vandaag binnen gekregen en meteen 3 uur non stop zitten spelen, vette game!!

    Prince of Persia
    1000 van 1250 [​IMG]
    52 van 60 prestaties (86%)

    Change Once, Then Die
    Congratulations, you have defeated the Shapeshifter with only one shape change.
    20 [​IMG] (7-10-2009)

    A Fresco Of Light
    Congratulations, you have reached your first Ormazd's fresco.
    10 [​IMG] (7-10-2009)

    The Best Offence Is Good Defence
    Congratulations, you have defeated an enemy only by deflecting and counter-attacking.
    20 [​IMG] (7-10-2009)

    Gister de DotW gekocht, maar nou al spijt, was vergeten hoe irritant die prins af en toe (lees: meestal) is :+!
  8. DulleNL

    DulleNL I'm a little teapot Magic Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Waarom vindt iedereen die prins zo irritant? :+ Ik vind em <3

    FIFA 09
    380 van 1250 [​IMG]
    23 van 58 prestaties (39%)

    Ranked winner
    Win a Ranked Xbox LIVE Match
    10 [​IMG] (7-10-2009)

    Yay! 8)
    Laatst bewerkt: 8 okt 2009
  9. powerslave666

    powerslave666 Bakker Gijs

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Denk dat je 1 van de weinige bent Dulle;)

    Batman: Arkham Asylum
    705 van 1000 [​IMG]
    35 van 47 prestaties (74%)

    World's Greatest Detective
    Spirit of Amadeus Arkham revealed
    20 [​IMG] (8-10-2009)

    Crack The E Nigma
    Solve every riddle on the island
    20 [​IMG] (8-10-2009)

    Riddle Resolver
    Solve 85% of Riddler challenges
    20 [​IMG] (8-10-2009)
  10. Alizor

    Alizor Murdaturk

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Hmm, de generator doet het niet bij mij :x.
  11. [2k]

    [2k] XBW.nl VIP XBW.nl VIP

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Grid maar weer eens even opgepakt.

    Paar races gedaan. Staat er bij driver offers vaak een race tussen waarmee je flink wat cash binnen haalt (3ton, 2miljoen ed).

    300 van 1100 [​IMG]
    22 van 54 prestaties (40%)

    Head 2 Head
    You won your first Head 2 Head!
    30 [​IMG] (8-10-2009)

    Filthy Rich
    You earned enough money to buy the Lamborghini Murcielago GTR
    25 [​IMG] (8-10-2009)

    Nu langzaam aan verder met de events in Grid World.
  12. Madoperator

    Madoperator Rape

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Gears of War
    860 of 1250 [​IMG]
    42 of 57 Achievements (73%)

    Kill 100 enemies in ranked matches with a pistol
    20 [​IMG] (10/8/2009)

    Kreeg 'm net opeens! :eek:
  13. Godfrey

    Godfrey BeCoMe a LeGenD

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Climbing the Ladder 45 G:
    Win consecutive promotions with the same Club in Manager Mode

    No Pressure 35 G:
    Achieve 100% Board Confidence at any Club in Manager Mode

    Phoenix from the Ashes 25 G:
    Make a 5 Star team out of a 2 Star team or lower within 5 seasons in Manager Mode

    Fifa 10: 265/1000
  14. Voltreffer

    Voltreffer A.F.C.A. CBS

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Quantum of Solace
    855 van 1000 [​IMG]
    45 van 50 prestaties (90%)

    Unlock and purchase all golden weapons.
    25 [​IMG] (8-10-2009)

    Chemin de Fer
    Unlock and purchase all weapons, grenades, attachments, gadgets, and golden weapons.
    50 [​IMG] (8-10-2009)

    3030 was a double
    Eliminate 100 players while in cover across all games.
    20 [​IMG] (8-10-2009)

    Yeah! Deze gaat nog wel 1000/1000 :)

    En nog wat cheevos gehaald in Mercs 2 gister:

    Mercenaries 2
    600 van 1000 [​IMG]
    30 van 40 prestaties (75%)

    Billion Dollar Babies
    You earned $1 billion.
    25 [​IMG] (7-10-2009)

    Stand Up and Shout
    You achieved maximum mood with the Allies.
    10 [​IMG] (7-10-2009)

    No More Mr. Nice Guy
    You pissed off everyone in Venezuela.
    10 [​IMG] (7-10-2009)

    You Better Run
    You verified Carmona.
    20 [​IMG] (7-10-2009)

    Runnin' with the Devil
    You verified Blanco.
    20 [​IMG] (7-10-2009)

    Nog even uitspelen en dan ben ik daar ook wel klaar mee.
  15. Lethal AK47

    Lethal AK47 Well-Known Member XBW.nl VIP

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Halo 3
    1350 van 1750 [​IMG]
    63 van 79 prestaties (79%)

    Came… From… Behind
    On a Legendary map, got 3 assassinations during a ranked or social match.
    50 [​IMG] (8-10-2009)

    On a Mythic map, got a Killtacular during a ranked or social match.
    25 [​IMG] (8-10-2009)

    … Get the Horns
    On a Mythic map, got a Bulltrue medal during a ranked or social match.
    25 [​IMG] (8-10-2009)

    Double Double
    On a Legendary map, got two Double Kills during a ranked or social match.
    25 [​IMG] (8-10-2009)

    Tank Dropper
    On a Mythic map, got a kill on another player while in monitor mode.
    25 [​IMG] (8-10-2009)

    Vidmaster Challenge: Brainpan
    Found all the hidden skulls on the Mythic maps.
    25 [​IMG] (8-10-2009)

    Sandbox Skull
    On Sandbox, found the hidden skull.
    25 [​IMG] (8-10-2009)

    Orbital Skull
    On Orbital, found the hidden skull.
    25 [​IMG] (8-10-2009)

    Longshore Skull
    On Longshore, found the hidden skull.
    25 [​IMG] (8-10-2009)

    Heretic Skull
    On Heretic, found the hidden skull.
    25 [​IMG] (8-10-2009)

    Citadel Skull
    On Citadel, found the hidden skull.
    25 [​IMG] (8-10-2009)

    Assembly Skull
    On Assembly, found the hidden skull.
    25 [​IMG] (8-10-2009)

    Halo 3: ODST
    905 van 1000 [​IMG]
    39 van 47 prestaties (82%)

    Firefight: Lost Platoon
    Scored over 200,000 points in Firefight on Lost Platoon.
    10 [​IMG] (8-10-2009)

    Naughty Naughty
    Killed 10 Engineers in the city at night, alone or with another ODST.
    5 [​IMG] (8-10-2009)

    Vidmaster Challenge: Déjà Vu
    Completed Highway on 4-player Legendary LIVE co-op, with Iron, and no 'Hog or Scorpion.
    25 [​IMG] (7-10-2009)

    Found all Audio Logs, alone or with another ODST.
    75 [​IMG] (7-10-2009)

    All Ears
    Found 15 Audio Logs, alone or with another ODST.
    30 [​IMG] (7-10-2009)

    Vidmaster Challenge: Classic
    Finished any level solo on Legendary, on LIVE, with no shots fired or grenades thrown.
    25 [​IMG] (7-10-2009)
  16. gaming4life

    gaming4life yordi

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Leisure Suit Larry Box Office Bust
    8 van 30 prestaties ontgrendeld 26%
    Hot foot Award
    Travel 100 miles on foot
    20[​IMG] Verkregen 8-10-2009
    Die game kocht ik voor 10 euro, dikke lol joh :D
    Laatst bewerkt: 9 okt 2009
  17. Modder-Eter

    Modder-Eter XBW.nl VIP XBW.nl VIP

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Vandaag begonnen:

    FIFA 10
    75 van 1000 [​IMG]
    8 van 44 prestaties (18%)

    Camera Man
    Upload a video to EA SPORTS™ Football World
    10 [​IMG] (9-10-2009)

    Upload a Screenshot to EA SPORTS™ Football World
    10 [​IMG] (9-10-2009)

    Hard Earned Win
    Beat a 5 Star team with a ½ Star team on Xbox LIVE or against Professional difficulty or higher
    10 [​IMG] (9-10-2009)

    Practice Makes Perfect
    Work on your skills in Practice Mode
    10 [​IMG] (9-10-2009)

    Still Practicing?
    Score 20 goals in 1 Arena kick-about
    10 [​IMG] (9-10-2009)

    Window shopping
    Visit the FIFA 10 Store
    5 [​IMG] (9-10-2009)

    Off the Woodwork
    Score off the post or cross bar in a match
    15 [​IMG] (9-10-2009)

    Shooting Boots
    Score 5 goals in 1 Arena kick-about
    5 [​IMG] (9-10-2009)

    Heel erg veel dezelfde achievements als in 09.
  18. [2k]

    [2k] XBW.nl VIP XBW.nl VIP

    Leuk Bevonden:
    425 van 1100 [​IMG]
    28 van 54 prestaties (51%)

    Power Seller
    You sold a car for more money than you paid for it
    25 [​IMG] (9-10-2009)

    Short Haul
    You’ve driven 800km/500 miles
    30 [​IMG] (9-10-2009)

    When Will I Be Famous?
    You have got onto the Hall of Fame Leaderboard
    20 [​IMG] (9-10-2009)

    Team Win
    Your team has won its first Event!
    20 [​IMG] (9-10-2009)

    Hard Charger
    You won a race starting from the back of the pack!
    20 [​IMG] (9-10-2009)

    Hire & Fire
    You've replaced your teammate with a higher ranked driver
    10 [​IMG] (9-10-2009)
  19. Bojangles

    Bojangles Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    DiRT 2
    155 van 1000 [​IMG]
    10 van 47 prestaties (21%)

    Friends For Life
    You became true friends with a superstar!
    10 [​IMG] (9-10-2009)

    Getting A Reputation
    You're getting a reputation out there. You've reached Level 15.
    15 [​IMG] (9-10-2009)

    X Games Asia Champ
    Banzai! You've won X Games Asia.
    25 [​IMG] (9-10-2009)

    You've proved yourself in the Pro division. Now take it to the next level.
    15 [​IMG] (9-10-2009)

    Big Bucks!
    Money! You've earned those Big Bucks!
    25 [​IMG] ()

    X Games Europe Champ
    Blimey! You've won X Games Europe.
    20 [​IMG] ()

    Head Over Wheels
    That's some hard charging! You rolled your vehicle but still won the race.
    10 [​IMG] ()

    Flashy finish! You crossed the finish line with no more than two wheels touching the ground!
    15 [​IMG] ()

    Rookie Coming Through!
    You gotta start somewhere. You've raced in your first DiRT Tour race.
    10 [​IMG] ()

    Nailed an Event
    You've won an event. Now it's time to take on the world.
    10 [​IMG] ()

    1720G nu in 2 weken! :)
  20. XxTopgear360

    XxTopgear360 Hasta la Vista

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Van de week even CoD 4 op Veteran difficulty gedaan + Mile High achievement gehaald \o/

    Call of Duty 4
    550 van 1000 [​IMG]
    25 van 37 prestaties (67%)

    The Escape
    Complete 'Hunted' and 'Death From Above' on Veteran difficulty
    40 [​IMG] (9-10-2009)

    The Search
    Complete 'Charlie Don't Surf' on Veteran difficulty
    40 [​IMG] (8-10-2009)

    The Rescue
    Complete 'Blackout' on Veteran difficulty
    40 [​IMG] (8-10-2009)

    Mile High Club
    Sky dive to safety on Veteran difficulty
    20 [​IMG] (8-10-2009)

    The Package
    Complete 'Crew Expendable' on Veteran difficulty
    40 [​IMG] (7-10-2009)
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