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Sticky Xbox One Algemeen & FAQ (vragen/opmerkingen) [Deel 4]

Discussie in 'Xbox Hardware' gestart door Flavourlicious, 11 jun 2013.

  1. Lethal AK47

    Lethal AK47 XBW.nl VIP XBW.nl VIP

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Ik kan me niet herinneren dat ik steeds de controller opniew aan moest zetten, mja ok...
  2. Stingray

    Stingray NcA Clan Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    En jawel zelfs 2 weken na het afmelden van die klote preview updates komt er weer zo'n update aan... zitten we dan weer een half uur te wachten op iets onzinnigs. Moet je nu op je knieën bij M$ om hier vanaf te komen??
  3. CrazY

    CrazY Nimma City

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Je moet wachten tot aan de eerst volgende public build. Daarna ben je er vanaf.
  4. Stingray

    Stingray NcA Clan Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Let's hope so! dit begint echt irritant te worden
  5. Stingray

    Stingray NcA Clan Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Hier even een filmpje van een vriend van mij die na deze geweldige preview update ook een BF4 update van 3 gb voor de kiezen kreeg.
    De preview update van 257 mb duurde dus langer dan die 3gb van BF4!!!

    En dit zelfde geouwehoer heb ik dus ook...

    Laatst bewerkt: 3 mrt 2015
  6. CrazY

    CrazY Nimma City

    Leuk Bevonden:
    100% zeker. Heb mezelf ook afgemeld vanwege die bijna dagelijkse updates en na de eerste volgende public wat het over.
  7. GstNick

    GstNick Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Was bij mij ook zo, BF binnen 5min binnen, maar de 257mb preview 2X zo lang. Raar ...
  8. DarkRuleR

    DarkRuleR Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Misschien is het handiger je klachten op het officiële Preview Program forum te plaatsen dan hier.
    Ik verwacht niet dat er veel Microsoft / Xbox ontwikkelaars op dit forum kijken.
    (zou wel leuk zijn trouwens)


    Er is ook al een tijdje een nieuwe manier om feedback te geven rechtstreeks op je console zelf.
    Een video met een uitleg hoe dit werkt kun je vinden via de Preview App op je console.
  9. Stingray

    Stingray NcA Clan Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Heb er nu ook een melding van gemaakt op het forum daar, maar heb inderdaad niet het idee dat ze er bij M$ überhaupt wat mee doen.
  10. Hybrid

    Hybrid Well-Known Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Ik weet ook niet wat het kan zijn. Ik heb ook niks speciaals aanstaan in mbt porten ofzo.
    Net weer een update gedaan en binnen een minuut was die weer aan het restarten.
  11. Stingray

    Stingray NcA Clan Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    ik heb zelf ook geen flauw idee wat dit is... maar de video is wel heel bijzonder te noemen
  12. Schil1

    Schil1 GT : Schil1

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Ik heb idd precies hetzelfde , system updates dowloaden bij MS duurt gewoon lang. Vreemde is wel dat niet iedereen er last van heeft dus
    het heeft niets te maken met de upload van MS maar zal dan ongetwijfeld in poorten zitten qua modems.

    @Hybrid , kan jij anders kijken welke poorten openstaan bij jou ?
  13. Hybrid

    Hybrid Well-Known Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Niks volgens mij. Ik heb het een keer wel open gezet maar toen ging mijn nat zelfs op strict. Dus heb ik alles weer uitgezet.
    Verder heb ik alleen een static IP en dan in DMZ.
  14. DarkRuleR

    DarkRuleR Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Ik denk dat de Preview Updates gedownload worden vanaf andere servers.
    Mogelijk zijn dit servers die minder bandbreedte ter beschikking hebben.
    Ik heb nog geen zin gehad om een sniffer tussen mijn Xbox en het netwerk te hangen om dit te bevestigen.

    Volgens mij hebben de poorten die je openzet in de router weinig tot niets te maken met de downloaden snelheid.
  15. DarkRuleR

    DarkRuleR Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Staat je Xbox in de DMZ dan heb je 2 x 65535 poorten (UDP en TCP) open staan naar je Xbox.
  16. Hybrid

    Hybrid Well-Known Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Dat kan. Meer ik heb niks specifiek echt open gezet. :)
    Dat heb ik een keer gedaan en toen ging me nat zelfs op strict. Dus heb ik het toen maar in DMZ gegooid.
  17. Hybrid

    Hybrid Well-Known Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Zo. Elite Dangerous is we awesome.

    Today at the Game Developers Conference in San Francisco, Phil Spencer, Head of Xbox at Microsoft, shared the next step in the company’s plans for a unified vision for gaming across Windows 10 devices. And, it’s all about developers. Here at Microsoft, we share a commitment to making sure experiences across all devices are better than ever. That starts with making the development process easier by providing the tools and support our developers have asked for to reach billions of devices around the world.

    As we press forward on the journey toward the launch of Windows 10, we’ll continue working hand-in-hand with our developers to ensure that together we bring the best possible gaming experiences to gamers. Let’s take a look at a handful of the details shared with game developers today at GDC:
    • Xbox Live SDK Available for Windows 10: In January, we announced our commitment to bringing Xbox Live to Windows and today we announced that the Xbox Live SDK for Windows 10 is currently in the hands of managed partners to create new games. Soon it will be in the hands of a broader set of developers. This SDK will provide access to the vast majority of Xbox Live services currently available on Xbox One, under a shared set of APIs, integrated with the Windows Store. We are also committed to making Xbox Live accessible to all game developers, regardless of size, which is why we’re introducing a new tier of Xbox Live that is designed to allow any developer to engage with the Xbox Live community.
    • Windows Universal App Platform: Windows 10 brings together one core operating system, one application platform, one gaming social network, one store, and one ingestion path across all Windows PCs, Tablets, Phones and Xbox One consoles – that’s more than 1.5 billion people. With the Universal App Platform, any developer can create a single project to target multiple devices. It will be easier than it has ever been to bring content to PCs, tablets, phones, Xbox consoles, and future Windows 10 devices like Microsoft HoloLens. Developers will be able to do this and more when Windows 10 is available this year.
    • Windows Store: With the Windows Store, Microsoft is committed to delivering best-in-class scenarios for gamers and game developers. For developers, the promise of one store across devices means they will now have the ability and flexibility to deliver content across PCs, console, tablets, and phones, easily and quickly. Similarly, by enabling new experiences such as cross-buy, developers now have more flexibility on the features they deliver to gamers across Windows devices.
    • Universal Development Center: The Universal Development Center is the developer portal to building and delivering games to the Windows Store. It provides fast, lightweight game submission and update capabilities within the developer’s direct control, as well as access to key metrics to understand their game’s performance. Improvements in platform, tools, and Xbox Live services, while reducing overhead of publishing, will foster more compelling game content and a richer, more engaged gaming community.
    • DirectX 12: DirectX 12 enables PC developers to have a new level of power and control and is a single API developers can access across Windows devices. As shown with Fable Legends running on Unreal Engine 4, there has been a 20% improvement in performance. And as announced today, Epic is creating Unreal Tournament using Unreal Engine 4 running on DirectX 12, which sets a new bar for visual fidelity in PC gaming.
    • Accessories: All wireless Xbox gaming accessories will be designed for and supported on both Xbox One consoles and Windows 10 PCs moving forward. Later this year, we’ll be delivering a Wireless Adapter that will let you use current Xbox controllers and future devices wirelessly on your PCs.


    Elite: Dangerous is Coming to Xbox OneWe’ve long had a great publishing relationship with Frontier Developments, which is why we’re so happy to announce that their epic space adventure Elite: Dangerous will be coming to Xbox One this summer. Developed by famed designer and Frontier CEO David Braben,Elite: Dangerous combines elements of space adventure, resource trading, and combat simulation to create a wholly unique experience that’s quite literally out of this world.

    ID@Xbox Program Comes to Windows 10It’s been an amazing year since we showed off the first ID@Xbox pre-release games last year at GDC. Many ID@Xbox games have shipped, hundreds of games are in development, and more than 1,000 independent studios have Xbox One development kits in hand. Today, we revealed that ID@Xbox will be expanding to help developers succeed by reaching gamers on Xbox One and Windows 10.


    Gigantic Comes to Windows 10 and Xbox OneWe’re devoted to bringing the best games to Windows and Xbox which includes new IP and continued commitments from gamers’ favorite studios. Today we announced a partnership with Motiga to bring its first game, Gigantic, to Windows 10 and Xbox One. Gigantic is a five-on-five third-person battle arena game with a beautiful fantasy art style where you select from an array of heroes with distinctive powers and play styles and wield your way through an areas to defeat your opposition’s Guardian – while also protecting your own. Gigantic is optimized for both keyboard and mouse, and controller. Through the power of Xbox Live, we will be enabling cross-device play, and allowing gamers to choose how they want to play.


    Microsoft HoloLensAs announced on January 21, Microsoft HoloLens is the world’s first fully untethered holographic computer running Windows 10. Developers in the Windows ecosystem will be able to create games to reach the masses through a system where they can designate their game’s distribution even for future devices – devices like Microsoft HoloLens. The reaction to Microsoft HoloLens has been incredible. While there are going to be many uses and industries that take advantage of Microsoft HoloLens and everything that holographic computing has to offer, gaming is a huge opportunity. For all the game developers out there, we encourage you to join the Windows Insider Program to get the holographic APIs when available, and stay tuned for Build 2015, where we will share more details.

    This is just a first look at some of the exciting updates coming that will make gaming even better on Windows 10 and Xbox. We will continue to gather feedback from the game development community on our plans to ensure the games and content on Windows 10 and Xbox is the best it can be for gamers and for developers.
  18. Stingray

    Stingray NcA Clan Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    volgens mij heb ik dat hier ook... dus dat is het dan niet wat het verschil maakt...
  19. Hybrid

    Hybrid Well-Known Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    "Microsoft's Xbox One got off to a rough start thanks to a mixed message about the target audience for the device. With that issue behind them, they have returned their focus to the gaming community and now sources are telling us that they are looking to launch a 'hardcore' game controller at E3 2015.

    Details are still slim on what all will be included with the controller and how it will be differentiated from its current devices but they are going after their loyal customers who love FPS and driving games. If you need any proof that there is a market for a new controller, take a look at Scuf Gaming who sells a plethora of modified enthusiast controllers.

    We are being told that the current target, if the project gets the full green-light, will be for E3 2015 which takes in mid June. As with all internal projects, deadlines are subject to change and they can be canceled at anytime."
  20. Lethal AK47

    Lethal AK47 XBW.nl VIP XBW.nl VIP

    Leuk Bevonden:

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