Smartjoy fraq voor Xbox (halo met muis/keyboard)

Discussie in 'Xbox Hardware' gestart door [Gerjan], 2 okt 2004.

  1. BoxWarrior

    BoxWarrior Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Zegt geen ruk dat filmpje natuurlijk.
    Je ziet ze niet samen.
    Kan wel gewoon iemand met controller zijn en een mongool die ff een muis beweegt.
    Laatst bewerkt: 3 okt 2004
  2. Noobster

    Noobster 1 shot, 1 kill

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Tja, dat gaat Live dus echt wel verknallen :'-(
  3. dynamike

    dynamike i love astrid

    Leuk Bevonden:
    pff alsof dit gaat werken man, xbox gamers moeten gewoon die gasten die zo'n ding gebruiken laten zien dat we ze nog steeds ownen :9
    en ik game echt niet lekker met een muis en toetsenbord voor de tv, laat mij maar chillen op de bank :)

    PS is dat niet gewoon halo pc op dat filmpje :9
    Laatst bewerkt: 3 okt 2004
  4. geforce

    geforce Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    ik wist het!!!!, ik wist het!!!, ik wist dat het zover zou komen en dat vind ik niet leuk
  5. Dobby^

    Dobby^ Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    OMG!!! :mad: :mad:
    dit is zeer fake!
    kijk het filmpje heel goed, }:]
    als het filmpje 23 seconde is geweest beweegt ie de muis, maar het beeld gaat niet mee! :9 :9
    Laatst bewerkt: 7 okt 2004
  6. WHAT

    WHAT Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Het beeld gaat wel mee. Naar links.
  7. SyKeS1

    SyKeS1 Avatarjattert

    Leuk Bevonden:
    t zal vast wel echt zijn hoor. Denk je nou echt dat ze allemaal van die dingen verkopen terwijl ze helemaal nix doen?
  8. Xboxmansion

    Xboxmansion Xbox Hooked:D

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Aan de ene kant wel leuk om te xboxen met een pc en muis
    Maar het is toch fijner om lekker chil te zitten op een bank dan op een tafel/bureau
  9. gerjan

    gerjan Guest

    FF tussendoor, je headset werkt gewoon ;)
  10. geforce

    geforce Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    shit, dat is niet goed dat word wel vreselijk
  11. kloon

    kloon Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    even nog wat meer info

    bespreking van ING :

    Review of Smart Joy Frag

    I recieved my Smart Joy Frag today and have now put about 6 hours of gameplay into it. The packaging already has the FCC logo and looks retail ready. I wouldn't be surprised to see this arive in stores in the US soon. That's purely speculation on my part but it is quality and the manual and docs are quality. There really isn't much to them but they do include a booklet of the full configs for each of the eight presets which was nice. The construction is quality and matches the original colors of the Xbox exaclty even the cable.

    I tested it with a MS natural touch PS/2 keyboard which worked and:

    usb Microsoft Intellimouse corded 5 button w/ scroll laser mouse. This worked fine.

    usb Dell 3 button w/scroll laser mouse. This did not work.

    usb Logitech MX700 8 button with scroll wireless laser mouse. This worked fine. but only with right, left, middle, and the two side buttons and scroll (hence same effect as the 5 button above). I liked the response better on this mouse. My friend liked the Microsoft mouse better.

    What I noticed is that not all mice work and the ones that do work have different results, sensitivity, feel, etc... So when you see people post that a dead zone of 31 is better than a dead zone of 59 it really all boils down to not only the user preference but also the particular mouse.

    But what you all want to know is how it plays...

    So I played it with Halo. It works MUCH better than a controller. YOU DO GET FAST TURNS! You also do get fine movement. However, because the game uses the controller's analogue joystick for looking you will notice some lack of smoothness to the movement overall. It's as if the Smart Joy Frag does a compromise between slow and fast movements and in the process it causes the movement to sort of 'skip'. It's small but PC players will notice because they will be used to very smooth and fast mouse movements. Controller players will also notice it because the controller movement doesn't do this since the game is designed for a controller. You can jump, turn on the flashlight, shoot, and turn all in the same breath. It's really nice.

    Gone are the days of playing a first person shooter like this:

    Up, down, left, down, up, down, down, up, left as you try to get the enemy in your sights using a controller. Now you will play with sweeping movements with your mouse.

    The game contains presets for:

    F1 Halo
    F2 Medal of Honor: Frontline
    F3 Chronicles of Riddick
    F4 Counterstrike
    F5 James Bond: Nightfire
    F6 Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six 3
    F7 Return to Castle Wolfenstien
    F8 Unreal Championship

    These are accomplished by hitting F1 through F8 on your keyboard at anytime while playing. You also get an F11 to perform custom controls or F12 to get an unchangeable standard layout (as outlined by the Card included with the device). Each of the F1-F8 keys are actually saves so you can modify your presets and overwrite them with your tweaked saves or just overwrite them with entirely new configuration. If you want to go back to the factory settings it's easy (Esc+Ctrl+Alt+Del).

    I played Chronicles of Riddick. This game didn't seem to be as nice as Halo. It seemed that the jerkiness was greater. I am not sure if it had something to do with the fish eye lense thing going on in Riddick or just the way the game accepts controller input. I may choose to play that game with a controller.

    I tried Mech Assault. This game is MUCH better with the SJF. Here's why: it uses a non-analogue (no acceleration) movement to look and turn. This means that when you use the mouse it is consistent and smooth. But it also means that you can't do quick turns. The gameplay was awesome and changes the game so much since playing with a controller and aiming with the Mechs was hard for me. I still got my butt kicked though because I don't know the combination of which Mechs are good against which other Mechs. I also asked if anyone had heard of the Smart Joy frag while playing Capture the Flag with various people and nearly everyone had heard of it but wasn't playing with them yet or hadn't planned on it. Interesting though that there are that many people knowledgeable about them.

    I played it with Panzer Dragoon and it also worked excellently because the motion also is linear and not analogue. This means the cursor for your dragon's aim moves consistently and smoothly. Easier to play than with a controller. For sure.

    Here are the problems or caveats:

    1) It's not perfect and won't make you say good bye to PC first person gaming if you are already hooked

    2) The presets are supposed to be changeable and then saveable but I couldn't get the presets to save my changes.

    :cool: Games are designed for controllers thus give players a little leeway. This is hard to translate into the keyboard and mouse. For instance there is a VERY VERY tiny amout of auto aim that brings your cursor to a target on Halo. Never noticed it before but now that I can do very accurate movements I can notice it. ALso since games are programmed to take advantage of an accelerated analogue joystick movement that causes problems for a linear mouse that moves as fast as your hand moves.

    4) For some reason I couldn't remap some buttons. For instance crouch in Halo (Left shift according to the preset) and Melee attack (the letter "E" in the preset) was unchangeable. It could be something I am doing wrong but other buttons had no problem being reassigned.

    5) Many console games are programmed to play slower. Halo's movement and jumping are slow and floaty compared to First person shooter games made for the PC. This is not the fault of the Smart Joy Frag. Because of the way the games are designed I really don't see the Smart Joy Frag as being that much of an advantage against good controller people. I thought it would be totally unfair but after playing a few games I can tell it helps me out but not enough to win against people that are good.

    In the end I feel like this is a great version 1 device that will be perfected in Version 2 or when the console game companies decide to sell their own Keyboard/mouse products for First person shooters. I definately think it's worth it for Halo and Mech Assault alone. I will also try it out on Doom 3 and Half Life 2 when they ship. I think the price is high for an adapter BUT very much reasonable considering what they have to do to get the adapter to work with the XBox and games designed for a console. In fact it's the only such device and I am greatful.

    I would hope in the future all video game developers would do this:

    1) Allow and option for choosing smart joy frag as a controller option (thus making the keyboard and mouse move like it does on a PC)

    2) Put in sensitivity settings for looking (in both verticle and horizontal directions)

    :cool: Include and identical book to the presets book but leave it blank so that people can write down the configs of other games they save.

    I hope this helps everyone. Yes, buy it, but just don't think it's finally time to stop playing PC first person shooters just yet.

    Erin ( bron lik-sang forum)

    dan dit nog ivm met de spreek functie op de live

    When using the Mouse and Keyboard, can I still use my Xbox Communicator or other headset when playing compatible games?

    Yes, of course. SmartJoy FRAG comes with an included memory card slot, you can use it for the Xbox Communicator or any other compatible device, just like you would use the memory card slots on a standard controller.
  12. Kelovitz

    Kelovitz Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Ik kan zo veel redenen verzinnen waarom het geen goed ding is ten opzichte van jezelf en anderen, vele zijn al genoemd. Maar als je dit stukje hardware ziet als een middel om veel beter te worden en dat lukt dan zul je op wedstrijden toch met de controller moeten spelen lijkt me. O-)

    @kloon: Ik bedoel het ook niet specifiek tegen jou. ;)
    Laatst bewerkt: 29 okt 2004
  13. kloon

    kloon Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    ik heb het zelf niet hoor
    was gewoon ter info
  14. Binh

    Binh asiannerd

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Wie gaat hem WEL halen??
    Ik wil wel mee doen :)
  15. MisTicMac

    MisTicMac Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    MIschien worden jullie van het lezen van dit verhaal weer een beetje blijer.

    October 26, 2004 - Halo 2 is the Xbox game of the year. While there are plenty of other games people are interested in, none come close to the lofty expectations placed on Halo 2. Fans search the Internet each day -- during work or late at night -- looking for any new scraps of information. From what we know, the game is going to own us all and come November 9, the world will be a different place. Gamers will be huddled around televisions playing Halo 2 It will be a glorious time.

    Unfortunately, we will likely not be able to provide any more concrete details on Halo 2 until our review in early November. Instead, we must offer tidbits found online, and any new screenshots made available. However, that doesn't mean we can't still weigh in on the impact Halo 2 is having on our office and in our lives -- and in yours. In exactly one month, Halo 2 will ship to retail outlets across America. We're counting down to this eventful moment with a different piece each work day. Some are just stupid ideas, some will be editor's thoughts on Halo and Halo 2, and some will be a bit more informative.
    Halo 2 ships in 13 days. Prepare yourself.


    Will the Keyboard and Mouse Slay Halo 2?


    Hot from the manufacturing plant comes a new Xbox product that has the potential to cause a major shift in the growing Halo 2 online community. Created by SmartJoy, the SmartJoy FRAG is a keyboard and mouse set up specifically designed for gamers who want to play first-person shooters like, say, oh I don't know, Halo 2. Since it's a nothing short of scientific fact that the mouse is a superior device for gaming speed and accuracy, it's dawned on us that those folks, those competitive online folks, who want to gain a leg up on their console-controller brethren might do so with a SmartJoy FRAG setup. What are the ramifications? Will Halo 2 be ruined forever? We'll explore the issue.

    As conveyed in the hardware review by our excellent new Hardware Editor, Chris Roper (who you may recognize from his days as a PS2 intern and as an Insider filmographer), the SmartJoy FRAG works like a charm. Roper tried it out and liked it with Halo and TimeSplitters 2 on Xbox and PS2 (even though it lacks an in-game sensitivity setting), Killzone, MechAssault and Crimson Skies.

    If you've played Halo before, you'll already notice that Bungie did an excellent job of sorting out control issues on the Xbox, and as a result of that and many other areas of Bungie techniques, Halo essentially has become the best FPS on any console, taking over GoldenEye 007's long-held crown. It works great with the standard or s-controller, and now apparently, with a specialized keyboard and mouse.

    Will the SmartJoy FRAG setup and those like it completely ruin the balance of players prepared to spend their spare hours playing Halo 2 online? With a better set of controls, more accuracy and speed, wouldn't that shift the advantage to anyone with a keyboard and mouse? Well, in the case of Halo 2, it's a good, fair question.

    Halo 2 provides almost exactly the same controls as the original, though in the new version, the controls are ever so slightly tweaked and improved. Bungie built the game to work with the Xbox controller, so theoretically it should work best with the standard setup. Bungie also created Halo 2 so that the cursor tracking is limited by the game, not the peripheral. In other words, a different, or theoretically better, control system shouldn't instantly increase accuracy or speed, because the software itself is designed to move at certain speeds and with a particular sense of control. It's highly unlikely the SmartJoy FRAG setup will instantly change this effect.

    Additionally if you've played Halo before, you're aware that there is a small, ever-so-subtle amount of auto-aim built in. It's so subtle most people never even notice it, but it does exist. To our knowledge, you cannot turn off auto-aim in Halo 2. You'll have the same advanced control setups as in the first one, i.e., invert thumbstick, look sensitivity, controller vibration, invert flight control, and auto-center (which is not the same as auto-aim). Since Bungie has carved Halo 2's speed limits in stone, vertical mouse movement on a mouse and keyboard setup won't multiply the reticule's aim or speed, and as a result of that and the slight auto-aim, mousetracking could potentially feel "snappy." In other words, not the desired effect at all.

    So, Halo 2 fans who love the Xbox controller may not have to fret after all. It's also worthwhile to ponder exactly how many people know about this controller, who will actually buy this third-party controller, and will enjoy using a mouse and keyboard in their living room. The true test no doubt will be hammered out in the online trenches of Xbox Live, once November 9 rolls along. Hopefully, those with the most skill, not the best periperal, will take the crown every time

    bron ign
  16. Binh

    Binh asiannerd

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Ik wil dat ding niet hebben omdat ik dan beter word op xbconnect of xboxlive maar wil hem gewoon voor me plezier en het kost toch niks paar tientjes :) alleen iemand een Mastercard of CC voor lik-sang :D
  17. harry potter

    harry potter Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    ik heb een vraag ik was op en daar heb ik de mega x -key gezien een 32 mb grote geheugen kaart voor de xbox. die ik kan aansluiten op de pc en waarmee ik saves games kan over zeten naar pc harddisk. maar ik kan daar mee ook xbox live bestanden over zeten. weet iemand of er een site is of winkel die die verkoopt in nederland.bvd. en is die ook geschikt op een pal xbox of aleen ntsc.
    Laatst bewerkt: 28 okt 2004
  18. kloon

    kloon Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    dit is alvast 1 antwoord op je vraag
    Compatible with all Xbox™ consoles world wide, USA, Japanese and PAL models

    alle versies dus
  19. harry potter

    harry potter Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    kan ik bij liksang aleen met cc betalen.
  20. Binh

    Binh asiannerd

    Leuk Bevonden:
    ook met paypal maar dan moet je weer n mastercard hebben..

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