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Show je Achievements [Deel 14]

Discussie in 'Algemeen' gestart door SHiZ NL, 20 jul 2009.

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  1. Godfrey

    Godfrey BeCoMe a LeGenD

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Begin ook steeds verder te komen met Fifa 10:

    Fifa 10:
    450/1000 [​IMG]
    24 van 44 achievements

    Challenging Schedule
    Complete a Manager Mode Season without simming a game
    45 [​IMG]

    Always Available
    Complete a season in Be A Pro: Seasons without simming a game
    35 [​IMG]

    The Treble
    Win 3 trophies in 1 Manager Mode Season
    75 [​IMG]

    Climbing the Ladder
    Win consecutive promotions with the same Club in Manager Mode
    45 [​IMG]

    Phoenix from the Ashes
    Make a 5 Star team out of a 2 Star team or lower within 5 seasons in Manager Mode
    25 [​IMG]

    No Pressure
    Achieve 100% Board Confidence at any Club in Manager Mode
    35 [​IMG]

    Win an Xbox LIVE Head to Head Ranked match using a weaker team than your opponent
    20 [​IMG]

    Gutsy Call
    Take an Xbox LIVE Head to Head Ranked match to extra time when playing as a weaker team
    10 [​IMG]
  2. Dutchman020

    Dutchman020 Wtf.

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Na een moeizame start in FIFA heb ik toch deze ff gehaald :D

    FIFA 10
    130 van 1000 [​IMG]
    11 van 44 prestaties (25%)

    Good Form
    Play 5 consecutive Xbox LIVE Head to Head Ranked matches without losing
    Laatst bewerkt: 10 okt 2009
  3. Fiasco

    Fiasco Big Stepper XBW.nl VIP

    Leuk Bevonden:
    FIFA 10
    315 van 1000 [​IMG]
    21 van 44 prestaties (47%)

    The Treble
    Win 3 trophies in 1 Manager Mode Season
    75 [​IMG] (10-10-2009)

    Challenging Schedule
    Complete a Manager Mode Season without simming a game
    45 [​IMG] (10-10-2009)

    Had niet verwacht dat ik de treble chievie zou krijgen. Dacht dat je hem haalde door de CL, Liga en Cup te winnen. Kon dus ook met de Liga, Cup en Supercopa. :cool:
  4. Lethal AK47

    Lethal AK47 Well-Known Member XBW.nl VIP

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Halo 3
    1675 van 1750 [​IMG]
    74 van 79 prestaties (93%)

    Save This Film
    On a Mythic map, got a Perfection medal during a ranked or social match.
    25 [​IMG] (9-10-2009)

    Look Both Ways
    On a Legendary map, got a Splatter Spree during a ranked or social match.
    50 [​IMG] (9-10-2009)

    On Citadel, got a Shotgun Spree during a ranked or social match.
    25 [​IMG] (9-10-2009)

    Have Fun Respawning
    On a Mythic map, got an Extermination during a ranked or social match.
    25 [​IMG] (9-10-2009)

    Blades of Fury
    On Heretic, got a Sword Spree during a ranked or social match.
    25 [​IMG] (9-10-2009)

    Flag Dropped
    On a Legendary map, got 2 flag carrier kills during a ranked or social match.
    25 [​IMG] (9-10-2009)

    Defend This
    On a Legendary map, got a flag melee kill during a ranked or social match.
    50 [​IMG] (9-10-2009)

    Post Mortem
    On Orbital, got 2 Death From the Grave medals during a ranked or social match.
    25 [​IMG] (9-10-2009)

    Road Rage
    On a Legendary map, got 5 Warthog chaingun kills during a ranked or social match.
    25 [​IMG] (9-10-2009)

    Hammer Time
    On Assembly, got 5 Hammer kills during a ranked or social match.
    25 [​IMG] (9-10-2009)

    Ghost Patrol
    On Longshore, got 3 kills with a Ghost during a ranked or social match.
    25 [​IMG] (9-10-2009)

    Nog 5 Achievements te gaan en ik heb Halo 3 op 1750 (G), maar hoe moet ik in godsnaam die 2 Infection Achievements halen? Tot nu toe heb ik het alleen maar in Rumble Pit kunnen spelen op Cold Storage en Blackout. |:-
  5. Commander J

    Commander J Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    @ ^^ Gaat netjes. Heb je al die achievements ook echt gehaald? Zie namelijk veel mensen die achievements (en dan vooral 'Save This Film') boosten.

    Over die Rumble Pit is denk ik gewoon geluk hebben. Toen ik voor die achievements bezig was, kreeg ik gelukkig elke keer Mythic maps. Gewoon blijven spelen, want ooit zal er een goede map bijzitten.

    Achievements die ik vandaag en gisteren gehaald heb:
    Halo 3: ODST
    755 van 1000 [​IMG]
    34 van 47 prestaties (72%)

    Finished any level with at least one Skull activated.
    5 [​IMG] (10-10-2009)

    Halo 3
    1750 van 1750 [​IMG]
    79 van 79 prestaties (100%)

    Vidmaster Challenge: Annual
    After 9/25/08, completed Halo on 4-player Legendary LIVE co-op, with Iron, and everyone in Ghosts.
    0 [​IMG] (9-10-2009)
  6. Lethal AK47

    Lethal AK47 Well-Known Member XBW.nl VIP

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Ja hoor, je raad het nooit... :cool:

    Halo 3
    1725 van 1750 [​IMG]
    76 van 79 prestaties (96%)

    Zombie Repeller
    On a Mythic map, killed 2 Zombies during a ranked or social match.
    25 [​IMG] (10-10-2009)

    Delicious Brains
    On a Mythic map, infected 2 humans during a ranked or social match.
    25 [​IMG] (10-10-2009)
  7. Fiasco

    Fiasco Big Stepper XBW.nl VIP

    Leuk Bevonden:
    FIFA 10
    470 van 1000 [​IMG]
    25 van 44 prestaties (56%)

    Become a 5 Star Manager
    50 [​IMG] (10-10-2009)

    Climbing the Ladder
    Win consecutive promotions with the same Club in Manager Mode
    45 [​IMG] (10-10-2009)

    No Pressure
    Achieve 100% Board Confidence at any Club in Manager Mode
    35 [​IMG] (10-10-2009)

    Phoenix from the Ashes
    Make a 5 Star team out of a 2 Star team or lower within 5 seasons in Manager Mode
    25 [​IMG] (10-10-2009)

    Even maar aan het simmen geslagen. Begon in de Coca Cola League 2 met een halve ster team -> allemaal 99 spelers naar toe gebracht en dan alles simmen. Ik neuk elke club, had de Europa League gewonnen in de Coca Cola League 1 :+. Nu even nog 2 seizoenen ownen in de Premier League voor nog een chievie. Ik ben zo slecht bezig. :cool:
  8. Modder-Eter

    Modder-Eter XBW.nl VIP XBW.nl VIP

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Jezus, je bent echt een held als je die 1750 haalt. Als ik online komt wordt standaard mn ass gekickt. :+
  9. Alizor

    Alizor Murdaturk

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Holy shit, ik heb nog niet eens één seizoen gespeeld :lol:. Zit nu op het helft van m'n seizoen en sta tweede met 2 punten achterstand op Fenerbahce :p.
  10. Lenny-t

    Lenny-t Melted Forest XBW.nl VIP

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Die Halo 3 achievements vallen toch wel mee?
    Alleen perfection kan lastig worden :+
  11. powerslave666

    powerslave666 Bakker Gijs

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Batman: Arkham Asylum
    810 van 1000 [​IMG]
    40 van 47 prestaties (85%)

    Invisible Predator
    Complete one predator challenge by using only Silent Takedowns and without being detected
    10 [​IMG] (10-10-2009)

    Predator Gold
    Achieve 24 medals on predator challenges
    50 [​IMG] (10-10-2009)

    Predator Silver
    Achieve 16 medals on predator challenges
    25 [​IMG] (10-10-2009)

    Predator Bronze
    Achieve 8 medals on predator challenges
    10 [​IMG] (10-10-2009)
  12. Alizor

    Alizor Murdaturk

    Leuk Bevonden:
    FIFA 10
    130 van 1000 [​IMG]
    12 van 44 prestaties (27%)

    Theatre of Dreams
    Upgrade your Stadium Manager to Level 10
    10 [​IMG] (10-10-2009)

    Upload a Screenshot to EA SPORTS™ Football World
    10 [​IMG] (10-10-2009)

    Still Practicing?
    Score 20 goals in 1 Arena kick-about
    10 [​IMG] (10-10-2009)

    FIFA Fever
    Catch the Fever by beating someone on Xbox LIVE who already has it
    5 [​IMG] (8-10-2009)

    Play 5 consecutive Xbox LIVE Head to Head Ranked matches using a different team
    20 [​IMG] (6-10-2009)

    Off the Woodwork
    Score off the post or cross bar in a match
    15 [​IMG] (4-10-2009)

    Weird, bij Halo 3 doet de generator het niet bij mij :+.
  13. Matrix

    Matrix Semi-Définie Positive XBW.nl VIP

    Leuk Bevonden:
    In Halo 3: ODST was de achievement Super Sleuth gebugged, dus ik ben vanavond nog eens door de campagin gerushed. Gelijk wat andere achievements gehaald die ik nog miste:

    Halo 3: ODST
    725 van 1000 [​IMG]
    32 van 47 prestaties (68%)

    I Like Fire
    Killed 10 enemies with the Flamethrower on Data Hive.
    5 [​IMG] (10-10-2009)

    Found all Audio Logs, alone or with another ODST.
    75 [​IMG] (10-10-2009)

    Super Sleuth
    Found the final clue unraveling the mystery, alone or with another ODST.
    10 [​IMG] (10-10-2009)

    Both Tubes
    Got 10 Rocket kills on Kizingo Boulevard.
    5 [​IMG] (10-10-2009)

    En gisteren eens op achievement-jacht op de Multiplayer disc geweest (voor zover dat kan met Live Silver). De generator pakt mijn source code niet, maar het zijn dus alles skulls + Tank Dropper voor 200G. :)
  14. AntraXxX

    AntraXxX Bruce Springsteen

    Leuk Bevonden:
    OF: Dragon Rising
    870 van 1000 [​IMG]
    34 van 36 prestaties (94%)

    Low Blow
    You killed an enemy vehicle with an AT mine
    20 [​IMG] (10-10-2009)

    All Patched Up
    You saved the life of a friend
    20 [​IMG] (10-10-2009)

    Dragon Rising
    You completed the campaign on any difficulty
    70 [​IMG] (9-10-2009)

    Ship It
    Your fireteam assaulted the Naval base in Dragon Fury
    20 [​IMG] (9-10-2009)

    Vertical Envelopment
    Your fireteam flew an MH-60S safely to the designated landing zone
    30 [​IMG] (9-10-2009)

    Bug Out
    Your fireteam reached the extraction point in Decapitation
    20 [​IMG] (9-10-2009)

    Two Birds, One Stone
    Your fireteam eliminated Han and the radio station with one JDAM
    30 [​IMG] (9-10-2009)

    Uphill Struggle
    Your fireteam eliminated the PLA mortar site in Trumpet's Sound
    20 [​IMG] (9-10-2009)

    Keep 'em Rolling
    Your fireteam ensured all of the Abrams reached the supporting fire position
    30 [​IMG] (9-10-2009)

    Perfect Rescue
    All of the hostages survived
    30 [​IMG] (9-10-2009)

    Heroic Rescue
    Your fireteam rescued the hostages in Looking for Lois
    20 [​IMG] (9-10-2009)

    Resource Management
    Your fireteam secured the fuel depot in Bleeding Edge
    20 [​IMG] (9-10-2009)

    Fly Away Peter, Fly Away Paul
    Your fireteam got to the extraction chopper in Hip Shot
    20 [​IMG] (9-10-2009)

    Fuel the Fire
    Your fireteam destroyed all of the PLA fuel trucks
    30 [​IMG] (9-10-2009)

    Sandman’s Saviors
    Your fireteam extracted the downed air crew in Powder Trail
    20 [​IMG] (9-10-2009)

    Your fireteam destroyed the PLA armored units around the village
    30 [​IMG] (9-10-2009)

    Florence Nightingale Award
    You applied the field dressing to other soldiers 20 times
    20 [​IMG] (9-10-2009)

    Clear Skies
    You killed an enemy vehicle with an AA weapon
    20 [​IMG] (9-10-2009)

    Hip Shooter
    Your fireteam destroyed the fleeing PLA transport helicopter
    30 [​IMG] (9-10-2009)

    Shock and Awe
    You called in your first air strike
    20 [​IMG] (9-10-2009)

    Runway Relief
    Your fireteam captured the airfield in Eagle Offense
    20 [​IMG] (9-10-2009)

    Company Killer
    You killed or incapacitated 100 enemies
    50 [​IMG] (9-10-2009)

    Tide's Out
    Your fireteam successfully held the beachhead in United We Stand
    20 [​IMG] (8-10-2009)

    Platoon Pounder
    You killed or incapacitated 50 enemies
    30 [​IMG] (8-10-2009)

    Get Creative
    Your fireteam destroyed the PLA APC at the top of the beach
    30 [​IMG] (8-10-2009)

    Scrap Metal
    You killed an enemy vehicle with an AT weapon
    20 [​IMG] (8-10-2009)

    Saber Beats SAM
    Your fireteam disabled the SAM sites in Blinding The Dragon
    20 [​IMG] (8-10-2009)

    Squad Slayer
    You killed or incapacitated 25 enemies
    20 [​IMG] (8-10-2009)

    Ghost Ops
    Your fireteam eliminated the PLA Commander
    30 [​IMG] (8-10-2009)

    Unbloodied Hands
    You completed a mission without directly killing anyone yourself
    20 [​IMG] (8-10-2009)

    The Sky is Falling
    You killed an enemy with a helicopter without using its weapons
    20 [​IMG] (8-10-2009)

    Skirinka Island Tour
    Your fireteam found the PLA helicopter and flew it around Skirinka Island
    30 [​IMG] (8-10-2009)

    Hard Rain
    You called in your first artillery barrage
    20 [​IMG] (8-10-2009)

    Without Warning
    Your fireteam destroyed the Radar emplacement in Dragon Rising
    20 [​IMG] (8-10-2009)

    FIFA 10
    580 van 1000 [​IMG]
    27 van 44 prestaties (61%)

    Always Available
    Complete a season in Be A Pro: Seasons without simming a game
    35 [​IMG] (10-10-2009)

    Looking Good
    Download your Game Face from EA SPORTS™ Football World
    10 [​IMG] (10-10-2009)

    Phoenix from the Ashes
    Make a 5 Star team out of a 2 Star team or lower within 5 seasons in Manager Mode
    25 [​IMG] (8-10-2009)

    Challenging Schedule
    Complete a Manager Mode Season without simming a game
    45 [​IMG] (7-10-2009)

    FIFA Fever
    Catch the Fever by beating someone on Xbox LIVE who already has it
    5 [​IMG] (7-10-2009)

    Top of the League?
    Win a match in a Friends League
    10 [​IMG] (7-10-2009)

    Become a 5 Star Manager
    50 [​IMG] (4-10-2009)

    No Pressure
    Achieve 100% Board Confidence at any Club in Manager Mode
    35 [​IMG] (3-10-2009)

    Double Champs
    Win consecutive League titles in any top tier League in Manager Mode
    40 [​IMG] (3-10-2009)

    The Treble
    Win 3 trophies in 1 Manager Mode Season
    75 [​IMG] (3-10-2009)

    Limited Resources
    Win a League or Cup in Manager Mode with a 1 Star team or lower
    50 [​IMG] (3-10-2009)

    Play 5 consecutive Xbox LIVE Head to Head Ranked matches using a different team
    20 [​IMG] (3-10-2009)

    Gutsy Call
    Take an Xbox LIVE Head to Head Ranked match to extra time when playing as a weaker team
    10 [​IMG] (3-10-2009)

    Theatre of Dreams
    Upgrade your Stadium Manager to Level 10
    10 [​IMG] (3-10-2009)

    Win an Xbox LIVE Head to Head Ranked match using a weaker team than your opponent
    20 [​IMG] (3-10-2009)

    Climbing the Ladder
    Win consecutive promotions with the same Club in Manager Mode
    45 [​IMG] (2-10-2009)

    Total Control
    Win a match with fully manual settings (no assistance can be switched on)
    5 [​IMG] (30-9-2009)

    Cup Upset
    Win a 16 team Tournament with a 1 Star team when playing on Professional difficulty or higher
    10 [​IMG] (30-9-2009)

    Grind it Out
    Win a match with 10 men on Xbox LIVE or when playing on Professional difficulty or higher
    10 [​IMG] (30-9-2009)

    Hard Earned Win
    Beat a 5 Star team with a ½ Star team on Xbox LIVE or against Professional difficulty or higher

    10 [​IMG] (30-9-2009)

    Still Practicing?
    Score 20 goals in 1 Arena kick-about
    10 [​IMG] (30-9-2009)

    A Star Is Born
    Create a Virtual Pro
    10 [​IMG] (30-9-2009)

    Window shopping
    Visit the FIFA 10 Store
    5 [​IMG] (30-9-2009)

    Practice Makes Perfect
    Work on your skills in Practice Mode
    10 [​IMG] (30-9-2009)

    Camera Man
    Upload a video to EA SPORTS™ Football World
    10 [​IMG] (30-9-2009)

    Upload a Screenshot to EA SPORTS™ Football World
    10 [​IMG] (30-9-2009)

    Shooting Boots
    Score 5 goals in 1 Arena kick-about
    5 [​IMG] (30-9-2009)
  15. Distoration

    Distoration Da diii

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Antraxx hoe kun je low blow eigenlijk halen? Of beter gezecht waar.
  16. AntraXxX

    AntraXxX Bruce Springsteen

    Leuk Bevonden:
    AntraXxX ;)....

  17. Distoration

    Distoration Da diii

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Ah bedankt.
  18. Modder-Eter

    Modder-Eter XBW.nl VIP XBW.nl VIP

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Zijn die achievements van OFP zo simpel ofzo? De game is net uit! :eek:
  19. Distoration

    Distoration Da diii

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Ja ze zijn redelijk easy, alleen de hardcore mode kan moeilijk zijn.
  20. AntraXxX

    AntraXxX Bruce Springsteen

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Tja als je een achievement guide bij de hand hebt en je lekker wilt doortrappen dan gaat het wel eens snel met die achievements he. *)

    Opzich zijn de achievements wel makkelijk maar voor sommige side-achievements moet je echt een achievement guide hebben want anders heb je geen idee van wat je nu moet doen voor de achievement.
    En daarnaast heb je nog een achievement voor het uitspelen op Hardcore en die is behoorlijk lastig. :thumbs:
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