Dit jaar kun je in iedergeval genieten van:
Too Human
Mass Effect
Forza 2
Alan Wake
Project Gotham Racing 4 (not sure maar ik dacht eind van het jaar...)
Halo 3
Splinter Cell 4 (Yep exclusive)
Shadowrun (pc-360 crossplatform)
Dit is zo even uit mn hoofd en de bovenste 7 games komen zeker in mijn games collectie te staan.
Volgens DIT interview met Peter Moore worden er binnenkort nog meer vernieuwende zaken aangekondigt 
Quote uit interview:
It’s actually not games. It’s more experiencial than that. And again, since the day I saw Iwata-san pull the nunchuck controller out from under his podium a few years ago at TGS, I’ve always realized that was the right thing for Nintendo to have to do for what they needed to do to be successful in this next generation. And it was always going to be a challenge for us. So, we have plans. This does not come as a surprise. Our strategy has been laid out for us years in advance, and you’re going to see some of that this next holiday and beyond.
Laatst bewerkt: 24 feb 2007