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[XOne] xbox live beta email ontvangen

Discussie in 'Games' gestart door pirathaban, 22 aug 2002.

  1. Fardo

    Fardo Well-Known Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Hmmm... ik hoorde trouwens op een andere forum dat NIET iedereen deze e-mail heeft ontvangen ... dus ik denk dat er nog HOOP is ... misschien hebben er niet zoveel Nederlanders aangemeld?:confused:
  2. Cyrillus

    Cyrillus Smoezta Anaznuzta

    Leuk Bevonden:
    You're at the top of our pre-registration list for our ongoing beta program. So you'll be the first to create a Gamertag and the first to know when it's time to get in this incredibly intense, high-speed gaming experience.
    Diet is dus vet een gelul. Heet iedereen hier soms cyril staan we daarom allemaal bovenaan:+
  3. RumbleBumble

    RumbleBumble Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Waar heb je je opgegeven dan?
  4. RumbleBumble

    RumbleBumble Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Nee echt? Hoe weet je dat?
  5. ErroX

    ErroX Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    heb jij het dan niet?
    check www.xbox.com

    ik had het trouwens gister al (de data van me hotmail stond op 21 augustus om half 9!)
  6. jermain


    Leuk Bevonden:
    van mij is Wed, 21 Aug 2002 20:39:30 maar ik heb geen hotmail he... marihuana.com mail}:] :D }:]
  7. Anne

    Anne Young at Heart

    Leuk Bevonden:
  8. WouteR

    WouteR Senior Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Ja dit heb ik dus OOK ontvangen :) Kennelijk niet zo bijzonder.. Dan nog iets : Ik ken helemaal niet online waarschijnlijk :D Moet ff ethernet modem hebben ipv USB modem :{
  9. RumbleBumble

    RumbleBumble Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Ej stoer krijg je gewoon ff een nieuwe xbox :D Dit pakket is trouwens veel uitgebreider dan die van de US. Is dit wel betrouwbaar? Het lijkt me namelijk ook raar dat iedereen die mailtjes voor nop heeft gekregen...
  10. cyber

    cyber De oude garde

    Leuk Bevonden:
    jep...heb ook net die email gekregen...

    ik ik d8 nog wel dat is specieaal was :mad:
  11. Kremers

    Kremers Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Jah, ik ook :eek:

    Dacht ik van, ik ben zeker 1 van de weinige kom ik hier heeft iedereen er eentje gehad :eek:

    Ach ja, zolang ik rond 20sep maar een mail krijg dat ik het ben geworden :p
  12. Fardo

    Fardo Well-Known Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Hmm deze is in iedergeval fake .. zover mee bron mij heeft vertelt bestaad is de euro kit indentiek aan de us kit ... Ook vertelt mijn bron (mysterieus he?) dat heel europa aan de beta mee gaat doen... (waarschijnlijk met uitzondering van spanje, italie, enz.) omdat hier nog geen of weinig broadband beschikbaar is
  13. Fardo

    Fardo Well-Known Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    You have been chosen to play among the few. The connected. The Beta Testers. Now all you've gotta do is sign up and subscribe. Click on the link below to get started. So what's included in your Beta Starter Pack? 12 months of high-speed gaming starting at the end of the Beta, plus free play during the Beta. Be one of the first to create a Gamertag and start building a rep. Limited Edition Xbox™ Live Beta Starter Pack containing:

    Xbox Communicator headset and module
    Setup DVD
    Handy reference guide
    Games, including the prerelease, online-only version of NFL™ Fever 2003 - exclusively for Beta Testers.
    Bragging rights - we told you from the very beginning that you'd get them. Well, here they are. So not only will you be able to boast about actually playing Live, you'll be able to brag about actually helping build it.

    Sign up by clicking here: Get Your Beta Starter Pack Now! -Xbox Live Beta Selection Team


    dit is de e-mail die je krijgt als je de kit mag bestellen ;)

    nb deze heb ik nog niet gehad :mad:
  14. Kremers

    Kremers Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Zoals ik de mail staat, rond 20sep krijg je te horen of je definitief mee mag doen :)

    Ik hoop dat ik er bij zit, heb me opgegeven toen het hier net op de fp stond, ergens begin april ofzo.
  15. ErroX

    ErroX Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    wie heeft dit gehad? een neef en daar de broer van zeker :D
  16. Fardo

    Fardo Well-Known Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Lacht mijn neef en daar de broer van ;)

    Nee een vriend van mij uit de U$ ... deze was zo vrij om me deze mail door te zenden .. en ja hij zit bij de beta .. en zodra hij de kit heeft (vrijdag) zal hij het mij via een webcam een demo geven <-- The Bastard!
  17. Xbox4life

    Xbox4life Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Die mail zal wel voor amerika zijn, ik heb net die chatservice op xbox.com ff gebruikt en ze zeiden dat de kans heel heel heel erg groot is dat je uitgekozen bent (ik dus ook ;) ;)

    Ik zet die chat hier zo wel ff neer
  18. Xbox4life

    Xbox4life Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Hier issie:

    Thank you,
    Microsoft Xbox Customer Care Team

    Pim Smeets hi
    Jean-Francois Hello and welcome to the Xbox Interactive Online Support, my name is Jean-Francois.
    Jean-Francois How may I help you today?
    Pim Smeets i received a mail today from the xbox live beta test
    Pim Smeets am i selected?
    Pim Smeets im in europe
    Pim Smeets holland
    Pim Smeets Thanks for waiting to participate in the beta. The response exceeded 100,000. We wanted to let you know we plan to send you an email no later than September 20th regarding your status to potentially be included in our beta test program. You're at the top of our pre-registration list for our ongoing beta program. So you'll be the first to create a Gamertag and the first to know when it's time to get in this incredibly intense, high-speed gaming experience. That means you can start creating a rep before most. In the meantime, check out http://www.xbox.com/live/ for the latest news and updates on Xbox™ Live. Or, copy and paste the link into your browser. Thanks again for your desire to participate in the beta and you will hear from us soon. -Xbox Live Beta Selection Team
    Jean-Francois This means that you might be selected, you have very very good chances !
    Pim Smeets so this is no mail sended to every1?
    Jean-Francois No it wasn't sent to everybody.
    Pim Smeets XBOX RULEZZZ
    Pim Smeets what do i get??
    Pim Smeets and do i have to send it back ?
    Jean-Francois Well, it does not mean that you are IN the test, but very close !
    Pim Smeets yes but when im in
    Pim Smeets whats the chance im in?
    Jean-Francois As a member of the elite Beta team, gamers will get the official Xbox Live Beta Starter Pack, exclusively designed for beta team members, filled with: Xbox Communicator headset and module, commemorative memory unit, setup DVD, handy reference guide and some pack-in games, including the pre-release, Live-enabled, NFL Fever – exclusively for Betas, exclusively enabled during the 3-month Beta Testing period. The duration of the beta test will be three months and the service will launch in November. And with the extra months of beta, gamers will have extra time to become the first legends of this new gaming arena.
    Jean-Francois I do not know what are your chances exactly.
    Pim Smeets i dont get unreal tournemant?>?
    Pim Smeets and kan i keep the memory unit and voice communicator and all the other things?
    Pim Smeets i mean can :)
    Jean-Francois Yes, they're yours.
    Jean-Francois Please keep in mind that the price is $49.95 for the beta kit, that is in US funds.
    Pim Smeets greattttt
    Pim Smeets i've gotta pay for the beta kit?
    Jean-Francois I do not know at this time how much it will be for you, but it might be just the equivalent in your curency.
    Jean-Francois Yes, it is not free.
    Pim Smeets hmm but i can use it with the normal xbox live service than?
    Pim Smeets with the final service?
    Pim Smeets and could there be a reason that i'll not be selected?
    Pim Smeets like my ISP?
    Jean-Francois You need a broadband ISP.
    Jean-Francois I do not know why you would not be selected Pim.
    Pim Smeets i got that
    Pim Smeets 512/128
    Pim Smeets but whats the chance i will be selected
    Jean-Francois Okay. Then you have good chances, please be patient and we will contact you around the date indicated in the e-mail.
    Jean-Francois Again, you have *good* chances.
    Jean-Francois I do not know *exactly* how good they are.
    Jean-Francois Please be patient.
    Pim Smeets hmm i cant i want xbox live :)
    Jean-Francois I wish you good luck ! Thank you for using Xbox Interactive Online support today, I hope you found our session helpful. Here at Microsoft your comments are greatly appreciated. When our chat is finished, please take a moment to fill out our survey.
    Pim Smeets how do i have to pay that 50 $ (euro's for me)
    Pim Smeets i've got no creditcard
    Pim Smeets thans
    Pim Smeets but answer that last question please
    Jean-Francois Of course.
    Jean-Francois You will need a credit card Pim.
    Pim Smeets k
    Pim Smeets hmm i'll use the one of my dad than
    Jean-Francois Ask your parents or tutor.
    Jean-Francois Sure.
    Pim Smeets ok thanks man
    Pim Smeets i hoooope that i wll be selected
    Jean-Francois Thank you for using the Xbox support and please fill in our little survey at the end of this chat.
    Pim Smeets wait a sec
    Pim Smeets can you say to ya boss that he have to make some commericials in the benelux
    Pim Smeets every1 here is buying that gamecube, and that thing is ugly
    Pim Smeets u wanna do that?
    Jean-Francois If you have comments, please be sure to let us know by sending an e-mail at feedback@xbox.com
    Pim Smeets ok i will
    Pim Smeets thakns again
    Pim Smeets cya
  19. Rinus

    Rinus XBW.nl VIP XBW.nl VIP

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Het was een hele leuke foto, maar wie gelooft er nou dat MS debug-units gaat rondsturen:confused:
  20. Fardo

    Fardo Well-Known Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Show me the money!

    gaaf! ... dus we maken allemaal kans ..................8) 8) 8) ... going slightly mad

    Laatst bewerkt: 22 aug 2002

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