orry voor de dubbele post
hier casper.probeer dit maar ff.:b:
Gunslinger (25G) - Kill 7 enemies within 15 seconds.
There are lots of places to get this one. The end of the game, leaving City Hall, etc. There are two sure-fire ways to get it (especially if you've beaten the game already and need to load a chapter), and they depend on when you do the sidequests.
If you didn't do Vinny's second sidequest in Chapter 3;
1. Load up Chapter 5 on Easy.
2. Speak to Vinny to continue the main quest, and stick around to let him talk some more and accept his sidequest.
3. Go to Aunt Sarah's on Lower East Side. Kill the guy in front of her house who's watching her, then go talk to her and Butcher.
4. Return to Vinny and 'hand in' both quests. Get his second kill quest as well as the continuation of the storyline.
5. Doing this will put 2 groups of people at Grinder's Lane. A group of 5 cops (second kill quest) and 3 guys from the main storyline (1 outside, 2 inside).
6. Run around the corner and let off a Black Hole (with full darkness power) and shoot like crazy at the same time. Turning up auto-aim really helps with this. If you don't see the achievement unlock and everyone is dead outside, quickly run inside (or shoot through the window if a guy is there) and kill the last couple guys. There are a total of 8 enemies, 2 were inside for me.
If you did do Vinny's second sidequest in Chapter 3;
1. Load up Chapter 3 on Easy.
2. Talk to Jimmy The Grape to continue the storyline.
3. Talk to Vinny and get to his second quest (like above).
4. This time when you go to Grinder's Lane, there will be the group of 5 cops and 2 civilians. These two only show up during Chapter 3, which is why there are two methods for doing this. Kill the cops with a Black Hole and then kill the two civilians.
*Note: You won't have Black Hole if you reload a Chapter (you can get it while playing through though, just do it after City Hall). Alternatively, you can simply use your guns or rush through City Hall until you get Black Hole and then go to Grinder's Lane.