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Soul Calibur IV

Discussie in 'Algemeen' gestart door iMark 007, 26 jun 2007.

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  1. Juugen

    Juugen Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Ja, Ik werk bij de mediamarkt
  2. Smok3y

    Smok3y Dark Souls!

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Aha maar hij staat nog niet te koop?
  3. Zifnap

    Zifnap Koehl en gecollecteerd

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Mogen werknemers dan al eerder spellen lenen / kopen?

    4 Augustus pas komt ie bij mij aan... :/
    Laatst bewerkt: 25 jul 2008
  4. ThaBEN

    ThaBEN Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Ik krijg hem 7 augustus. Als iemand wilt fighten moet hij me maar toevoegen: ThaBEN NL
  5. powerslave666

    powerslave666 Bakker Gijs

    Leuk Bevonden:
    ik heb dit dan maar even aangemaakt.;)
    dus mensen die online willen gamen moeten hun naam er even in zetten:)

  6. Juugen

    Juugen Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Ik heb tot nu toe 6x gewonnen en 1x verloren. Leukste is dat elke character gebalanced is
  7. sharkdawg

    sharkdawg yo m@mma

    Leuk Bevonden:
  8. Elect

    Elect Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Gister net de oude gamecube versie zitten spelen tot te diep in de nacht.. Benieuwd wat de nieuwe gaat worden :)
  9. Fardo

    Fardo Well-Known Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Yoda & Darth Vader in actie
  10. Nightbringer

    Nightbringer Wieder geil! XBW.nl VIP

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Kijk dat is natuurlijk wel vet om tegen elkaar te spelen.
  11. powerslave666

    powerslave666 Bakker Gijs

    Leuk Bevonden:
    ik zat net op youtube en bijna alle eindes van de characters staan er al op.
    het is allemaal van de gelekte versie staat er bij:x
    die kijk ik dus mooi niet;)

    Soul Calibur IV Critical Finish All Characters, Darth & Yoda

  12. Boxmeer

    Boxmeer El Vatso

    Leuk Bevonden:
    /Mod Over illegale games praten we niet op XBW, we gaan er ook niet publiekelijk met te koop lopen. De volgende keer is het een OW. -/- Alonso
  13. Chillco

    Chillco Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Hoeveel fighters zijn er van het begin al beschikbaar en hoeveel kun je er unlocken?
    En zit er ook weer iets van een conquestmode in (in SC 2 had zo'n mode dat je op een landkaart speelde en die heette volgens mij conquestmode(kon ook iets anders zijn))?
    Ik haal de game zeker, kan niet wachten om met Nightmare te beginnen. Mijn favo uit SC 2.
  14. powerslave666

    powerslave666 Bakker Gijs

    Leuk Bevonden:
    kwam dit net tegen.
    misschien dat je het interessant vind;)

    My Soul Calibur Impressions

    First for those after achievements, you'll be happy to know you get the first one for just pressing start on the title screen.

    At the start of the game there are 15-16 available characters, 12 that are purchasable (which you will earn gold) and 4-5 blanks spaces.

    You can go into character creation and create a character or modify an existing one. You can purchase new skills by leveling an existing character up. Some things that are customizable are equipment, such as head/upper body/lower body, etc. Character model, fighting style and weapons and set their skills.

    Story Mode is unique to each character and rather short, 5 levels. Each level has multiple enemies you must face and they jump right in after KO'ing the previous one. Story mode is a great way so far to unlock characters and stages.

    The online mode menu is very easy. There are two modes, Standard VS which is fighting without equipment and weapons active. And Special VS which has equipment and weapons active. In each mode there are three options for Quick Match, Custom Match or Create Match. All have Public or Ranked modes. I tried searching but found no games in any mode, however there are quite a few people on the leaderboards. The leaderboards show your gamertag, online skill ranking (level) and points.

    As for gameplay, very easy to controls and pull off moves with the standard 360 analog stick. I've been playing Normal Mode and it seems a bit too easy. The final boss is not your typical cheap annoying fighter, but rather easy to beat. Veterans at the game may want to start off on Hard Mode.

    Going through the story you upgrade your skill level and unlock Honors. Haven't done too much with this yet however. But you have to level up each character if you want their full abilities.

    The moves/combos and stages are very nice to look at, and no slowdown whatsoever.

    I do feel Yoda has a bit of an unfair advantage due to his size. He is very short and a majority of the opponents attacks go right over his head.

    Tower of Souls
    This is pretty cool, but very challenging as you progress (starts getting challenging at the mid 20's). At the start you can only go up the tower. Each stage consists of 2 or 3 floors with a stronger boss type at the end. Some stages you pick one, two or three fighters to be your characters. On each floor you are faced with either one opponent or multiple (the most I have seen was 4 so far at floor 32). You can switch between your fighters as long as they are alive during the battle with a quick hit of the RB. Your fighters DO NOT replenish health, unless you unlock equipment that helps you do so until the stage (all floors) are cleared. So basically for example you have 2 fighters that start a stage of 3 floors facing maybe 9 opponents. If all your fighters die, you must start that stage over. I'm not sure which floor exactly, maybe around 20, you can then go down the tower. I'm guessing there are 50 floors to the top.

    When going down the tower it is pretty much like survival mode. You pick two fighters and clear the floor of multiple opponents and just keep going down floor by floor. Clear 20 floors descending to get an achievement.

    Not so good here. Hopefully they are working on the servers or they are not up yet. It took me a while to find a game, but that is understandable since not many people probably have it. To put it simply, the lag is bad. Characters jump around and the button lag is about 1/2 second. It makes complicated combos and counters almost impossible to pull off since you have to do a sequence of buttons to do some. There is a speaker icon under each players health bar to see if they have a mic hooked up and if they are talking. Again, they have some time before the game releases, but at this point, online is unplayable.

    Yoda is the only one, however, the Apprentice is my Jedi of choice, really bad ass. He takes a bit to learn but then is deadly. Very useful throws, good reach with the lightsaber, and sweeps. Once you learn to levitate, he has some sick moves with the force such as push/pull and electricity.

    Ok for the question about creating a character and equipping them with a lightsaber, it doesn't look like you can, at least yet. When you create a character, you have to pick the fighting style for your character based off one of the existing in game characters. After you pick that you can choose different weapons, but ones that that character would use such as nunchucks. There are different weapons for each type with different character stats, some you unlock, some you can buy.

    Stat management is kinda tough. From the equipment you choose it raises your Attack, Defense and HP. Then there are sub-categories for power, impact, boost, gauge and special. Equipment items also reflect on these and mainly accessories such as rings etc. The skills you choose for you character require a certain amount of the 5 sub-categories.

    As for unlocking equipment, it can be difficult as well. In the Tower of Souls it will tell you how many treasures are on each stage, but it does not tell you how to unlock them. For example I got a treasure for getting a perfect on the entire stage, another for countering 5+ times in a match, another for switching between characters 4+ times in one match and another for getting a ring out, etc. Once the game comes out I'm sure a list will built to help this. The nice thing is that you can visit any floor from a list once you have completed it to go back and collect treasure.

    I am having a hell of a time on floor 32. You get one character, one health bar and face 8 opponents and one boss without regenerating health. It's tough. I am altering a custom character to help me get past it, some HP regen skills and such. The tower is definitely a challenge, frustrating, but fun.

    It's been hard to find games, so I have only played one on one. But when you create a a room and set the number of player to 4, there are four windows for each player to join, so I assume so.

    The game looks very nice as well as the stages. Some stages are nicely done and are interactive where elements of the stage actually change the playing field. An example is in a great hall where one side of the arena is a dozen knights in shining armor. As the match progresses they slowly each take two steps forward, making the fighting area smaller and move you closer to the edge in the hopes of a ring out. The star wars level has something similar.

    Most of the equipment I got from floors 1-32 are accessories and headgear. I assume more major equipment is on the 2nd half of the tower. There are 60 floors.

    Online lag at this point is really bad, almost unplayable. 1/2 second button lag.

    Definitely a fun game and it looks to have a ton of replay value
  15. MaxxRaptor

    MaxxRaptor Eigen aanduiding

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Ben benieuwd naar de custemizing,want dat viel me een beetje tegen bij de laatste deel.
  16. iMark 007

    iMark 007 Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Online is dus bagger, slecht teken. Ik vraag me nog steeds af of het spel gebruik maakt van een lobby systeem online, zoals DOA 4 en Tekken 5 Dark Resurrection. Zo niet, dan is mijn interesse in het spel voorlopig nihil.
  17. powerslave666

    powerslave666 Bakker Gijs

    Leuk Bevonden:
    wat ik hoorde heeft die wel een lobby.
    maar de game is officieel nog niet uit he..
    denk dat het allemaal wel goed komt:9
  18. sharkdawg

    sharkdawg yo m@mma

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Misschien eerst zelf spelen en dan een oordeel geven over hoe het online is?
  19. Cube

    Cube Speed Junky...

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Hoe kan yoda tegen darth Vader vechten ze zitten alle bij toch in een anderen versie ?:{


    Yoda en darth vader zullen in alle bij de versie komen door middel van downloadable content \o/ _O_
    Laatst bewerkt: 26 jul 2008
  20. Ryu Suyanto

    Ryu Suyanto Ryu Suyanto

    Leuk Bevonden:
    De ps3 owners kunnen Yoda als downloadable content krijgen zodat ze alsnog met Yoda tegen Darth vader en de andere fighters kan spelen. Hetzelfde geld andersom ook voor de 360 owners, die kunnen Darth vader downloaden.

    Dit is gedaan omdat ze in eerste instantie exlusief waren en de 1 dus neit in de andere versie zit. Maar om 1 of andere reden(die ik dus niet weet) hebben ze zich bedacht en kan je alsnog met beide spelen. Alleen moet je de character die jouw versie niet heeft ff downloaden.

    Om het ff nog duidelijker te maken:

    360>> Yoda
    ps3>> Darth vader

    Ps3+Psn(downloaden)>> Darth Vader + Yoda
    360+Xbl(downloaden)>> Yoda + Darth Vader
    Laatst bewerkt: 26 jul 2008
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