moxxx said:
lile007 said:
Gamer4life2800 said:
alanfresco666 said:
wiiguy90 said:
Magnus360 said:
lile007 said:
Chema81 said:
gaminjb said:
Zorgz said:
Rainwolfj said:
Kiwi18 said:
omniWR3K said:
GrinninCheshire said:
RawNuts said:
P0kie said:
xXatomicXx said:
fenix18 said:
RyaanG said:
misterkuko said: i dont know why but i thing this game is ****** gay & child, just look, nintendo please, you can do better, o wait, you cant do better
Well.....I feel sorry for you because you will miss out on a kickass game, and have most likely missed the other two great Smash Bros. games. I pity you...
DunderTim92 said:
fenix18 said:
RainXion said: this game is still the reason I'm buying a wii
The reson why a lot of us are getting, or have, the Wii. But actaully, I'd say that Mario period is the reason that we all are excited for the Wii, that and Soul Calibur Legends, well for me.
weedlink10 said:
PS3isthebest said: THE WII SUCKS
just like your mother.
Guys, he is a noob. And there is something I, being a fellow PS3 fanboy like yourself, and others don't like is when you bash a great game even if it is not for PS3. And for you to even bash A game that I know you have played before, Super Smash Bros. & Super Smash Bros. Melee, and the company that gave life back into gaming, you're not a real Sony fanboy, cause Sony fanboys wouldn't bash the Wii for no reason, only Microsoft fanboys would do something like that.
... ''only Microsoft fanboys would do something like that'' c'mon..
Final Fantasy
http://dorando.emuverse. Gear on the NE
http://medialib.comput stop your ignorance and stop humping your PS3 and play something else. No, wait, you don't deserve to pick up a Nintendo controller. It will burn your hands.
RyaanG were you talking to me? Cause I was trying to defend Nintendo from that ignorant comment, saying "THE WII SUCKS". I thought that it was inappropriate, and every knows that MG and FF came out for Nintendo first. So I don't know why you would even insult me when I was trying to defend Nintendo saying that it created gaming.
Rock-LeeNaR said: y does everyone hate microsoft?? i think all of the systems r great, i wish i could own them all but i only have an xbox 360, and i agree that nintendo made the gaming industry wat it is today
well we all know that Nintendo made gaming, I keep on saying lieka thousand times. lol. and we don't hate Microsoft, we just hate Microsoft fanboys, cause they are the ones that truly insult others and their respective companies for no reason. they've insulted, Nintendo, Sony, and even Apple. too. they take things to the limit and when they take it there, then we all go there.
Heh heh, I made the quote longer

Arent we supposed to be talking about the movie though? Like saying stuff like, Pit looks really really gay?
odens89 said:
lladnar2593 said:
Lindabee32 said: Now it would be cool if Kratos jumps out of no where onto Pit's back and slashes both wings off

lmao ya that would be so hilarious but you know im not being a fanboy or anything i just thought it was funny
hahahaha that would be so funny dude ps not a fanboy either
OO the whole world will fall apart if you're actually a fanboy. Who gives a shit. I'll say what I feel like saying, and someone calling me a fanboy won't get to me even in the slightest bit loolz.
wooooow quote chain!
my head exploded
awesome qote train
Aren't I a stinker?
this is only a 1 min vid too
Jesus how can 1 minute vid have so much quotes, damn i want this game so bad... is the only game i want for the wii, oh and metroid prime 3, i'm tired of the wii, abosolutely no NO GAMES, don't tell me Wii sports, because after playing it for 2 days you get bored
chyeaaa continue da quote train
Skate comes out the 12 of september go check out ALSO KEEP QUOTING

What does Skate have to do with SSBB? COuntinue train
Biggest quote train yet keep it going
Super Smash Brothers Brawl!!

man dis game will bo soo cooo p.s. continue da quote train lol
bump choo choo quote train