Zal wel hoax zijn maar goed:
On Aug. 28th, one of the student started a thread stating that "Since foxconn are not treating us well, we will not treat ps4 console well. The ps4 console we assemble can be turned on at best". This thread has been deleted but got snapshot.
If your ps4 console was manufactured in Yantai China, then I wish you good luck.
You can translate the content yourself in google translate.
这么高端的一个产品,这可是索尼和微软联合起来对抗苹果的关键一步,可不幸的是小日本把它交给了富士康,富士康又把他们交给了我们这群北信实习生,它错了,它这次真的错了,富士康没把我们当人看,我们也没把它当成高端产品看,除了应付还是应付,这批产品能正常开机是我们最高的期望,哈哈,等ps4 9月9日正式上市的时候就是索尼亏损和富士康倒闭的日子!!共同祈祷吧!
A thread posted on Aug. 30th, deleted and got snapshot.
1# OP:今天做英版PS3,在里边吐了口水,只为发泄。最近事故好多,不敢给家里打电话说事实,人命真不值钱.
Today when I was making a UK versioin of PS3, I spitted saliva into it. Recently a lot of accident happened and I am too scared to call my family and tell them. Our life is so cheap that no one cares.
2# 哈哈,直接拉坨翔进去
Haha, you should take a shit into it.
4# 我把多出来的密封贴纸带出来了,忘贴了的都是我的
I brought the unused sealing sticker out, those which are forgotten to have sticker are all on me.
5# 我咳嗽一口痰飞到主板上,上盖直接盖上了
I coughed saliva on to the motherboard and I just cover the case
10# 表示我天天摔PS4,一次三个
I throw PS4 down every day, three together once.
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