Watchdogs 2 ending still largely remains the same. Protagonist Marcus Holloway and his Dedsec hacking crew still beat their nemeses, still broadcast their righteous message of information freedom to the world, still try to wake people up to what’s really going on in the world. But, before the game returns control to the player to mop of any remaining sidequests in
Watch Dogs 2's massive open world, an audio conversation plays between two mysterious figures (You can see the appended cutscene at
this link, as captured by YouTuber Frenzy. The new stuff starts at the 2:15 mark):
Man 1: How much of this is hyperbole? Has it really gone global?
Man 2: There are new Dedsec cells popping up everywhere. The Middle East, South America, Europe. And not just them. We can’t even keep up with all the new hacktivist groups.
Man 1: Alright. Make the call.
Man 2: You Sure?
Man 1: Do it.
Atop their conversation are coordinates that, when punched into Google Maps, lead to the
Brixton area of London.