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Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen

Discussie in 'Algemeen' gestart door KEN_123, 25 apr 2009.

  1. Fiasco

    Fiasco Big Stepper XBW.nl VIP

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Boxart is het enigste mooie van de game :+
  2. MaxxRaptor

    MaxxRaptor Eigen aanduiding

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Ze zouden echt zoveel moois kunnen doen met zo'n spel,slechter dan het eerste deel kan het niet worden i hope.
  3. iMark 007

    iMark 007 Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Ik was als kind altijd een groot fan van de Gen 1 Transformers, maar kan nu niet zeggen dat ik uitkijk naar het spel en de film. De eerste film was misschien uit neutraal oogpunt niet slecht, maar als Transformers fanaat vind ik het een teleurstellende film. En dit spel wordt natuurlijk niks net zoals het eerste spel.
  4. MaxxRaptor

    MaxxRaptor Eigen aanduiding

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Snap je standpunt heel goed,probleem wat ik van de film onder ander ook vond is dat de robots te overgedetaileerd waren en vooral Megetran zag er niet uit.In de film transformeerd alles mee zoals motorblok,van hetgeen waar ze in veranderen en bij sommige robots ziet dat niet cool uit.

    Optimus Prime en Jazz waren het meest duidelijk,en herkenbaar dat je zag als robots waar ze in veranderden.;)
  5. DulleNL

    DulleNL I'm a little teapot Magic Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen Characters
    Come find out which Autobots and Decepticons you can be.

    May 14, 2009 - Ever since the newest trailer for the Transformers movie launched, people have been unable to stop talking about Megan Fox's short-shorts as she's working on that bike. However, Activision's trying to move that focus from Fox's derriere to the videogame Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen with today's announcement of who you'll be able to play as in the game.

    Yes, you're going to be able to play both sides of this epic, metallic conflict, and that means you're going to have quite a few robots to plays as. Want to see who you can be in this third-person action game that allows you to transform at will? Take a look at this…


    Optimus Prime
    Aerialbot (Multiplayer-exclusive)
    Protectobot (Multiplayer-exclusive)

    Long Haul
    Seeker (Multiplayer-exclusive)

    Pff...who cares. :+
    *gaat verder met de trailer te checken.
  6. MaxxRaptor

    MaxxRaptor Eigen aanduiding

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Heel mooi in beeld gebracht,zeer van belang voor de game natuurlijk!;)
  7. DulleNL

    DulleNL I'm a little teapot Magic Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
  8. GameKid360

    GameKid360 Guest

    Vet, maar ik hou het toch nog denk bij de films.
  9. Fiasco

    Fiasco Big Stepper XBW.nl VIP

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Welke trailer is die. Nog niet gezien volgens mij :eek:

  10. DulleNL

    DulleNL I'm a little teapot Magic Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
  11. Fiasco

    Fiasco Big Stepper XBW.nl VIP

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Oh, die had ik wel gezien :+
  12. MaxxRaptor

    MaxxRaptor Eigen aanduiding

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Wie is nu populairder,de transformers of Megan? hahaha!
  13. DulleNL

    DulleNL I'm a little teapot Magic Member

    Leuk Bevonden:

    Hands-on: Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen (PS3/360)

    Remember the last Transformers game? The one that was so painfully bad it made you want to smash your controllers to bits and turn to a life of reading books? Developer Luxoflux sure remembers, and that's why it set out to make the game based on the upcoming movie, Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen, a lot better. Thankfully, it had a clearly outlined example of what not to do courtesy of Traveller's Tales.

    When you get dropped into the single-player mode, you'll get taken through a brief tutorial in order to "check your systems out." On the Decepticon side, you'll get Starscream as your trainer, and the Autobots have Ironhide taking you through the paces. All the basic controls like movement, jump, targeting and so on are covered, after which you'll move on to transforming. To transform from robot to vehicle mode, you'll hold down the right trigger and ... keep it held down. That was our main gripe with this game, actually. It was too easy to have your finger pop off that trigger and whoops, you're a robot again. It's particularly aggravating when you're a flying 'former, revert back to aerial mode and have to get your bearings again.

    Every character in the game has a primary weapon, a secondary weapon and a special ability. You can toggle your weapon mode on and off by squeezing the left trigger, which will bring up your aiming reticule, and the right trigger fires. For instance, Ratchet has an Energon Multi-Beam as his main weapon, and by hitting the right bumper or R1 you can switch to Sticky Grenades, his secondary offense. His special ability is Combat Repair, which heals nearby friendlies. They've made the special abilities emulate the characters somewhat: Optimus has "Valiant Leader" (he takes damage for you), Megatron has an instant-kill Fusion Arm Cannon and Ironhide can drop an Automated Rocket Turret.

    In the single-player level we played, we had to kidnap several scientists and take them to holding areas. You'd do this by scaring them out of buildings -- pound a structure or shoot it enough to demolish it, and the terrified scientist comes running out. Scoop 'em up, and then take them to the beacon on the map. Rinse and repeat. It got fairly repetitive ... but that's where the other game mode leaps in to save the day.

    Luxoflux has done a great job with the mutliplayer 4 x 4 battles, which run rings around the single-player campaign. The developers have nailed the scale -- when you have Grindor up in the sky trying to chase you down, you'll be grateful for that ability to turn into a speedy little car and zip away (thanks, Bumblebee!). You won't mind being a small guy vs. a big dude, because you'll have increased speed on your side. Just be sure to stay out of the reach of their weapons.


    Ironically, the most improved part of the game are the transformations, which look terrific. If you jump off a building and transform into an auto or a jet on the way down, you'll either hit the ground with wheels screeching, or rocket off into the sky -- pretty thrilling stuff. A couple of the characters, like Sideways, are armed with sniper rifles, allowing you to grab a good vantage point and take a few shots before zooming off to a new spot. Translation: kablam, transform, roll out, transform, shoot again.

    We played deathmatch in our sessions (Autobots vs. Decepticons, of course), and Luxoflux promises several other types of multiplayer will be available, including Control Points and some sort of Capture the Flag mode.


    One blemish on the multiplayer goodness: when you die, you'll respawn after a countdown ... and then you plummet to the ground in a meteor before you can get back in the game. It's a tedious process that gets old after the first time you see it. Given that we're so close to the release of the game, we doubt this will change, so it might be something we'll just have to learn to love or just not loathe.

    Activision and Luxoflux will be out at BotCon this weekend with a playable build of the game available to attendees, so if you're in the SoCal area, transform and roll out.

  14. DulleNL

    DulleNL I'm a little teapot Magic Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
  15. tricker

    tricker Semper Fi

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Ik vind de game nog steeds wel gaaf hoor....23 juni hoorde ik in filmpje? Geldt dat ook voor hier?
  16. Frangster

    Frangster Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Hmm ik kan er nog niet echt warm voor lopen. Die eerste heb ik mij grotendeels alleen maar mee vermaakt vanwege de achievements. :+
  17. powerslave666

    powerslave666 Bakker Gijs

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Angry Video Game Nerd: Transformers:lol::lol:

    Producer and Art Director Interview
  18. tricker

    tricker Semper Fi

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Kijk eerst dat eerste filmpje en dan die eronder! echt je denkt gewoon wtf wat een vooruitgang geweldig! En dan die muziek die erin zit! ga je gewoon waarderen
  19. powerslave666

    powerslave666 Bakker Gijs

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Transformers 2: The Video Game - Review
    Laatst bewerkt: 22 jun 2009
  20. Kevf

    Kevf Hardcore poster

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Wat komt er uit? (kan hier niet kijken)

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