De breakdown DLC is nu te koop op Xbox Live voor 6,99. Review: [yt]FoBdp-iTknc[/yt] Ik ga het zelf niet kopen, aangezien het een beetje hetzelfde is.
Gister nog de nieuwe DLC in de aanbieding gekocht. Ben erg benieuwd hoe goed het er uit gaan zien op de One.
Alle content en nieuwe content en in 1080p. Tof allemaal, Vond de trial erg leuk op 360 en ga hem dan ook zeker halen op X1.
Xbox One reviews. Xbox The field party is coming to an end, so now the ending short and sweet. YOSE, like its Xbox 360 predecessor, offers many, many hours of gameplay; even if you are a returning player it is well worth the upgrade. And if you’ve never played before, what are you waiting for? This is the best zombie survival game currently available Xbox Achievements - 8/10 It's not without its flaws, and State of Decay: Year-One Survival Edition is still haunted by more than its fair share of bugs, but this is survival horror at its most nerve-shredding and tense. The open-world is staggering in size, marred only by muddy textures, frequent pop-in and an almost wearying, (and no doubt intentional) constant drabness to its apocalyptic world. State of Decay is how we imagine a real-life zombie apocalypse might play out, with splintered communities, and an all-pervading sense of desperation and despair. State of Decay: Year-One Survival Edition isn't an easy ride by any stretch, and it'll test the mettle and patience of players looking for a more instantly gratifying experience, but stick with it and Undead Labs' seminal open-world survival horror rewards in spades. IGN - 8.9 State of Decay deservedly shattered Xbox Live Arcade sales records in 2013: it is a potent mix of RPG gameplay systems that all fuse together to create an unpredictable and tense survival experience. Time hasn’t taken anything away from that for Year One Survival Edition, and though it hasn’t fixed its technical problems either, this zombie-bashing, resource-managing post-apocalyptic gem still stands out from the horde of brainless zombie games. XBLAFans - Buy it Considering that the criticisms I've leveled at YOSE are pretty minor in comparison to the praise, I have little hesitation in recommending the game to basically anyone. New players can expect a deep and richly rewarding sandbox of zombie slaughter, resource management and occasional emotional turmoil — permadeath! — wrapped up in a neat package. For returning players, the promotional price and special attention lavished by Undead Labs will leave all but the harshest of critics feeling as if they have been wrapped in their favourite winter blanket, freshly cleaned and renewed after a year or so on the shelf. Gamesradar - 3/5 Newcomers can add a point to the score, but returning players will be disappointed to learn how little has been fixed. Worth a look for the stories it generates, but be prepared for frustration. GameSided - 7.5 State of Decay: Survival Edition doesn’t solve the longstanding issues that rankle the game, instead it opts to simply apply a fresh coat of paint. Entertainment doesn’t have to be perfect, and State of Decay was (and still is) a seminal survival game of the last generation. Its innovative gameplay should be able to trump the annoying quirks for most players, but its issues will certainly prove too much for others.
Ik ben hem nu aan het spelen, heb een unlock code gekregen van Microsoft. We gaan zorgen voor een tijdige review!
deze haal ik ook,.. Als je dood gaat bij deze game, moet je dan echt helemaal overnieuw beginnen, zoals bij dont starve?
Nee, je wisselt dan van personage. Het personage wat dood gaat, blijft ook dood. @Willem Veel plezier.
Best positieve reviews, alleen weer jammer en eigenlijk best lazy dat de technische problemen schijnbaar niet zijn aangepakt.
Als ik me niet vergis, het is ff geleden dat ik de 360 versie speelde, dropt er een backpack als je doodgaat. Hierin zitten je wapens, eten etc. Die kun je dan gewoon weer oppikken. Daar is ie hoor ( @Graveheart )