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[Multi] Tom Clancy's: The Division

Discussie in 'Games' gestart door Flavourlicious, 11 jun 2013.

  1. Nol

    Nol Pulp Fiction

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Ik snap echt niet waarom je dit spel alleen zou willen spelen, zonder vrienden ontstijgt de gameplay nauwelijks de middelmaat. Met vrienden, daarin tegen, wordt de TD erg sterk.
  2. Korkss

    Korkss Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Ik vermaak me prima in mijn eentje. Maar vind het met vrienden sowieso leuker.
  3. Gakkie

    Gakkie Black Queen

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Niet iedereen heeft dezelfde speelstijl (casual vs hcore), speelritme (qua wanneer en hoe vaak, dus level verschil), volle friendslist en met een PUG is het vaak niet leuk vanwege de rushers. Genoeg redenen dus!
  4. Martijnn

    Martijnn Disco disco, good good!

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Iemand nog tips voor in een vuurgevecht?
  5. Graveheart

    Graveheart Groovy XBW.nl VIP

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Ja, raak schieten.
    Gebruik cover en headshots.
    Servantes vindt dit leuk.
  6. Gakkie

    Gakkie Black Queen

    Leuk Bevonden:
    En schiet in korte bursts! Meeste wapens hebben een enorme recoil!
  7. Olijke Poffer

    Olijke Poffer PC VR fan.

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Wegrennen en schone broek aan doen.. :D.. Misschien toch maar kopen deze titel...
  8. Martijnn

    Martijnn Disco disco, good good!

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Deze game schiet inderdaad erg lekker weg en wat is er veel te zien in NYC :)

    Wel FUCKING moeilijk zeg, het eerste level Madison field hospital is gewoon niet te doen, ben level 5 in m'n eentje en ben er na 14 keer maar mee gestopt, kom er niet doorheen.
    Laatst bewerkt: 21 mrt 2016
  9. Typisch

    Typisch Evil is a point of view

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Moeilijk? :+

    Het enige wat ik moeilijk vind is de challenge mode, en zelfs die zijn goed te doen met de juiste gear en vooral rustig aan doen.

    Dat is ook mijn tip eigenlijk voor iedereen die moeite heeft: dekking zoeken en rustig aanvallen, niet alles te gehaast willen doen.
  10. Barbabravo

    Barbabravo Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Inderdaad dit. En af en toe een keer terugtrekken bij hordes vijanden kan ook erg handig zijn.
  11. Martijnn

    Martijnn Disco disco, good good!

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Inmiddels verder gekomen door online te spelen, gelukkig want het is toch lastig af en toe!
  12. Korkss

    Korkss Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Ik vind het op hard in je eentje ook nog wel te doen. Sommige mieesies zijn wel echt kut in je eentje. Maar op normal moet je toch niet al te veel moeite hoeven doen?!
    Gister op challenger bezig geweest met zn 4e en eigenlijk ging dat wel easy :)
  13. Rossi

    Rossi Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Wat is belangrijker, hoge dps/Health op een stuk gear of hogere armor er op?

    Verstuurd vanaf mijn MotoG3 met Tapatalk
  14. Smok3y

    Smok3y Dark Souls!

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Zie geen nieuwe main missies verschijnen op mijn map. Alleen side missions.

    Hoe kan dit?
  15. Maddmonkey

    Maddmonkey Well-Known Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Ligt aan je build, maar health is bij lange na niet alles. Armor zorgt voor dmg reduction. Is alleen lastig boven de 50% te krijgen. Beste is een balans tussen alles. 140k dps, 60k health en 45% damage reduction zou geen verkeerd streven zijn.
  16. Hybrid

    Hybrid Well-Known Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    21/03/2016 12:52 PM

    Here’s the list of changes that will be implemented during the server maintenance on March 22nd, 2016

    • Named enemies. will now drop better loot in Challenge mode than in Hard mode.
    • Added a cooldown period for the Static Turret stun attack in order to avoid a stunlock in PvP and PvE game modes.
    • Named NPCs will no longer respawn after being killed in the Open World. This will prevent situations where players were able to kill a same named NPC over and over again.
    • Modifications to the weapon talent: Trained.
      • It can now only be rolled on Shotgun, Marksman rifles and Pistols
      • Its bonus has been reduced from 1%-5% to a constant 0.1%
      • For the Midas SMGs, Trained Talent has been replaced with Responsive Talent which increases damage when getting closer to the target. This applies to existing weapons as well as newly acquired ones
      • For all SMGs, LMGs, and Assault Rifles, it will be replaced with another randomly picked weapon talent. This applies to existing weapons as well as newly acquired ones
    • Fixed a speed run exploit for the Rooftop Comm Relay mission
    • Fixed an issue where weapons dealt no damage if the reload animation was interrupted by an agent’s skill
    • Fixed an issue where players became stuck in an emote animation if activated via chat while auto running
    • Fixed a bug where skill power would be increased permanently while using the Death by Proxy talent
    • Fixed a bug where experience was not being awarded for completing all side-missions in the Midtown East safe house
    • Fixed instances where the Seeker Mine with Airburst / Multi-mine mod would detonate too soon, miss targets or cause no damage
    • Fixed a bug where grenades would sometimes not display the blast radius warning before detonating
    • Fixed an issue where some NPCs in low cover would not react to being shot by the player
    • Fixed issues where emotes would cause the player model to behave oddly (missing guns, player stuck in emote animation, etc)
    • Fixed a bug where weapon mods and weapon skins would not show up on other players in the game world
    • Fixed an issue where DPS would not be calculated properly when purchasing a new weapon mod
    • Players can now heal other neutral players in the Dark zone, by using First Aid and Support Station skills
    • Players are now able to fast travel to Dark Zone checkpoints, but only when coming from outside the Dark Zone
    • The Dark Zone disconnect timer has been increased to 30 seconds, meaning players will remain in the game world longer when logging out while in the Dark Zone (this applies while not in combat)
    • Items extracted from the Dark Zone are now properly marked as "new" items when moved to the players inventory
    • Players killed in the Dark Zone now drop ammo, medkits and grenades. This loot is generated and not taken from the dying players’ inventory
    • Players killed in the Dark Zone will lose less Dark Zone Funds and Experience (Rogue and non-Rogue)
    • Dark Zone Funds and Experience rewards for surviving Rogue status have been improved
    • Dark Zone Funds and Experience rewards for killing Rogue agents have been improved
    • Phoenix Credits drop have been increased on lvl 31 and 32 enemies in the Dark Zone:
      • Lvl 30: 1-3 Phoenix Credits
      • Lvl 31: 2-4 Phoenix Credits
      • Lvl 32: 3-5 Phoenix Credits
    • Increased drop rate of High-End items from lvl 31 and 32 named NPCs in the Dark Zone.
    • Increased drop rate of High-End Division Tech Material from lvl 32 named NPCs in the Dark Zone.
    • Improved Dark Zone Chests items quality:
      • Rank 30 chests will now drop Superior (Purple) items instead of Specialized (Blue)
      • Keys chests now have a chance to drop High-End (Gold) items
    • Dark Zone Funds drop rates and quantity on NPCs has been reduced.
    • Fixed a bug where the Wildfire and Fear Tactics talents were affecting neutral players in the Dark Zone.
    • Fixed instances where players would receive a DELTA error message when entering the Dark Zone
    • Fixed a bug where sometimes players could not loot anything after returning to the game following a network disconnection
    • Fixed Stage 1 Rogue timers not displaying correctly when Rogue players receive damage from another player
    • Fixed a few lights that did not cast global illumination
    • Added more information for Daily missions on the Map
    • Tutorials have received some UI polish
    • The Matchmaking menu now displays the mission difficulty rating more prominently
    • The mini-map mission tracker has been optimized to be less confusing to players
    • Fixed a bug where some of the attributes for high-end equipment were cut-off in the recalibration menu
    • Fixed a bug where the Matchmaking menu for a mission would not display correctly or kept disappearing
    • Fixed missing item icons in the Reward Claim Vendor's inventory
    • Fixed incorrect side-missions being displayed in the Map legend
    • Fixed a bug where the helicopter crash SFX would be missing from the Brooklyn end cinematic
    • Fixed a bug where the Zapper Turret mod had no sound
    • Fixed a bug where the audio for entering a contaminated area would be cut-off
    • Fixed a bug where audio would not play when scrolling through vanity items
    • Fixed Ubisoft CLUB reward descriptions in Korean and Traditional Chinese
    • In-game localization bug fixes
    • Tobii Eye Tracking bug fixes and improvements
    • On launch, the PC client now monitors PC graphic settings and applies the best settings for the user’s configuration. This is unless the user has custom settings.
    • Fixed an issue where the Map was sometimes difficult to navigate with a mouse
    • Fixed issues with Hungarian, Korean, and Russian localizations
    • Fixed an issue that prevented matchmaking while on the Map
    • Removed the Store button from the Character Selection screen on PC versions of the game. Players can find the store page in the Ubisoft CLUB app directly
    • Fixed increment number on Day 1 Patch Notes (was 1.1, now correctly states 1.01)
    • Fixed a bug where players could not reconnect to the servers after suspending the game on Xbox One
    • Fixed a bug on Xbox One where unblocking a player would not be reflected in-game until title reboot
    • Added an option to disable the PlayStation 4 controller speaker
    • Improved textures and models streaming speed
    • Fixed an issue where ISAC volume could get too loud when playing with headsets
    Kevf en Graveheart vinden dit leuk.
  17. Flayner

    Flayner Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Darkzone wordt al meer rewarding zo te zien, goede zaak! Bulletking 2016 - 2016. :+
    Korkss vindt dit leuk.
  18. Graveheart

    Graveheart Groovy XBW.nl VIP

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Bullet farm eruit, betere rewards erin.
    Ik ruik een DZ expeditie morgen. :D
  19. bulletproof010

    bulletproof010 Hey! Listen!

    Leuk Bevonden:
    benieuwd of ik dan weer kan spelen.
    Kom de servers niet meer op sinds gisteren en ben high end crafted gear kwijt:mad:
  20. Maddmonkey

    Maddmonkey Well-Known Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Is een afspraak met Bungie. Elke keer als je destiny opstart, is er een 30% kans dat je een item kwijt raakt. Keeps the grind going.
    bulletproof010 en CrazY vinden dit leuk.

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