Probeer deze stappen eens:
Before you begin. Ensure that any bridged connections are un-bridged and you have removed the bridge itself. If you do not see anything relating to bridged connection continue on. This is just a warning for people that might have had a dabble already.
Follow this guide carefully and you will have no problems.
To set-up ICS on XP follow these steps:-
1) Ensure you are connected to the Internet
2) Start/Control Panel/Network Connections
Change your view to Tiles if its not already on this setting
Here you must identify which of the connections listed is your connection to the internet.
If you are using a USB modem to connect to the Internet it will be listed in the "Dial-up" section its very important that you make sure you get the correct one otherwise this wont work.
The USB modem is highlighted with a red box in the picture below.
4) Identify your LAN connection to your Xbox.
Your list should be similar to that above, although you may not has as many network cards. You must identify your Network Card that has the connection to your Xbox.
Ignore the 1394 connection and if your set-up is simple there should only be one left. The network card normally has a manufacturers description to help you. Again this is very important that you identify the correct card.
It should be labelled as Local Area Connection followed by a number. See the connections highlighted in the green boxes above.
Ensure your chosen Local Area Connection is Enabled if it is Disabled, right click on the Local Area Connection and choose Enable.
5) Left click once on your Dial-up Network Connection to highlight it, the one you use to connect to the Internet
6) Right click the mouse, and select properties
7) Click on the Advanced tab at the top to bring up the dialog box below
Tick the Allow other network users to connect through this computers Internet connection.
Please Note:
If the option to "Allow other network users to connect through this computers Internet connection" does not exist, this will be as a result of one of the following:-
- You don't have a network card installed in your PC
- You are sharing the wrong connection, it needs to be the connection that connects to the internet, not a local area connection
- You have a network card but it is disabled
- You have a network but it is not functioning correctly (possible driver problems)
9) On the "Home Networking Connection" drop down box select the Network card that is connected to your Xbox from the list, remember it will be listed as Local Area Connection followed by a number if you have a few network cards. You wont need to choose at all if you only have one network card - Note this option will only appear if you have more than one Local Area Connection. So do not worry if this setting is not present.
10) Tick Establish a dial-up connection whenever a computer on my network attempts to access the Internet
The dialog box should look similar to the below. The areas highlighted in red are of importance
11) Click on OK and wait (this will probably disconnect you from the internet)
12) Disconnect from the Internet anyway
Connect to the Internet again
Now your network connections should look similar to below, note that the Dial-up connection should say Connected, Shared.
14) Now left click the mouse on the network connection that links to your Xbox. Highlight it and right click and select properties.
15) Scroll down the list to the bottom and double click on Internet Protocol(TCP/IP) to bring up its properties
It should look exactly like the picture below, if it does not, you have done something wrong.
16) Click on OK (or cancel if you didn't need to change anything)
17) Make sure the ethernet cable is connected to your Xbox and start it up.
On your Xbox Dashboard, go into Settings/Network Settings
19) Select IP Addresses, switch to Manual Settings and enter the following information
IP Address:
Subnet Mask:
Default Gateway:
20) Press Back on the controller, now select DNS, switch to Manual settings and enter the following information
DNS Server 1:
21) Press Back on the controller. Now select Connect and you should be able to connect to Xbox Live