There is a darker side to life in Cyrodil. Few know of it, and even fewer are masters of it. They are the things of nightmares and horror stories. They are Vampires
In OBLIVION, it is possible to become a vampire, opening up an entire new way of playing the game. Depending on how you choose to playm it can be a curse or a blessing. There are great advantages to becoming a creature of the night, but there are significant drawbacks as well. IF you are careless, you will be shunned by most characters in the world, prevented from bartering, and you may even burn to death in the sun, If however, you are careful, you can bypass these effects and use the powers of the vampire to your great advantage in combat.
This will be the only thing I quoted word for word in the strategy guide ( until the powers )
To become a vampire, you must fight vampires. This may be dangerous, but it may pay off in the end. When you contract the "Vampire diseaseia" or Hemophilia, you will have three days to decide whether or not you want to become a vampire or not. To cure Hemophilia, simply take a "Cure common Disease Potion" or pay tributes to a shrine.
As a vampire, you will have to drink blood; human blood. This may or may not be difficult. It depends on who you choose to feed upon. Feeding is simple, all you need to do is find a sleeping person, and activate him/her. Doing this on beggars may be easy since they are outside, but if you want to sneak inside a house for that cool roleplay effect, do so! Note: Feeding on someone will not kill them, it will not have any effect whatsoever on the person. Remember also, NEVER let another person see you feed on another person. This will be bad since you don't know who they might tell ( Well, Cyrodil is an idea

) Each day you don't feed, the effects of the vampire take greater hold of you, meaning you will have paler skin and redder eyes; also meaning more people will not have anything to do with you.
At its basic level, Vampirism gives you bonuses to several attributes ( +5 to strength, Willpower and speed ) and skills (+5 to Acrobatics, Athletics, Destruction, Hand-to-. You're also granted a small resistance to normal weapons, and a greater resistance to disease and paralysis. All of these factors combine to make your character a bit tougher than normal
For every day you go without feeding, your boosted skills and attributes increase by five. Your resistance to normal weapons increases as well.
These bonuses come with a price. At the start, you'll only have a weakness to fire. Each day without feeding increases this weakness, and other drawbacks are introduced. If you've fed within the last 24 hourse, you're safe from the sun. Any longer than that, however, and you'll start burning whenever you are exposed to sunlight. Each day that passes without feeding increases the amount of damage the sun does; cloudy or rainy weather will help some, but you're in danger any time you set foot outside.
The worst part of not feeding comes after a full four days without blood. You may notice that for every day you don't feed, your appearance changes. Your face becomes gaunt and pale, your teeth start to look like fangs, and your eyes turn a bright red. Well, you're not the only one who will notice these changes, if it's been long enough since your last feeding, everyone else will recognize you for what you are. Most characters in the game will refuse to interact with you, turning away every time you try to talk to them. This can make playing the game difficult, as it prevents you from buying and selling, and sometimes from getting new quests
For every day you spend as a vampire without feeding, you are granted a new power. While they may not directly help you in combat, each power has a specific use and can be beneficial.
The first power you receive as a vampire, hunter's sight, grants you 30 seconds of Night eye and 30 seconds of detect life over a large area. Useful for carefully exploring dungeons, this power can be used repeatedly for a small magicka loss.
The second power received gives you a highe-magnitude Charm spell for 20 seconds. While it may not immediately seem useful, this spell has one very important function. Raising a character's disposition to 100 will allow you to talk to him or her no matter how long you've been a vampire. This spell helps you to bypass the restriction placed on you for being a full vampire
Three days as a vampire gives you the ability to silence and demoralize opponents around you. Particularly useful against fire-wielding opponents, this can be quite an advantage in combat.
A full three minutes of invisibility along with 90 seconds of night-eye provides more than enough time to escape any combat situation. Use this one when you're in over your head and need to make a quick getaway