Single Player
Fixed bugs with voice recognition
Fixed a bug that made the game crash when killing Dr. Smythe under a specific circumstance.
Getting stuck at briefing screen when joining a match in progress
Fixed a coop crash when failing a mission numerous times
Fixed an exploit where observers received same kills as host in terrorist hunt
Fixed a intermittent coop crash in map Factory
Fixed a disconnection bug when host changes map
Fixed a bug with live camera that forced a reboot.
Fixed an issue with max players not being related to recommended players for maps.
Added better feedback in the game search menus.
Fixed a bug with the siege specialist achievement.
Fixed players crashing when using shield and entering a game with shield restricted.
Fixed a rare crash when starting a coop story game
Fixed a bug that made the shield become invisible in certain circumstances.
Fixed a display bug with weapons disappearing while using shield
Fixed a crash while using the Live Vision Camera
Fixed a display bug with the canister in retrieval staying visible after being taken.
Fixed a random crash for clients in COOP games.
Fixed a display error that showed 14 players instead of 16 for dedicated servers.
Fixed a bug with score limits not working properly.
Fixed a bug that sometimes prevented grenades from being used at game start.
Fixed a crash through the world bug related to starting COOP games while playing Terrorist Hunt.
Fixed a crash through the world bug in Casino COOP.
Fixed a bug with invalid recommended players in COOP maps.
Fixed a lockup in COOP mode related to clients joining a game late.
Fixed a bug where a dedicated server set for 16 players only accepted 14.
Added better feedback in the game search menus
Remove proximity voice chat from team games.
Adjust TerroHunt XP based on density setting:
Fixed bug regarding voice chat
Now voice chat works for all players
Fixed a crash where clients crash when host change map or quit the game before they have time to load lobby
Fixed a crash when clientnt selects Option/ Map name either in the lobby or In game
Fixed a bug related to the infiltration specialist achievement
Fixed a bug where when score limit is 10 a game does not end when canister is deposited
Fixed a bug in splitscreen:Crash when player 2 Press ready before player 1 in the login profile menu
Fixed a bug where game occasionally crashes on boot at the Title Screen.
Weet niet of het aan mij ligt maar dit is toch niet normaal meer voor een console game? Zoveel bugs! (37!!!!)
Ben zelf erg teleurgesteld in rainbow six vegas snap niet waarom bijna geen één game producent meer een bug vrije game brengt naar de xbox 360. Elke game die ik tot nu toe heb gespeeld heeft wel een patch nodig om de nodige bugs eruit te halen.
Vind rainbow six vegas daarom ook erg zuigen elke keer als ik multyplayer ga spelen heb ik het gevoel dat ik een beta game zit te spelen of zo. We krijgen echt troep voorgeschoteld ik vind dat ze de games eerst wel eens grondig mogen testen, de helft van deze online bugs ben ik al in één middagje spelen tegen gekomen!
Laatst bewerkt: 8 dec 2006