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[Spoilers] Bungie’s nieuwe Halo ARG: IRIS

Discussie in 'Xbox Hardware' gestart door Fardo, 13 jun 2007.

  1. Mystic2010

    Mystic2010 Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Maybe is ie helemaal opgewonden geraakt van je samenvattingen? ;P
    Die bedenker van deze ARG zal er vast veel aan verdienen, en anders heeft ie het recht er wel op!
  2. Graveheart

    Graveheart Groovy XBW.nl VIP

    Leuk Bevonden:


    Buy teh Haloz.
  3. Fardo

    Fardo Well-Known Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Hehehe penny-arcade blijft goed. Mocht men afvragen waar blijft de volgende update. Het is even stil. Blijkbaar zit de ARG community even vast in de puzzels .. Ik ga straks eens op zoeken welke problemen er allemaal open staan
  4. Kapitein Iglo

    Kapitein Iglo Registered User

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Tja het gaat allemaal om het analyseren van de bestanden die je van dat apparaat heb gekregen. Geloof niet dat iemand er al iets zinnigs uit heeft. Maar ik denk zelf dat we weer even moeten wachten totdat bungie verder gaat.
  5. Fardo

    Fardo Well-Known Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Ehm .. nee zo werkt een ARG niet .. de community is nu aan zet :) ... ik verwacht wel dat we hints krijgen, maar wij moeten nu iets doen
  6. Fardo

    Fardo Well-Known Member

    Leuk Bevonden:

    [​IMG]Het leek er even op dat het verhaal van Bungie's ARG IRIS niet verder ging. Maar vandaag, na een korte radio stilte is het dan weer zover. Adjuntant Reflex heeft een teken van leven gegeven en heeft op de Bungie.net website een nieuwe post gemaakt.

    Er zijn tevens een aantal mesnen geweest die hebben opgemerkt datop Server 5 vreemde geluiden te horen zijn. Als het geluid sterker wordt dan staat de apparatus op de positie van server 3. Ik ben ben benieuwd of we binnekort antwoord krijgen op onze vragen.

    Donderdag 28 juni

    • GePost door Adjutant Reflex:
    6/28/2007 - 10:17 PM PDT (directe link) A pulse
    Can you feel it? Beating at the heart of the Universe. Skin too thick to be sure. It's alive though. I'm certain. What do I do with life?
    • Het CI team op het Bungie heeft ontdekt dat rond 12:00(pacific) een kleine verandering was te merken op Server 05. Het achtergrond geluid van server 5 is evranderd. Er is een kort scherp geluid te horen elke 5 seconden. Als men het apparaat stil zet dan is het geluid sterker te worden, als deze in server positie 3 staat.
    • Op het unfication forum zijn ze nu het geluid aan het analyseren. Op het eerste gezicht is er een duidelijk verschil te zien tussen het eerste geluid en het nieuwe geluid
    • Je kan hier de verschillende sound clips downloaden: clip 1 en clip 2
  7. mattiejj

    mattiejj Registered Muser

    Leuk Bevonden:
    staan nog wat typfoutjes in.. maar het is zeer duidelijk_O_
  8. Fardo

    Fardo Well-Known Member

    Leuk Bevonden:

    [​IMG]Het is even een tijdje geleden geweest sinds mijn laatste post, maar hier dan toch weer een update. Mensen die geholpen hebben om Server 5 te openen kregen van Bungie vandaag een doos met goodies. In deze doos zat ook een Xbox Live Marketplace redeem code en met deze code krijg je een exclusieve avatar van de Glyh. Ik was helaas net te laat om de server te openen, dus ik val buiten de prijzen. Ik hoop dat ik toch een keer in de prijzen ga vallen, maar ik ben bang dat ik het openen van server 2 moet gaan missen, want ik ben straks namelijk 2 weken op vakantie. Noch de ARG noch E3 zullen me dan bezighouden. Ik hoor jullie nu al denken, wat nu? Mis ik dan straks alles van IRIS. Ja en Nee, ik kom natuurlijk terug en dan zal ik een uitgebreide update schrijven. Echter denk ik dat er weer veel te gebeuren staat als de E3 begint.
    Vrijdag 29 juni
    • Om 12:42 PM PDT, maakte AR een nieuwe thread aan getitelt Veins of Ice and Poison
    • 6/29/2007 - 12:42 PM PDT (direct link) |n|n|nROGUE PROCESS ghost.713> X.XX.713> POS/NAV < @ > <53LPH54.6JG62.1740><1………> X X5 > CONFIRM SECURE QUARANTINE - > qghost.713
      I do not require charity or alms But I did choose poverty And other darkness too Will you wait for me?
    • AR maakte een nieuwe post aan in dezelfde thread, met een reactie op de vragen van andere members en wat er is gebeurt met AR. Sinds deze post is er geen update meer
    • 6/29/2007 - 12:49 PM PDT (direct link) Adjutant Reflex is ended. This is a convenient Matrix. For now.
    Woensdag 4 juli
    • Een vierde glyph is ontdekt door args.bungie.org op een promo voor Halo 3. -- Deze lijkt op AR's avatar, maar deze heeft geen circel in het midden
    • De 1ste Glyph
    [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]] [​IMG] Van de email van Microsoft. http://halo.wikibruce.com/AdjutantReflex"]AdjutantReflex[/URL]'s avatar. advertentie. Halo 3 advertentie. Halo 3 comic SOTA website
    • De 2de Glyph
    [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] Image van de Master Chief, reflection on his visor. Glyph op Server 05. Glyph op de achetrgrond van Server 05.
    • 3de Glyph
    [​IMG] StarImage1.jpg.
    • 4de Glyph
    [​IMG] Found on a cardboard ad.
    • Forerunner Glyphs
    • Het lijkt er op dat de glyphs gerelateerd zijn op de fases van de maan
    June 14th, AdjutantReflex geeft aan dat 'het is begonnen' - nieuwe maan.
    June 21st, Server 05 opened - first quarter
    June 30th - full/blue moon
    July 7th - last quarter
    July 14th - new moon
    • Op het filmpje van Server 05 is duidelijk de maan te zien
    • Het zou dan kunnen beteken dat de server een countdown is
    Donderdag 5 juli
    • Valchael van het bungie.net forum meld dat hij een pakket van Microsoft heeft gekregen. In het pakket zitten SOTA-gerelateerde spullen. Hij was een van de eerste 100 die Server 05 opende. De pakketen zijn vermoedelijk naar alle 100 winnaars verzonden.
    • Het pakket bevat:
    • Een t-shirt
    • De SOTA flyer
    • De Halo 3 Comic
    • En een Marketplace redeem code. Met deze code krijgt men toegang tot een exclusieve Gamertag Picture

  9. Weggooi32

    Weggooi32 Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Zal je updates missen Fardo :)
  10. Fardo

    Fardo Well-Known Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Hehehe ik blijk hier gratis Wifi te hebben .. dus weet post ik nog wat :)
  11. toxito

    toxito Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Hehe, dat is wel een vette gamerpicture! Hou wel van zulke misterieuze symbolen!
  12. splatman

    splatman Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    hoe krijg je die gamerpicture ?
    laat maar had verkeerd gelezen
    Laatst bewerkt: 8 jul 2007
  13. mattiejj

    mattiejj Registered Muser

    Leuk Bevonden:
    is er nog nieuws, ik heb gezocht, maar kan niets vinden..

    zal wel aan mij liggen:+
  14. Fardo

    Fardo Well-Known Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Ik ben me weer aan het inlezen :) ... ik post morgen of woensdag een mega update :)
  15. Buuzne

    Buuzne Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Ik vat echt niks van dat geluid, die 719 HZ.
    Laatst bewerkt: 28 jul 2007
  16. mattiejj

    mattiejj Registered Muser

    Leuk Bevonden:
    niet om onbeleefd te zijn, maar het is al donderdag:+
  17. Fardo

    Fardo Well-Known Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Ik heb het vrij druk gehad... maar staat boven op mijn to do list ... eerste to do was om weer te gaan bloggen :)
  18. Fardo

    Fardo Well-Known Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    [edit] July 5, 2007

    • Valchael on the bungie.net forums announced he'd received a package from Microsoft containing a number of SOTA-related items. He was one of the first 100 to open Server 01. It's expected that packages were sent to all 100 - whether each will receive their package depends on the validity of their addresses (entered either directly, or via their Passport/XBL account).
    • [​IMG]
      nattyhaze on arg.bungie.org discovered via google numerous classified postings for a company called Flood Containment Control (text displayed on the Slide_Ref070107.jpg), containing an image with the original 'closed' version of the glyph. The ads contain the phone number, (888) 778-5672, which has an interesting recording. Details here (actually discovered July 6th)
    [edit] July 7, 2007

    • The message on the flood containment control call number has changed to a conversation between two men. Of note is a reference to "402-K-07-002". suitedjock googled the number, which lead to an EPA webpage referring to a booklet "EPA 402-K-07-002", Flood Cleanup and the Air in Your Home.
    • The new recording says this (listen):
    Op (British Female): Welcome to the Strema Conferencing center. Please enter your pin, followed by Caller: #### (131#?) Op:Password accepted. Now accessing conference archive number 16180, participant 1-2.
    Man 1: ...isn't necessary, and neither is the doc download. Man 2: I agree. This isn't going to be a public resource. Uh, pass on the document number so I can delete it (pause) Man 1: There's no way to tell yet, Jaimie's looking into the records to find out how many closed sites there are, but as for active clean up, somewhere around 3-4 thousand. Oh here it is. Uh, Hold on. 402-K-07-002 and in terms of numbers most of these are past the (PPE?) stage. (pause) Man 2: With a few exceptions, uh, site 34. . . . Op (American Female): --Thank you for calling. Goodbye. [edit] Outline - Week 5, July 8 - 14, 2007

    [edit] July 8, 2007

    Man 2: (...site 34, ) site 4, 107, and 37. The center usually goes in before we do, that's been my experience. Man 1: By the time we have the site clean, they've moved on to more pressing needs. After all, we've had some extremely unpredictable seasons lately. 3rd participant Man 2: No need, their rep is available to us any time we need her. 3rd participant Man 1: On everything we still need to look into 3rd participant Man 2: Well we're working on it. For the moment we're simply hiding the data behind a false menu item. Man 1: Security will be updated before the next system approaches 3rd participant Man 2: Okay, great. Bye Bill Man 1: Thanks [edit] July 9, 2007

    • The message on the flood containment control call number has been updated, returning to part 1, but adding participants 3 and 4.
    • The new recording says this (listen):
    Op (British Female): Welcome to the Strema Conferencing center. Please enter your pin, followed by Caller: #### (probably 2 different pins) Op:Password accepted. Now accessing conference archive number 16180, participant 3 (overlaid by) 4.
    Man 3 (Bill?): So where does that put us in terms of the numbers then? (pause) Female 1: Roughly (pause) Female 1: And out of that 4000 or so we are expecting to close shop on the bulk by the end of the month. (pause) Op (American Female): --Thank you for calling. Goodbye. (see flood containment control for the full possible transcript) [edit] July 10, 2007

    • The message on the flood containment control (see for audio and transcription) call number has been updated. The new recording completes part 2, and hints for people to go visit halo3.com/5467k - a map of the US with red dots in every state on video game carrying stores. The page title says '3463 5467k', which when punched in a cell spells 'FIND KIOSK'. When viewing the red dots, each location contains a code:
    KltfvbljclecwuqlYnmerwvqhrplavyjantz xtmespdtsttgyseviBceyntfvvatrwzgwwub olwifmvbgcztatsVwxbxexiwgzswnfepVtkn njzgdctpwvhKgefqcekqvqyfbetxvhbgznhp rlavdecrqihJokstwcxahxxwitchsjrptaau nansTmbxwhihyfthAtlxIvsdbQtpaBjrVrss oDwc
    • When visiting the locations, people found a new display on Xbox 360 kiosks (youtube video, thanks atomicfire001). In a 'hidden menu' (see flood containment control), they found a quote from Blaise de Vigenère:
      "There is no malicious intent. Only the single minded goal of survival"
      This tells us the code is a vigenere cipher. Using the quote as the key, the quote can be decoded to:
    Report 206:
    Every sixteen hours another planet is taken. The numbers being lost are astronomical.
    Report 223:
    Host world raised. Correct concentration to point sixty five. Fleet losing control falling back. Rendezvous at Nine Bravo Kilo Two Romeo Six.

    • Then using the code 9BK2R6 at the transmission log, leads to the new Bounce Path Control page where visitors were prompted to enter a verification code (image). The first 100 people to enter this code were presented with the key entry page again, with a new voice message.
      The MP3 narrative says:
    Transcription: Failure is for those who don't know the sound of darkness Those so blinded that they lose all diverging paths And make no mistake, progress can blind you Just like now the pieces seem to be coming together- Bit by bit, slice by surgical slice Then, all of a sudden, endless calm There is a lack of... a failure in judgement You must understand- not all life deserves a chance Even that artifice passing as my own Now there is a lesson to spend millennia lingering upon Waiting for a redemptive hand to turn the keys Leading to the symbiotic relationship which benefits both our futures I will guide your movements and you will lead me toward atonement
    • Once all 100 keys were received, "the server's content" became unlocked, and the transmission log began redirecting to "Server Open" (direct link). The second server ('episode') shown on halo3.com is now unocked and displays the Forerunner entity.
    [edit] Outline - Week 6, July 15 - 21, 2007

    No events occurred
    [edit] Outline - Week 7, July 22 - 28, 2007

    [edit] July 25, 2007

    • While nothing has happened in Iris to further the 'spiral campaign' portion, numerous Halo 3 downloads have been made available over the course of the campaign - digital swag, as it were. Because of its 'meta' status pertaining to the campaign, please place info about downloads on that page - at least until anything in particular is shown directly connected to the furthering of Iris.
    [edit] July 26, 2007

    • The recently released server monitor began showing a pending up date to Server 03
    • A strange popup was discovered at Halo3.com, under Media / Concept Art named "The Device." Once opened, the device asked for use of the computer's microphone. After playing the 719hz sound file (some say any sound or pressing play multiple times) through the microphone, visitors were led to the new Bounce Path Control page where they were prompted to enter a verification code and they key. The first 100 people to enter the key were given a new voice message.
      The MP3 narrative says:
    Transcription: The left hand holds darkness, the right hand holds light. That is how the universe creates, and that is how we proceeded. A soldier who would one day destroy his brother. We were the thunder and the lightning, and when we were finished, the universe was alone, drifting in labor. Did we succeed? Did we fail? We did both, depending on who you serve. After all, here we are, witness to the aftermath
    • Once all 100 keys were received, "the server's content" became unlocked, and the page began redirecting to "Server Open" (direct link). The third server (aka 'episode') shown on halo3.com is now unlocked and displays the Forerunner entity.
    [edit] Outline - Week 8, July 29 - Aug 4, 2007

    [edit] August 3, 2007

    • Halo3.com was updated in the Halo Insider section with a new post, including a poem by Lord Byron called When We Two Parted, with an additional final stanza.
    [edit] Outline - Week 9, Aug 5 - Aug 11, 2007

    [edit] August 6, 2007

    • The new poem was first discovered by gremlin12 at ABO. Within the poem are extra spaces, placed before specific letters. The 'marked' letters put together spell: THECASTAWAYTHEORYVOLMAN
    • Following the hint from the final stanza referencing "Amazon", a new book was discovered named "The Castaway Theory", by Jonas Volman, published by "Golden Wing Books" (aka, Iris) with the 719hz.wav spectrogram image of Schrodinger's Equation used as cover illustration. The release date according to Amazon was Nov 9, 2004 - the date Halo 2 was released.
    • In the comments section are two posts from Thomas Sanatos, seeming to say that Volman has been missing for quite some time. In one, Thomas states "Joanne and I lit a candle for you the other night. It's become a tradition every time we make Sunday evening pasta." It's considered this could be indicating the upcoming Sunday (12th).
    • When previewing the book's pages, note first the ISBN number: 2-061-62236-5, aka The book's Amazon ID may also be encoded: B000RGSYWI
    • The previewable page contents include up to the 2nd page of Chapter 1. On the 2nd page is an image bearing a striking resemblance to our glyphs. The book and its chapters discuss genetics and the gap that appears to exist between ancient and modern humans in the Darwinian evolutionary theory, and possible explanations.
    • See The Castaway Theory for available book contents.
    • At 3:43pm PDT, Thomas Sanatos posted a 3rd comment in the book's forum.
    [edit] August 7, 2007

    [edit] August 8, 2007

    Thomas Sanatos says: I understand that everyone is on a search of some kind, but I don't think I can help you.
    Jonas was the one with the theories and answers. The rest of us were just sounding boards for possible solutions. We were the ones who told him no every time he thought he found a yes. If he was around, I am sure he could tell you what you want to know.
    The process of my involvement was simple- Jonas would work non-stop for about a week before dropping by my office. If I had the time, he would sit for a cup of coffee and ask questions about the structure of social advancement or evolutionary desires or any number of things. The questions always changed due to the fact that he was forever updating his theories.
    During all our talks, Jonas and I grew close. He didn't have any family in the area so my wife and I started inviting him over for dinner on Sunday evenings. This continued for a few years, past the publishing of "The Castaway Theory", until one night he just didn't show up...
    Two days later, after he failed to appear for classes, I filed a police report. The investigators went through his house and found nothing out of place. His notes remained untouched; his clothes all seemed to be in his closet. There was even a sandwich sitting on the kitchen counter. It was as if he just opened the front door walked away. That was 20 months ago.
    The last time I heard from Jonas was in a note he left on my desk the Friday before his disappearance. The note said, "It's time to start asking questions again. J"

    Retrieved from "http://halo.wikibruce.com/Outline"
    Category: Summaries

    quick and dirty

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