[Algemeen] Harry Potter [Deel 3]

Discussie in 'Actualiteiten, Sport, Entertainment en Lifestyle' gestart door DulleNL, 22 jul 2011.

  1. DulleNL

    DulleNL I'm a little teapot Magic Member

    Leuk Bevonden:

    En nog een clipje wat ook op de blu-ray zal staan:

    Zal wel niet, maar ik hoop dat er voor de verandering eens wat leuke extra's op zitten. Paar jaar terug wist ik bij iedere grote release wel zeker dat er een paar uur aan extra's zouden zijn. Maar nu... :{
  2. DulleNL

    DulleNL I'm a little teapot Magic Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Een behind the scenes look van Pottermore. Het maken van de house crests.

    Ik zet het maar in een spoiler voor mensen die verder niks willen weten van Pottermore en helemaal fris eraan willen beginnen.

    Behind the scenes: the Pottermore house crests

    Many of you have told us how much you like the Pottermore artwork, so we thought you might enjoy a behind-the-scenes look at how it was created. We spoke to the Atomhawk Design team, who were responsible for creating the Pottermore illustrations, and in this post (the first of two) we’re going to look at how they went about creating the Ravenclaw and Gryffindor crests.

    In the beginning

    The starting point for each of the house crests was the Hogwarts crest, which first appeared on the title pages of the Harry Potter books, and represents all four Hogwarts houses. This original artwork and J.K. Rowling’s descriptions of the houses were used to inspire four unique house emblems for Pottermore.

    The process

    The artists started by talking about the best way to include the natural elements of fire, earth, water and air into each house; what the best positions and expressions for the animals would be; and the most effective way to include the house colours in the final designs.

    Their main aim all the way through the process was to make the crests into symbols that Sorted Pottermore users would be proud to display as a token of their Pottermore identity.

    To start with, three versions were sketched for each house crest. The team then looked at each variation to make absolutely sure the details and attributes of each house were clearly represented. The design they felt was the strongest out of the three was selected to go through to the next stage of the process, which involved adding colour to the designs.

    Ravenclaw sketch series
    For Ravenclaw, the artists tried to stay true to the form of an eagle but they found it didn’t work at times; the centre sketch, for example, was thought to look too much like a gull. As the eagle has been used in mythology throughout history, the artists were also aware that it could be difficult to make their eagle instantly recognisable and original. After the sketches were finished, everyone agreed that the pose with wings outstretched was the best. They felt that the image of the bird going outside the borders of the crest showed Ravenclaw at its strongest: an eagle unbound by the borders of the shield and ready to take flight.

    Gryffindor sketch series
    As the lion is another symbol often found in popular culture, the team again needed to focus on creating a recognisable one for the Gryffindor house crest. For all four of the crests the facial expressions of the animals were used to symbolise house traits (in this case courage and chivalry). As you can see in the sketches above, the artists were trying to capture the expression of a lion waiting to attack, as well as one that was mid-roar.

    After the initial sketches were examined it was decided that the head of the lion, with its strong face and striking mane, was the best design as the crest showing the body seemed to take away from the lion’s powerful features.

    Ravenclaw colour process

    Interestingly, Ravenclaw was the only house for which the team did not create a number of colour options. The first colour design became the final version of the crest as they immediately felt that they had it right. They added blue to the swirling air element in the background, then coloured the eagle bronze. Once they placed it within the polished silver framework of the crest they felt they had got the spirit of Ravenclaw in one go!

    Gryffindor colour process
    The crests for the first Gryffindor colour designs were treated with a gold and scarlet colour palette. Then the background designs were looked at closely, so that the fire element could be shown in the most striking way. The art team agreed that the best version was the one that used the full red background but they felt it still needed the strength of the fire displayed in the other designs.

    The twitching tail that escapes the boundaries of the crest in the first two images was judged to be too much of a distraction from the power of the lion’s attacking stance and the fearsome expression on its face, so it was removed from the final version.

    The final crests


    The final design for the Ravenclaw house crest shows blue air currents around the bronzed eagle, while the Gryffindor house crest focuses on the golden lion’s powerful face, its raised paw, and the scarlet flames flickering behind.

    We hope you enjoyed part one; next week we’ll be looking at the Slytherin and Hufflepuff house crests.

    Ik moet ook zeggen dat ik de Pottermore art tot nu toe perfect vind _O_ Ze hebben de Harry Potter sfeer echt goed te pakken.

    Dat ze nu maar opschieten met Boek 2! :mad: Het eerste boek heb ik inmiddels wel gezien (al zijn er nog steeds wat dingen die ik moet vinden :p)
  3. Hoosie

    Hoosie The Race is ON!

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Wanneer gingen de inschrijvingen ook alweer open voor iedereen? Het lijkt mij ook wel leuk namelijk.
  4. DulleNL

    DulleNL I'm a little teapot Magic Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Eind oktober.
  5. DulleNL

    DulleNL I'm a little teapot Magic Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    wtf, wat willen ze nu dat ik zeg? :p Dat Sony super duper awesome is omdat ze op de een of andere manier helpen bij Pottermore? 8)
    Zou er nu iemand zijn waar de mening over Sony verandert doordat ze een partner zijn van een ander iets wat ze leuk vinden?


    Het wordt tijd dat jullie ook op Pottermore kunnen, ik voel me nu zo eenzaam in dit topic! :+
  6. Fiasco

    Fiasco Big Stepper XBW.nl VIP

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Sony gooit alles zeker vol met reclame voor hun producten?
  7. DulleNL

    DulleNL I'm a little teapot Magic Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Helemaal niet. Dit is eigenlijk het enige wat ik ooit van Sony heb gezien:
    Een logootje in de hoek van de site...
  8. Fiasco

    Fiasco Big Stepper XBW.nl VIP

    Leuk Bevonden:
  9. Vegetom

    Vegetom whojow!

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Maar downloaden maakt de industrie kapot!!1 :x
  10. Xbox.exe

    Xbox.exe Nu even serieus

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Oke, dus met andere woorden vragen ze of we de films illegaal willen downloaden? :+ Goed bezig :thumbs:
  11. DulleNL

    DulleNL I'm a little teapot Magic Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    ...wtf :confused: Voordel is dus alleen dat je dan dus min of meer een collectors item in huis haalt 8)

    2e deel van de Behind the Scenes @ Pottermore (making of the Crests)

    Behind the scenes: the Pottermore house crests (part two)

    In the first of our ‘Behind the scenes’ posts we shared the Atomhawk Design team’s work for the Gryffindor and Ravenclaw house crests. Today, we’re taking a look at how the Hufflepuff and Slytherin crests were created.

    Creating consistency and personality

    You’ll remember from part one that the art team was focused on using J.K. Rowling’s descriptions to create crests that accurately reflected the strengths and personality traits of each house. They wanted each detail to lend to the overall feeling of house pride.

    Hufflepuff sketch series

    The Hufflepuff crest proved to be the most difficult creation for the team. There is a limited amount of detail about Hufflepuff house in Harry Potter and The Philosopher’s Stone and they were aware that they needed to work a little harder to make the crest feel authentic and representative of the Hufflepuff nature. There was also the question of how to show the badger as a tenacious animal, to show Hufflepuffs as unafraid of hard work.

    In the first crest you can see the badger almost resting on a bed of leaves, but the team felt this version looked too approachable and inactive. The drawing in which the badger is facing forwards didn’t look enough like a traditional crest and also made the animal appear too gentle. It was finally decided that the badger that was the most faithful to the Hufflepuff house qualities was the one on all fours, posed as if defending its territory and warning off others.

    Slytherin sketch series

    The art team tried out a number of different snakes for the Slytherin crest, as they wanted to ensure the one they used didn’t resemble a particular type of serpent (such as a boa or a cobra). The coil of the tail was another focal point as the artists wanted the snake to look natural, but not inactive.

    Hufflepuff colour process

    In the artwork above, the yellow background was slightly muted to add some focus, but the team decided to brighten the final versions to make the badger as striking as possible. The silhouette of the badger was thought to be stronger when the entire body could be seen completely surrounded by yellow.

    Slytherin colour process

    The team tried a variety of green snakes within the crest – the pattern of the skin was changed a number of times to try and achieve the right effect. For example, in the third version you can see a diamond pattern (such as an adder would have).

    In the end, because they wanted to stay true to the house colours of green and silver, the team set to work designing a snake that looked like it had been created by a silversmith. They felt this brought the whole crest to life, especially when combined with the green ripples in the background, designed to accentuate the water element.

    The final crests

    The Hufflepuff crest was finished with a strong vibrant yellow and patterned leaves to symbolise the earth element. The badger looks as if it is already hard at work, with its stance showing that it’s ready for action. (A piece of trivia to note: the head of the Atomhawk Design team was sorted into Hufflepuff on Pottermore and says he is very proud of his crest!).

    Some of the Pottermore Slytherin community have already noticed that theirs is the only animal looking to the left, while the other house crests have animals looking to the right. This was a decision that came about during the final stages of design, when the crests were all placed together.

    We’d like to take this opportunity to thank Atomhawk Design for sharing the design process of the house crests with us and we hope you enjoyed this sneak peak behind the scenes of Pottermore.

    Laatst bewerkt: 27 okt 2011
  12. Dyonko

    Dyonko Duke

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Wtf is dat vooe mongolen strategie. Met die Disney dingen kan ik inkomen, maar dit slaat nergens op.
  13. Yellow 13

    Yellow 13 Well-Known Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    +1 en dat is dan alleen omdat ik er bijna idioot rap bij moet zijn om mijn 2 disc special edition BR wil hebben. Die heb ik alleen van de laatste film, de rest allemaal op 2 disc dvd.

    Dit is gewoon een vuile marketingstrategie. Zoals sluikreclame verboden moet zijn zou dit ook verboden moeten worden.
  14. DulleNL

    DulleNL I'm a little teapot Magic Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    ... :'-(

    Pottermore, open voor iedereen voor 2012? Ja/Nee?
  15. Yellow 13

    Yellow 13 Well-Known Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Waarom niet. Niet zo janken Dulle. :+
  16. Jeffer

    Jeffer Pearl Jam

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Hmm dat wordt dus op zoek gaan naar een box met alle HP films op bluray.
  17. DulleNL

    DulleNL I'm a little teapot Magic Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Ik ben voor jullie aan het 'janken'. Ik zit er toch al een paar maanden in.
    Hm, nu je het zegt... Iemand een goedkope locatie voor een boxset? Eventueel met Part 2 er al bij...

    Vind het ook doodzonde van die Ultimate Editions. Stonden nog steeds op het verlanglijstje, maar om ze nu voor december plotseling allemaal te kopen terwijl ze €40 p/s zijn vind ik ook weer wat overdreven...
  18. Yellow 13

    Yellow 13 Well-Known Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    @ DulleNL: Je moet het ook niet te letterlijk nemen, maar je comment + :'-( deed een beetje denken alsof je het exclusief wilde houden. ;)
  19. DulleNL

    DulleNL I'm a little teapot Magic Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Ik weet niet goed hoe je dat zo hebt kunnen opvatten, maar goed. 8)
  20. Lizza11

    Lizza11 Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Het is toch niet alsof ze in december niet meer in de winkel liggen? Ze worden vanaf dan toch gewoon niet meer opnieuw gedrukt?
    Lijkt me wel tof om een keer zo'n set te kopen, maar ze zijn inderdaad nog erg duur. :'-(

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