Het schijnt dat de: XBOX/PS2/Game Cube een (veel) beter verhaal heeft.
Ik heb de interesante verschillen tussen de: xbox 360 en xbox versie er uit gehaald:
But the missions in these other versions of the game are completely different from the missions in the Xbox 360 game.
The story is told differently and in a much better way, not a one of the gameplay changes in the Xbox 360 version are in here, and the multiplayer modes are unique to these versions of the game.
On the Xbox 360, Splinter Cell Double Agent's story has an interesting hook but leaves much to be desired in terms of plot and character development. On the Xbox and PS2, it's still not the greatest story ever told or anything, but there's substantially more and better dialogue, stronger characters, and a better ending--yet the same basic plot and main characters. Plot holes from the Xbox 360 version are plugged.
For example, while it's inexplicable why Fisher would get to use his government-issue experimental rifle while working for terrorists in that version, on the Xbox and PS2 we learn that Fisher's commanding officer plants the gun by tricking the terrorists into believing he's an arms dealer. The relationship between Fisher and the one female (Enrica) member of the terrorist group is also revealed in greater detail on the Xbox and PS2
, making Fisher's moral dilemma around how to deal with her and the rest of his mission seem much more interesting.
The Xbox 360 version of Double Agent slightly strayed from the Splinter Cell norm by featuring a variety of daytime missions, as well as timed missions in the terrorist base. On the Xbox and PS2, the levels are conventionally dark like in past Splinter Cell games, and the timed missions aren't there.
It's a shame that the Xbox 360 version of Splinter Cell Double Agent, being the most high-tech, is liable to get most of the attention. That's not because the Xbox 360 version isn't the best overall, since it probably is. But there are a lot of legitimately different, legitimately interesting things about the older-console versions of this game, which Splinter Cell fans simply shouldn't miss out on. Double Agent on the older consoles has a lot of its own great missions, gameplay, and plot points that you won't get from the 360 version alone, and they retail for less. The Xbox version particularly stands out, thanks to its online co-op mode and relatively impressive graphics, but the PS2 version is no slouch, either. And if you do get a chance to experience both versions of Double Agent's story, in the end, it might make a strange kind of sense. There are two sides to every story, after all.
Bron: http://www.gamespot.com/xbox/action/splintercell4/review.html
Dus, ik heb de xbox versie dan ook maar besteld.
Ik ben nu bezig met de: xbox 360 versie.
Wel raar dat het zo verschilt dan ?
Maar ik zag dat de: xbox 360 en PC versie gemaakt wordt door:
Ubisoft Shanghai (SC
T) vandaar al die chinese namen bij de credits.
Xbox/PS2/GameCube/Wii: Ubisoft Montreal (SC:1, SC:CT)
Laatst bewerkt: 30 okt 2006