Poe hee, durf al bijna niet meer met je in discussie te gaan, expert. 
Ik lees veel positieve user reacties over deze expansion. Een handgreep:
"During my time as a gamer, there have been at least a half a dozen instances in which my most anticipated title for that year failed to match some other title I played just a few months earlier.
There I was, finally playing my most anticipated title, only to find myself thinking about the other game, which was really just supposed to be the warmup act.
This year my most anticipated title is Skyrim. Doesn't matter how many copies it's going to sell, or how much money Bethesda has made in the past from The Elder Scrolls, or how many followers they have. The only thing that matters to me is my own opinion. When I said I was worried, I didn't mean I was literally worried - it was just an exaggerated way of me saying that I find Two Worlds Two to be such a great experience that I'm now 'worried' that Skyrim, when I finally play it, isn't going to match what I'm experiencing now from playing this expansion for Two Worlds Two.
For me, so much of a game depends on the engine, and the gameplay mechanics - just the feel of the game.
That little starter island in the expansion, where you go to hunt bears, instantly reminded me why Two Worlds Two captivated me so much last year. The way my character moves so gracefully through those tall grasses, with his axe raised above him just mesmerizes me - I could spend hours just wandering about, engaging in combat and picking up side quests. One minute it's the dead of night, and I'm in the forest, holding my torch, and slaughtering bears and wolves. The next, dawn is breaking, and I'm running along the beach near the ocean - for me, an open world RPG is as much about the experience you feel from exploration, as it is about gameplay and plot. I want all three of those things.
This game just works for me on every level. The engine, maxed out, at 2560x1440, just excites me. And honestly, I have to say it, but last year's Fallout New Vegas, which actually was my most anticipated title of the year, was a POS. I realize that Bethesda claims to have built a 'new engine' for Skyrim, but I'm also seeing reports that this new engine is built off of Gamebryo, and that really does worry me.
It just remains to be seen whether Skyrim will excite me the way this game does. I get it that millions of people are soon going to be saying that Skyrim is their game of the year... and I hope I'm going to be one of them... believe me, I'm counting the days... but ultimately, the only opinion that really matters is my own, and this game, Two Worlds Two, turns me on."
Nog eentje:
Originally Posted by EVOkilr
Well I enjoyed playing TW2 and this add on is even better. The graphics are some of if not the best I've seen. I have it maxed out and no FPS issues at all. I'd say I'm maybe 1/2 way thru, but thats a guess. Just stuck on finding a hidden button.
So in the end if you liked TW2 then buy this!
Yeah, I've only spent two nights on this, but so far, I think that the expansion is even better.
I have to try and respect other people's opinions, but the engine, for me, is just mind blowing, and it shocks me that some people don't seem to think that. This engine is just SO immersive. Years ago, when playing the text adventure Zork, this is what my mind's eye had conjured up - I never would've imagined that in my lifetime my computer would be generating graphics like this.
Also, sorry about not being able to go into the main game to see if all the features transfer over, but I'm really pressed for time these days, and when I finally get home I kind of just want to play the expansion. I'll try to launch the main game tonight and find out though. "
Blijf nieuwsgierig. TWII had potentie, maar geen stijl IMO. Als ze dat hebben gefixt, de quest interessanter hebben gemaakt en de engine nog verder hebben verbeterd ben ik nog steeds on board.
Laatst bewerkt: 23 sep 2011