VP of studios questions Microsoft's wisdom in offering consumers a choice of Xbox 360s
Phil Harrison has criticised Microsoft for planning to put two versions of the new Xbox 360 console on the market, claiming the decision will merely "create confusion" for consumers.
Microsoft recently announced that the Xbox 360 Core System, which does not include a hard disk, will retail for GBP 209.99 at launch. For GBP 279.99, consumers will be able to purchase a console with a 20GB hard disk, wireless controller, Xbox Live Silver membership, HD-AV cable and removable faceplate.
Speaking at the European Game Developers' Conference in London today, when asked if Sony might follow in the Redwood giant's footsteps the VP of studios replied: "Unlikely."
"Are there two versions of the Xbox 360 that people want to buy, is my question," he continued. "I don't know."
"This is my personal view, not my corporate view, but when I look at those formats, I think it just confuses the audience. They don't know which one to buy, developers don't know which one to create for, and retailers don't know which one to stock."
"So I think we wouldn't take that strategy. We wouldn't create confusion," he concluded.
However, Harrison did go on to suggest that consumers will have a variety of options to choose from in the longer term.
"There have been various versions and variants of PlayStations in the past - some run through the hardware and some through the software, and that's worked pretty well for us, offering different value propositions to the consumer."
"Exactly what we do with the launch? Too early to tell."
Harrison did commend Microsoft with regard to the success of the Xbox Live service, telling the audience: "Microsoft has done a lot of things right, and there are certainly things that are going to form the model for many of the high quality consumer experiences that we will deliver with PS3."
"But I think our role is always to go beyond, to push further," he continued.
"I'm not in a position today to share with you all the details but PS3 was a network platform from the very beginning, and that is designed into every aspect of the machine."
However, Harrison did state that Sony is planning to offer a "more open platform" -a service that will give consumers access to content which is either free, or sold by publishers themselves.
"Perhaps distinct from our competitors, we are happy for other publishers to form their own commercial relationships directly with the consumer," he said.
"We want other companies to see the PS3 as a platform that they can exploit for their content, services and communities."
Harrison was also keen to emphasise Sony's commitment to producing innovative games: "We do have the privilege of being the platform holder, and of having the opportunity and, I think, the responsibility to invest in more esoteric titles."
"We have to continue to put creativity and innovation first, otherwise we will turn into a formulaic industry and consumers will go elsewhere."
However, Harrison said, financial considerations still have to be taken into account. "We are a business, we do have to make a profit. We can't just do this for the fun of it - we're not art house theatre. We have to balance the two."
Harrison went on to discuss the PlayStation Portable, which finally launches in Europe at midnight tonight after a series of slips.
"Obviously we didn't plan it that way, factors outside of our control contributed to us having to delay the launch."
"Although the benefit to European consumers is that the machine we launch tomorrow has got a Version 2 operating system on it, there are more games, more movies, and the production output for our factories in Japan will be able to sustain demand in the US and Europe," Harrison said.
The VP of studios also took the opportunity to hit back at those who have criticised the PSP launch line-up, telling the audience: "Don't judge the life of the format on the first games that come out for it - remember we launched PS2 with Fantatvision. Although it's a lovely piece of software, it's by no means the software that will define the format."
"I think it's natural that when a format first comes out, the games that you make are the games that you know how to make, because you only have a limited amount of time to make them," Harrison continued.
"Then the next games to come out on the platform are where the innovation starts to happen."
"We're doing some things internally and I know a lot of people externally are too. We're really starting to see that innovation coming through on PSP, and it will certainly come through on PS3."
Unsurprisingly, Harrison declined to comment on a possible price point for the PS3, telling the audience: "It would be foolish of me to make any comments about pricing at this early stage."
"I'm sure Ken will continue to be enigmatic about that."
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