Imagine, if you will, this typical role-playing game scenario. You're exploring old ruins when you're suddenly attacked by an ogre. You fight a vicious battle and, in the end, the ogre's bloody body falls to the ground. You smile victoriously, then search your fallen foe for some hard-earned loot. There's some gold, a couple potions, and a long sword which happens to be identical to the one you used to slay the ogre. "Great," you think to yourself. "Another friggin' long sword." To make matters worse, you can't even carry it back to sell off because you're already over-encumbered. You slink away empty handed, and wonder why you bother searching felled enemies at all.
In Two Worlds, the above scenario would play out almost identically, except upon discovering the duplicate weapon, you'd be thinking, "Great, another long sword. I can combine that with the one I'm using now, then maybe I'll find another one or some power gems to make it even stronger. I should search around here to see if there's more ogres carrying long swords."
Anything that can be equipped on your character can be forged together with a similar item to create a more powerful version. And we do mean anything: weapons, shields, helmets, cloaks, rings, staves, boots, gauntlets, arrows…the list goes on and on. There are so many creation possibilities that many store their works in progress on the saddlebags of their horse or in a remote chest, just in case another potential addition is found down the line.
But how exactly does item stacking work? The in-game process couldn't be simpler. In your inventory menu, if you highlight an item that could be combined with another, both will turn green. It's just a matter of a few button presses to meld them together. Your new item will weigh only as much as that piece of equipment normally would, so stacking is also a handy way of making space in your backpack.
For items that increase skills and statistics, such as robes and rings, the results of melding is obvious before you even do it. The abilities of the two items are simply combined. For example, if you had a jade ring that increased your Strength by 2, and another jade ring that increased your Strength by 1 and your Dexterity by 2, putting them together would result in a jade ring that increases your Strength by 3 and your Dexterity by 2.
The results of combining things that have attack and defense ratings, such as weapons and armor, can be harder to predict and will sometimes result in a surprise or two. From what we've seen, putting together two weapons that do the same damage will increase the damage the weapon does by 10-25%. The same increase seems to apply to the defense capabilities of armor. However, some weapons and armor develop abilities, such as fire resistance, when five or more are melded together. How exactly this is determined is a bit of a mystery to us, but will surely make for an exhaustive FAQ post release.
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