[Multi] Starfield

Discussie in 'Games' gestart door Reckuuza, 17 aug 2023.

  1. Reckuuza


    Leuk Bevonden:
  2. Reckuuza


    Leuk Bevonden:
    de hype is idd niet aanwezig
  3. RemcoM

    RemcoM Ash and molten glass like Eyjafjallajökull

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Was eerdee echt niet hyped maar holy fuck die reveal van laatst werd ik echt nat van en ik heb niet eens een kut. Denk alleen niet dat ik 'm op release ga halen even afwachten, nu nog bezig met Remnant 2 en daarna Baldurs Gate 3.
    Dusky Demon NL vindt dit leuk.
  4. Servantes

    Servantes Well-Known Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Q&A met de devs.

    Q: Can we buy houses or property in main cities?
    Will Shen
    Yep! There's housing in different cities that the player can get. Some you have to purchase and some are rewards for specific quests.
    Sure can! You can purchase a dwelling in all the major cities in the game. And there's at least one that you get specifically for completing... something.
    Q: If we get the Kids Stuff trait, will our parents be generated based on our characters look or are there standard parents put in place? What benefits might there be?
    Will Shen:
    Our programmers on our new face tech were excited to make a function that could try to match your custom face and then create the two parents. So they are based on what your character looks like, although the specific math involved is a bit beyond me. We had similar tech in our previous games.
    Emil Pagliarulo
    Yes, totally. Just as we did in Fallout 3 with your dad, and in Fallout 4 with your son, in Starfield, if you take the Kid Stuff Trait. your parents are based off of you. No spoilers, but I think fans will really appreciate the actors we got to play those roles. And they just get SO into it, it's awesome. (Oh, and yeah, you can get... stuff)
    Q: For those of us who have never played a BGS game and will be starting with Starfield, what information should we know that will make the experience more impactful right from the start? How deep should we go into creating our character's backstory before we start the game?
    Emil Pagliarulo
    Hmmm... Well... We always make our games for fans both old AND new. So you can jump in without ever having played a Bethesda title before. But we like to look at it less as playing a game, and more about living in the universe we created. So settle in, go at your own pace, and pretty soon you'll learn all the systems and be adventuring through the Settled Systems the way you choose. As for going into a character's backstory, that's entirely up to you. I'm all about that head canon.
    For example, my latest character is a working shlub named Mitch Dombrowski. He's a husky, good-natured space trucker, and while he'll do whatever he needs to defend himself, he'll never shoot first. He's like Han Solo's sweeter older brother.
    And yes, there are Traits and Backgrounds that support that kind of thing.
    Will Shen
    While we do start you off in the same spot, what happened to you before the game starts is totally up to you and your head canon. There is a Trait and Background system that will let you specify more about yourself, but you can also select an anonymous background and no traits if you want. In terms of if you've never played a BGS game before: Try anything! We're a simulation as well as a roleplaying game, so we try to support the player doing what they want as much as we can.
    Q: How will the smuggling cargo system work? Can we hide it somewhere on the ship and sell it for more currency later?
    Will Shen
    Certain items are considered "Contraband" and you'll need to smuggle them past security ships that are in orbit of major settlements.
    Emil Pagliarulo
    There are specific items that are considered Contraband, meaning they're pretty much illegal everywhere.And yes, you can hide them using special ship modules you can purchase. So, you know, don't get caught with those harvested organs. The economy is fixed, but prices of bought and sold good can change based on the Skills you choose.
    Q: Will there be a jail system if we committed crimes?
    Will Shen
    Yes, you can elect to go to jail or pay a fine when you're arrested (or even resist arrest and try to escape).
    Emil Pagliarulo
    Yup. The Settled Systems is more like Skyrim than Fallout 4's Commonwealth in that regard. Ya bancha criminals! There's civilization, there's government, and there are laws. And in a couple cases, we actually explore the themes of crime and punishment in our futuristic universe.
    Q: Will time pass when not in the game? For example, will my trade routes, outposts, and mining operations continue to produce or does that only occur while actively playing?
    Emil Pagliarulo
    The sim only runs when you're actively playing. No sleeping on the job!
    Will Shen
    Only when actively playing.
    Q: Can you be a double agent in the game? For example, if you join the United Colonies, can you also join the Crimson Fleet and give the United Colonies information? And what factions have that feature if they do?
    Will Shen
    All of the playable factions can be completed independently. The Crimson Fleet storyline does feature you being an undercover agent inside the Fleet on behalf of UC SysDef (a specific military branch of the United Colonies), but whether you betray the Fleet or UC SysDef is a choice you will get to make.
    Emil Pagliarulo
    Ha! That is exactly what you can do – infiltrate the Crimson Fleet for UC SysDef! It's specific to that questline. In the studio, I have been (half-jokingly) accused of referencing movies that some folks have never seen, because I'm old. So with this particular plotline, the inspiration was very much the movie Donnie Brasco, which is the true story of an FBI agent who infiltrates the mafia. HOW FAR WILL YOU GO?!
    Q: Depending on traits selected during character creation, will it at all be possible to play through the game in a 'pacifist mode', i.e. without killing anyone, or even potentially, anything?
    Will Shen
    I can't guarantee every mission can be completed in pacifist mode, but we do have a couple of systems that will help. One system is our Speech Challenge game, where you can persuade someone to do something like not fight you. The speech challenge game is added in specific scripted moments, and we try to add one in to most quests where important characters confront you.
    Emil Pagliarulo
    So, we talked about this very early on during pre-production, whether or not we would fully support a "non-lethal" playthrough. We realized that, for various reasons, that wasn't totally feasible. Now, that being said, there are some good non-lethal options, whether through dialogue or by using a non-lethal weapon. Those can be used in certain situations, honestly a lot of situations, though I couldn't comfortably say you can complete the entire game without any killing whatsoever. The Settled Systems is mostly civilized, but it can be a dangerous place if you're going off the beaten path. And you're absolutely going off the beaten path!
    Q: What are the beliefs and basic history of the religions we can join (Sanctum Universum, Enlightened, Great Serpent)?
    Emil Pagliarulo
    Okay, so this one... Existing, IRL religions are part of the Starfield universe, (with folks of all religions and denominations out there) but we don't really focus on them. Instead, we highlight three new ones specific to the game. Sanctum Universum – The members, called "Universals," believe that God very much exists somewhere in the universe. That a higher power is guiding us all. Specifically, they believe that humanity's ability to travel the universe and grav jump is God's way of saying, "I'm out here. Come find me." The Enlightened – These folks are essentially organized atheists. They don't believe in any kind of higher power. Rather, they teach that human beings have to take care of each other, and they practice what they preach through various community outreach programs.
    Will Shen
    Yeah. The Sanctum Universum is only a couple decades old in our timeline, but has gained a lot of prominence. They believe that God is out there, somewhere in the universe, and that humanity's ability to travel the stars brings us closer to God. The Enlightened are an atheist group that focus on humanitarian and community work. They believe that life is something every person has to take responsibility for, so that if we want the world to be a better place, we have to do it. House Va'ruun - Ho boy.
    So, in the game, you're not really sure what the complete truth is, but... The gossip among the guards is this: a colony ship sets off for a new world, making grav jumps along the way. After one of the grav jumps, one of the passengers claims he spent that time communing with a celestial entity known as the Great Serpent. What was a few seconds for everyone else was... much longer for him. And he brought back a mandate, which is basically, "get onboard, or be devoured when the Great Serpent encircles the universe." Is it true?? I ain't sayin'.
    So in the game, you sometimes face off against House Va'ruun Zealots (as an enemy group), and that's their motivation. I recently got the House Va'runn logo tattooed on my wrist. So yeah, I dig them.
    Q: How many companions total will we be able to recruit?
    Will Shen
    There are over 20 named characters who can join your crew. Four of them are from Constellation and have the most story and interaction with the player, but all of the named characters have their own backgrounds and can follow you around (and carry your stuff).
    Emil Pagliarulo
    Over 20 total, and we really focused on the members of Constellation. What Will said. lol When we first began Starfield pre-production, we looked back at our previous games, and realized how popular and effective the companions were. So they were a big priority for us, and we really wanted to tie them directly to the main quest. There are some really big moments with them specifically. I should also mention that our companion voice cast is amazing. We haven't released the list yet, but you can be sure there are a lot of talented actors bringing those characters to life. (Same for Constellation in general)
    Q: When we assign crew members to work at outposts, do we have to pay them salaries?
    Emil Pagliarulo
    You just pay them once. We actually experimented with paying them regular salaries, but ultimately decided to just have the one cost up front. There's a lot to do in Starfield, and we wanted to minimize what the player had to constantly keep track of.
    Will Shen
    Yep. One time payment (that you can use the speech challenge game to negotiate over. Some traits also affect the cost)
    Q: Will our companions be able to level up their perks? Will their perks stack with ours?
    Will Shen
    All crew start with a set of perks at specific ranks. So you might meet a character that's especially good at rifles, and you hire them to watch your back. Or you might meet an Astrodynamics expert that will increase your grav jump range when assigned to your ship.
    Emil Pagliarulo
    They don't level up, but they come at different ranks, depending on the companion. Well, we call them Skills in Starfield. And they do stack with yours, when relevant. Some are there for flavor, to highlight the companions' backgrounds and interests. But you'll really feel the benefit of the ship- and combat-related ones. Getting a boost to your shields, or seeing your companion laying down fire with a weapon they're proficient in, are pretty sweet moments.
    Q: What are your favorite parts of the game?
    Emil Pagliarulo
    Shipping it! But seriously, folks. Because of my position, my experience is a little different than yours. I won't speak for Will, but personally, I've seen every questline, every city, every major piece of content in the game at every stage of development. So my answer is colored by that. For me, the real pleasure is seeing how they've all evolved into the versions they are today – the versions everyone here will play. I have a real soft spot for Neon. Getting that city nailed down took a lot of work by a lot of different people, and the result is, really, the cyberpunk settlement I always hoped it would be. I also love all the questlines. I think they're the best we've ever done. The designers on this project totally killed it.
    Will Shen
    I love finding content that I haven't seen yet or forgot about. Our games are so big that no one person is likely to have seen it all, even after all our passes and levels of review. Our quests really evolve over development and its great to see how everyone adds to them (designers, animators, voice actors, lighting, everything).
    Q: What books or movies had a big influence on some of the quests?
    Will Shen
    I'm a history nerd, so I actually listen to a lot of podcasts like Hardcore History and The History of Rome. While our game is science fiction, I like how historians can tell you about how human beings react to extreme circumstances (like war, famine, and technological breakthroughs), and you can imagine how we'd react to similar circumstances in a fictional setting (just at a grander scale).
    Emil Pagliarulo
    Well, I'm a child of the late 70s-early 80s, and I have very fond memories of the sci-fi of that time. So, let me think... Star Wars, OG Battlestar Galactica, Space: 1999, Buck Rogers, Battle Beyond the Stars, Ice Pirates... and let's not forget the classic that is Metalstorm: The Destruction of Jaryd Syn. I think I actually saw that one in 3D. But also much "headier" sci-fi stuff, like the writings of Arthur C. Clarke and Robert Heinlein, or films like Contact, Interstellar, 2001: A Space Odyssey, and even Event Horizon. In all of those examples, you realize that outer space is two things: 1.) A source of mystery and wonder, sometimes terror AND 2.) A giant blank page on which you can write any story. And we have written a lot of VERY different stories in Starfield.
    Q: What are some favorite small details in Starfield to add to the immersion?
    Emil Pagliarulo
    I think what I really love is that, although humans are living in space, and our aesthetic is very much "NASApunk," this is a very lived-in universe. And you can see it everywhere. You know, everyone loves the sandwiches. But it's the books that are lying around, the notes on bulletin boards, the environmental storytelling that our level designers and world artists are so good at. So all, I'm a slow typer, and somewhat typo obsessed... Totally love the workj from our voice actors, too. And the music. And sound effects. And clothes. lol Buttons! We do love our buttons. Oh, I do want to mention this, if you haven't heard about it. Adam Savage and team are building a filming model of the Frontier:
    And that ship, man. And all the ships - the level of detail is insane.
    Will Shen
    I look really closely at all our outfits. You can see seams, materials, especially on the spacesuits (Constellation members have patches on their spacesuits and they're tied to what skills they have). We also love buttons. There's a lot of buttons.
    Q: What is the history of the mechs?
    Emil Pagliarulo
    Oooooo the mechs. Good one. So, we showed this a bit in one of the animated shorts. The mechs are leftovers from the Colony Wars. (Note it's Colony War and not Colony Wars. Singular) Both sides, United Colonies and Freestar Collective, had mechs. But the Freestar Collective really mastered them. The United Colonies had mechs, too, but they also relied on the controlled alien beasts from their Xenowarfare division.
    Both of those were outlawed with the Armistice that ended the Colony War.
    I'm not saying there's an old mech battleground in the game.
    I'm typing it.
    Mechs - not usable, no. They're in ruins.
    Laatst bewerkt: 17 aug 2023
  5. Reckuuza


    Leuk Bevonden:
    he did it
    Servantes vindt dit leuk.
  6. Jorrie

    Jorrie ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Moderator

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Ben benieuwd, heb toch maar een paar jaar gamepass gehaald dus kan er weer even tegenaan.
  7. McSparkle

    McSparkle Well-Known Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Kan niet wachten op deze game. Please be good.
    Jorrie vindt dit leuk.
  8. Alexknl

    Alexknl Well-Known Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Hij mag gewoon niet floppen. Gaat wss wel in het begin een bugfest zijn. We zullen zien, tegen die tijd weer effe gamepass ultimate fixen voor paar eu.
  9. NuclearGoat

    NuclearGoat PSN: Acrillic

    Leuk Bevonden:
    en 4 was ook al min of meer trash, weinig vertrouwen in Starfield. Ga hem wel spelen, heb toch game pass + pc.
    Dat de review embargo al best een tijd voor release verloopt is dan wel weer hoopgevend.
    Yellow 13 vindt dit leuk.
  10. Yi-Long

    Yi-Long ...the little dragon

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Heb er ook weinig vertrouwen in. Cyberpunk zag er nog uit als een geweldige stad om in rond te lopen/rijden, maar wat ik van Starfield heb gezien is vrij steriel en voorspelbaar allemaal.

    Uiteraard hoop ik dat het een geweldige game zal zijn, maar ik zie voor mij persoonlijk gewoon nog niks waar ik enthusiast van word …
  11. BigSyke

    BigSyke Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Moest bij de openingspost gelijk aan die Elf uit Oblivion denken en ik was niet de enige.

    Killamonkey vindt dit leuk.
  12. Servantes

    Servantes Well-Known Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Starfield early impressions from Tyler McVickers



    To recap, he says that:

    • the game starts slow and tries not to overwhelm you with systems and choices, but it does get a bit overwhelming, so the first few hours are weird

    • but once you get into the main story, it gets very good

    • "it's mind-blowing how good this game looks for it being Creation Engine"

    • "this game is something, I'll tell ya"

    • he's 15 hours in and not a single bug so far.
    McSparkle en Yellow 13 vinden dit leuk.
  13. Yellow 13

    Yellow 13 Well-Known Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    the game starts slow and tries not to overwhelm you with systems and choices, but it does get a bit overwhelming, so the first few hours are weird

    Hij heeft duidelijk geen autisme of of nooit op een RP server gespeeld in WoW. Perfecte opening dit. :cool:
  14. Modder-Eter

    Modder-Eter XBW.nl VIP XBW.nl VIP

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Yellow over 10 jaar: De game was jaren lang onspeelbaar!
    Cyndris en Yerewn vinden dit leuk.
  15. Yellow 13

    Yellow 13 Well-Known Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Ach: Deze game is in elk geval niet XBW volg buggy posts. :+
  16. Yerewn

    Yerewn Zo lekker gewoon gebleven

    Leuk Bevonden:
  17. McSparkle

    McSparkle Well-Known Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Ik kan niet wachten. Zo benieuwd naar hoe de game nou precies speelt. Een BGS rpg in space lijkt me heerlijk.
    Bavihoane en Yellow 13 vinden dit leuk.
  18. McSparkle

    McSparkle Well-Known Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Intro van de game is gelekt. Staat 40 minuten aan gameplay op YT.

    Zal wel snel offline gehaald worden.
  19. Bavihoane

    Bavihoane Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:

    Scheelt weer zoeken

    Verstuurd vanaf mijn "Grot"
    Reckuuza vindt dit leuk.
  20. Reckuuza


    Leuk Bevonden:
    film je het goddomme verticaal voor youtube dan ben je toch ook werkelijk waar niet goed bij je achterkamer. ongekend hoe sommige mensen zo weinig besef hebben van composities angles etc whatever.

    anyways enige wat starfield goed doet is de muziek

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