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Splinter Cell: Conviction

Discussie in 'Algemeen' gestart door Jort, 4 mei 2007.

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  1. Smok3y

    Smok3y Dark Souls!

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Laatst bewerkt: 30 jul 2009
  2. Rebel8319

    Rebel8319 XBW Addict

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Je bent gek man , het ziet er juist super wreed uit !

    dat screen tearing komt waarschijnlijk gewoon omdat het via een cam is opgenomen.

    Ik vind dit nieuwe styltje juist erg vet. En ook zeker die mission objective's op de muur , heel erg innovatief
  3. Smok3y

    Smok3y Dark Souls!

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Denk dat het inderdaad ook erg persoonlijk is.
    Maar vind sommige animaties er zo clunky uitzien.
    Bijvoorbeeld sam trapt in 1 x een deur aan barrels,sommige disarm moves zien er gewoon nep uit,Sam fischer lijkt bulletproof...

    Allemaal van die kleine dingetjes die me gewoon even opvielen.
    Maargoed.. time will tell.

  4. Lenny-t

    Lenny-t Melted Forest XBW.nl VIP

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Stealth Gameplay noemen ze dat :emo:
    Lekker stealth als je met granaten aan het strooien bent, op iedereen afrent om een lame disarm move te doen en daarna met een shotgun een kamer binnen rent.
  5. DulleNL

    DulleNL I'm a little teapot Magic Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Ach, de SC puristen zullen moord en brand schreeuwen (doen ze nu al), maar ik zal er veel meer plezier mee hebben dan met de vorige games. :cool:
    Je verstoppen in de schaduw is voor pussies. :+

    Laat maar komen deze game!
  6. Smok3y

    Smok3y Dark Souls!

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Niet zo gek toch aangezien de oude games voornamelijk draaiden om het sneak en stealth (hoge moeilijkheidsgraad) gebeuren.
    Begrijp dat ze willen blijven vernieuwen,maar zoals ik het nu zie is het gewoon gunsblazin....

    Ach als ze de MP dit keer maar niet verpesten :+
  7. DulleNL

    DulleNL I'm a little teapot Magic Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Ik begrijp het ook zeker dat de fans het niks vinden. Ik zou hetzelfde reageren bij mijn favo series.

    Maar in dit geval is het *voor mij* een leuke verbetering. Het ziet er allemaal gewoon zo badass uit. :cool:
  8. Hybrid

    Hybrid Well-Known Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Guns blazing kan het zijn.

    Zoals ik al zei. De developers zeiden dat dit het meest chaotische level is en ik heb nog 5 andere filmpjes gezien van de E3, waar ze het veel rustiger aan deden, en dat kan dus ook.

    Met vernieuwing heb je altijd weer groepen mensen.

    Als het zoals Theory was geweest. Hadden er mensen geroepen. "Wil wel wat vernieuwing zien en nu zijn alleen de graphics mooier". En de andere groep zegt. "Yes ouderwets weer Splinter Cell"

    Ik zie het zo. Ik nu 2 games spelen voor de prijs van een.
    Splinter Cell en een Bourne game. ;)

    Damn ik klink als Yellow
    Laatst bewerkt: 30 jul 2009
  9. Fiasco

    Fiasco Big Stepper XBW.nl VIP

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Same hier. Bij mij hangt het er van af hoe erg stealth de game zal zijn. De eerste 3 delen vond ik niks, omdat dat me gewoon echt te veel stealth was. Double Agent vond ik wel vermakelijk omdat die game een stuk minder draaide om stealth.
  10. DulleNL

    DulleNL I'm a little teapot Magic Member

    Leuk Bevonden:

    Splinter Cell: Conviction Hands-on
    How does it feel to smash someone's head through a sink? We get our hands dirty and tell you all about it.

    Australia, August 13, 2009 - Splinter Cell: Conviction was far and away one of the highlights of E3, and is definitely one of our most anticipated games of the next six to nine months. We recently had the chance to go hands-on with the E3 2009 demo. You've all seen that level, so instead of going through it blow by blow, we thought we'd tell you how the various mechanics in the game feel to actually use, and how much impact the many new visual flourishes have. Read on…

    The Brutal Interrogation

    The interrogation scene at the beginning of the demo, in which Sam smashes his interviewee's face into sinks, urinals, toilet doors and mirrors, is not quite as interactive as you'd expect. There are only a handful of objects that you can actually utilise, which, while disappointing in some ways (and possibly not how such scenes will play out in the final game), is fair enough. Why smash someone's head into a boring old wall or a garbage can, after all, when you could use it to shatter a porcelain urinal, True Lies-style? The system isn't dynamic - you basically move from one object to another until your interrogation guinea pig has given up the information you need. The order in which you do things does have an impact, however. Finish up on the mirror and the game name will be projected onto it, whereas that won't happen if you, say, finish on the toilet door. What, you didn't want your game's name projected on a toilet door? Okay yeah, that makes sense.

    This reminds me of the bathroom at our last Black Beta... only cleaner.

    In all, this scene isn't really about gameplay. It's basically an interactive - and very cinematic - cutscene. It establishes that Sam can be brutal when need be, and sets the scene for the gameplay to come. There's no way to fail or for the arms dealer you're interrogating to put up a fight. He's there simply to have his head caved in then give up information. Thanks guy!

    Mark and Execute Does Not Dumb Things Down

    You've probably all seen the 'mark and execute' system in action, but that's in the hands of people who know what they're doing. For a dev team member demoing the game, it's the work of a moment to hang from a pipe on the ceiling, tag two enemies then drop down on a third to perform a stealth kill, thereby earning the ability to automatically execute the other two with quick precise shots to the head.

    For the new player, however, the delicate ballet of death to be played out is less obvious. You need to scope out every situation and think tactically before you act. The ability to mark and execute is a reward for a hand to hand kill, not something that you have at your disposal at all times. Thus, you're always on the lookout for that first melee kill that you can parlay into executions. It's really a very elegant system and feels great to get right. Tagging enemies from under a door before busting in and snuffing them out with a shotgun is just as satisfying – if not more so - as the alternative: opening the door then taking cover and popping out to do your dirty work. And it's certainly more stylish and ruthlessly efficient. You can also mark other things in the environment. Mark a light to drop the room into darkness as part of your execution or mark a chandelier to drop it onto the heads of enemies.

    Inevitably, however, things will go awry, so it's a good thing you can still fall back on good old fashioned cover-based gunplay… which we did… on several occasions.

    Agility & Ability

    Sam has never been short on physical abilities. This is the man, after all, who is perpetually lurking above corridors with his feet wedged against opposite walls, waiting for unsuspecting victims to stroll by underneath. In Conviction his level of agility is familiar, but robust. We're talking about climbing up many walls, shimmying along window ledges (nothing like hanging outside a window and marking the people inside, or grabbing someone inside to pull them out to their death), diving through windows and into a hang, climbing pipes, dropping onto victims from above, using enemy weapons, utilising cover and engaging in some very sharp hand to hand. Phew! Oh, and using enemies as human shields. And that's just what we got a chance to play with in this one mission demo.

    Cool kill, plus you get a mark and execute. It's win win!

    While Sam doesn't start out this game stocked with gadgets (he and Echelon broke up, you see), he quickly improvises, snapping off a mirror from a car as he passes, allowing him to use the glass to peer under doors to scope out what lies ahead. This is simple to use – just focus on the bottom of the door and select the option to peer under. Just make sure you're not looking a little higher, because then you'll open the door... which is what we did. Thankfully, you've got plenty of options to evade the guards and turn the situation around.

    Style and Substance Go Together

    This game is all about immersion, and to that end Ubisoft has implemented a number of very cool systems to keep you immersed, while simultaneously clued in as to what's going on. The first is the way the colour bleeds from the world when you're hidden/unseen. You may be lurking in a shadow or clambering across a pipe on the ceiling, but rather than having an artificial hud element that you'd then need to glance at, and that would be an imposition on the game world, this system works both functionally and aesthetically.

    The second is the doppelganger system. If you're spotted by an enemy then drop out of sight and move away, a stationary shadow person will be left where you were, marking your last known location. This way you're clued in as to where the enemy thinks you may be, and can use that to your advantage. He's not going to just go up to it and start scratching his head, of course, but he'll use that as a reference point and you can too, to try and outmanoeuvre him.

    Speaking of AI, the enemies were tuned to be very forgiving in the demo – while they used cover, created cover by knocking over desks and aggressively pursued you, evading them was straightforward, as was earning mark and executes. The team has stated that things will get much more challenging as the game progresses, with much smarter enemies and scenarios that are much harder to wrangle mark and executes from.

    Infiltrate the mansion yourself, sky projector guy.

    The last immersive element to discuss is the way storytelling is handled in Conviction. Forget cutscenes and flashbacks – in this game when you learn a new piece of information or Sam thinks of something that happened in his past, full motion video is projected up onto a nearby wall – reflecting that this is what Sam is thinking of as he moves through the world. It's very slick. As is the way the game also projects up text to clue you in on locations. You'd think it would snap you out of the reality of the world, but the reality is it does the opposite, working a little like some kind of spy-vision; a reflection of Sam's intense focus.

    In fact, all these systems are in place so that you're always in the world – not staring a huds, cutscenes or menus. It really does make a difference, and adds a huge amount to your engagement in the game.

    So. Conviction. Just as much fun to play as it has been to watch. More fun, really. Sam is a total predator now - it's still a balance between stealth and action, but he's never felt so efficient and so skilled. We can't wait to see more.

  11. Fiasco

    Fiasco Big Stepper XBW.nl VIP

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Collectors Edition


    Nog niet bekend wat er in zit.
  12. Distoration

    Distoration Da diii

    Leuk Bevonden:
    De game zowiezo :+
  13. DulleNL

    DulleNL I'm a little teapot Magic Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Een beeldje gok ik. :cool:
  14. Daz

    Daz Well-Known Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
  15. hayabusa halo

    hayabusa halo Half-shark, half-man, skin like alligator

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Even kicken, zo'n game mag niet op de 2e pagina komen :mad:

    Meteen ff opgezocht wat er in zit.


    En zag in het intertoys boekje dat Splinter Cell 20 of 22 oktober uitkomt.

    Hopelijk komt die snel op gamehubs te staan. :)

    Als ubisoft de games wel regiovrij maakt. :eek:

    Ik lees net op het plaatje dat het in de preoder pack is,
    Maar dan krijg je ook veel als je preodert.
    Laatst bewerkt: 1 sep 2009
  16. ryan23

    ryan23 Spartan23R

    Leuk Bevonden:
    ''Splinter Cell 20 of 22 oktober uitkomt''

    hij was toch uitgesteld naar 2010? :9
  17. hayabusa halo

    hayabusa halo Half-shark, half-man, skin like alligator

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Ik wist niet meer goed welke datum het was. Maar keek net ff en er stond.

    'Wordt verwacht 22 oktober'.
  18. Hybrid

    Hybrid Well-Known Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Hij is idd uitgesteld tot Q1 2010. :)
  19. DulleNL

    DulleNL I'm a little teapot Magic Member

    Leuk Bevonden:

    Keyboard cat 8)

    Laatst bewerkt: 4 sep 2009
  20. DimlightHero

    DimlightHero Rule 7

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Play them off!:lol:
    Laatst bewerkt: 5 sep 2009
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