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Algemeen XBWRacing klets topic

Discussie in 'XBW Racing' gestart door Flavourlicious, 7 mrt 2013.

  1. nusti

    nusti Wannabe Diefast

    Leuk Bevonden:
    ik heb ff een filmpje gemaakt, dit is dus de speling...
  2. Olijke Poffer

    Olijke Poffer PC VR fan.

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Ik heb ook een budget wheel de Thrustmaster T150 Pro maar bij mij zit er niet zulke speling in hoor..
  3. LapjeNL70

    LapjeNL70 Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Dat heb ik niet. Als ik hetzelfde doe dan voel ik gelijk weerstand en heb geen speling.
  4. nusti

    nusti Wannabe Diefast

    Leuk Bevonden:
    hmmm...dan ga ik maar eens contact opnemen met coolblue
  5. Rossi46

    Rossi46 XBL: Ross1fum1 PSN: Rossifum1

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Niveautje weer hoor :mad: Tim Harvey is een behoorlijke BTCC legende.
  6. B Tender

    B Tender Robot Unicorn

    Leuk Bevonden:
  7. Dave 130R

    Dave 130R Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:

    Kijk eens wat ik morgen ga zien en horen rijden
    f1freaky, Kimi NL, Rossi46 en 3 anderen vinden dit leuk.
  8. B Tender

    B Tender Robot Unicorn

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Jemig Dave wat bizar gaaf!!!!!
    Is dat op Fiorano, of Mugello ofzo?
    Geniet ervan man :) :thumbs:
  9. Dave 130R

    Dave 130R Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    B Tender vindt dit leuk.
  10. Rossi46

    Rossi46 XBL: Ross1fum1 PSN: Rossifum1

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Pfff... :rolleyes:

  11. Dave 130R

    Dave 130R Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Even ter info voor de geïnteresseerde, de eerste F1 waar ik naast zit is de F2004 (V10) en de tweede is de 412 T2 uit 1995 en is ook de laatste F1 met V12.
  12. B Tender

    B Tender Robot Unicorn

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Laatst bewerkt: 26 jun 2017
  13. Kimi NL

    Kimi NL It's the first page of the second chapter!

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Nou dave, nu willen we allemaal weten welke jij hebt gekozen voor Assetto Corsa.
    Of was dit niet die poll?

    Je mag je keuze ook achterwege laten hoor!
    Niemand geeft ook nog maar iets om Assetto (op die 3 hardcore Ass-wipes na :p).
  14. Dave 130R

    Dave 130R Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Hahaha ik heb niet deelgenomen maar als ik had gekozen dan was het de Ferrari 641 (1990 F1).

    Verder mijn mening over Assetto is eigenlijk een mening over Project Cars:
    Het is gewoon een completeren game, ik verwacht niets meer van AC daarom wacht ik ook lekker op PC2.
    Laatst bewerkt: 27 jun 2017
  15. Dex

    Dex ¿ʇɟıן uǝʌǝ noʎ op

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Het gerucht gaat dat Assetto net zoveel developers heeft als actieve spelers en dat daarom die update nog even op zich laat wachten.
    B Tender, Rossi46, Beltoni en 1 andere persoon vinden dit leuk.
  16. B Tender

    B Tender Robot Unicorn

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Straks hebben @ColdzeroNL @Racerblade01 en ondergetekende een soort privé-game! Hoe decadent is dat :) Heel team van devs dat voor ons drietjes een game bouwt :)
    Moet nog even overleggen met Cold en Racer maar denk dat we het geen probleem vinden als jullie soms ook meeracen hoor :)
    Rossi46 vindt dit leuk.
  17. ColdzeroNL

    ColdzeroNL Thrustmast TX Leather Edition

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Van mij mag het :p
  18. B Tender

    B Tender Robot Unicorn

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Xbox One Handbrake

    I found this handbrake on ebay for around £30 (GBP), there are a few sellers on there all selling the same one. I went for the cheapest and waited for it to be shipped from China. I'm not sure I would trust this in an actual car. I took off the hydraulic cylinder thing and removed the red latch as while it looks kind of cool (it's red), I didn't think it would be terribly useful. Generally, it's pretty solid though and relatively light as it's machined from aluminium.

    I made a mounting plate to mount the handbrake next to my shifter on a wheel stand pro. Simple case of drilling 4 holes in 3mm plate steel to match the holes on the bottom of the handbrake.

    Here it is mounted on the plate with the project box I plan on housing the controller in mounted underneath. I used the reamer to ream the sharp edges of the steel plate and the holes I drilled. The large undrilled area will be drilled to have holes to allow it to mount to the gear shifter.

    To make the handbrake actually work I needed to mount a switch inside. After making a prototype from an old steel bracket I had lying around I designed this to be 3D printed in Tinkercad. You can take a look at it and get a file to 3D print here if you so wish: https://tinkercad.com/things/cGAdslDAnqu The bracket is designed to hold a "standard" arcade microswitch which should be pretty robust.

    Printing the bracket. Magic!

    And here it is next to the steel prototype. The bolt in the picture runs through the central hole and attaches to the handbrake where the old hydraulic cylinder used to. The bolt will run through a die spring (not pictured) to return handbrake to the non braking position. You can see the type of switch used mounted to the prototype. If I were to do this again I would give the switch a bit more room as it runs right up against the spring. Also, due to the limited space I needed to countersink the mounting bolts into the microswitch plastic(!) which actually worked better than expected.

    And here it all is mounted up next to the shifter. You can just see the green die spring poking out the top of the handbrake. I forgot to take pictures of this but die springs are standard and you can pick them up for a few pounds or less. The length is 44mm and the green springs are "light duty", giving this one a spring rate of 17.9 N/mm which provides a nice feel. The central hole diameter (called the rod diameter) is 8.5mm to allow the 8mm bolt to run through it.

    For the controller I used the PCB from a mini xbox controller (it's a small green one that seems relatively easy to find). I bought a supposedly broken one off ebay for around £3 hoping to fix whatever was wrong with it but it turned out to just work. It's a nice small board and seems well made, and it has handy test pads for most of the buttons which are easy to solder to, once you've figured out which one you need. The pad I soldered to is for the red B button and the other wire is a ground wire. The USB wire was cut and soldered to a different cable simply because the cable for the controller was green and looked awful.

    Here is the PCB mounted in the box (a Hammond box, I think a 1590N1BK) . It's not really mounted inside, it just sits in there as it's a pretty good fit. I ended up insulating the inside of the box with some tape (not shown) as the metal case seemed to be causing intermittent issues. The two wires are soldered to two crimp terminals to attach to the microswitch. Used some hot glue to hold the wires in place, not too pretty but fine.

    All mounted up. I had to use some washers as spacers as the little bolts on the side of the handbrake are proud of the base. I should probably change these for smaller ones at some point.

    And this is how it looks on the stand (without the controller box attached, oops!). It's in a decent "rally style" position and doesn't get in the way, while also being within easy reach. Incidentally, having a 2nd controller just for the handbrake works well in Dirt Rally and Dirt4 (on Xbox One) which were the main games I wanted it for. Both games allow you to map any button from any controller to anything pretty much. It only sort of works with Forza Horizon 3: pulling the handbrake causes the handbrake controller to kind of take over, so all other inputs go dead (steering, handbrake etc.) while the handbrake is being used. It's not a huge issue in practice but it's not ideal. I'd imagine this would work fine on PC as it's just a wired Xbox One controller but I haven't tried it. Thanks for reading!
  19. Rossi46

    Rossi46 XBL: Ross1fum1 PSN: Rossifum1

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Wat een klus! :eek: En dan geen moeite doen om ff de gordijnen op maat te laten maken... :D
    B Tender, hillss, f1freaky en 3 anderen vinden dit leuk.
  20. ColdzeroNL

    ColdzeroNL Thrustmast TX Leather Edition

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Heeft er iemand ervaring met Elite: dangerous? Zag dat hij nu met uitbreidingen 35 euro is en ben toch wel nieuwsgierig. Heb al wat reviews gelezen en het trekt me wel alleen twijfel ik tussen deze sim en het bouwen van je stad in Cities skylines.

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