Voyage to Pandora: Humanity's first i... (21:0

Voyage to Pandora: Humanity's first interstellar flight
Cosmic Journeys Documentaires en biografieën
(Seizoen 1, aflevering 12) Pandora is the idyllic blue world featured in the movie Avatar. Its location is a real place: Alpha Centauri, the nearest star to our Sun and the most likely destination for our first journey beyond the solar system. Remarkably, it's anti-matter, the science fiction fuel of choice that could take us there. Normally, it's only created in powerful jets that roar out of black holes. We can now produce small quantities in Earth-bound particle colliders. Will we journey out only to plunder other worlds? Or will we come in peace? The answer may depend on how we see Earth at that time in the distant future.
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Pandora is the idyllic blue world featured in the movie Avatar. Its location is a real place: Alpha Centauri, th...
1 11 The Search For Earth-Like Planets (21:29)
The Search For Earth-Like Planets
Cosmic Journeys Documentaires en biografieën
(Seizoen 1, aflevering 11) The search for Earth-like planets is reaching a fever-pitch. Does the evidence so far help shed light on the ancient question: Is the galaxy filled with life, or is Earth just a beautiful, lonely aberration? If things dont work out on this planet Or if our itch to explore becomes unbearable at some point in the future Astronomers have recently found out what kind of galactic real estate might be available to us. Well have to develop advanced transport to land there, 20 light years away. The question right now: is it worth the trip?
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The search for Earth-like planets is reaching a fever-pitch. Does the evidence so far help shed light on the anc...
1 10 Supermassive Black Hole in the Milky ... (20:09)
Supermassive Black Hole in the Milky Way Galaxy
Cosmic Journeys Documentaires en biografieën
(Seizoen 1, aflevering 10) From a distance, our galaxy would look like a flat spiral, some 100,000 light years across, with pockets of gas, clouds of dust, and about 400 billion stars rotating around the galaxys center. Thick dust and blinding starlight have long obscured our vision into the mysterious inner regions of the galactic center. And yet, the clues have been piling up, that something important, something strange is going on in there. Astronomers tracking stars in the center of the galaxy have found the best proof to date that black holes exist. Now, they are shooting for the first direct image of a black hole.
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From a distance, our galaxy would look like a flat spiral, some 100,000 light years across, with pockets of gas,...
1 9 The Incredible Journey of Apollo 12 (20:35)
The Incredible Journey of Apollo 12
TV-Y 20:35
Cosmic Journeys Documentaires en biografieën
(Seizoen 1, aflevering 9) It's the ultimate buddy movie. Forty years ago, on November 19, 1969, astronauts Pete Conrad and Alan Bean landed on the moon in one of the most important of the Apollo flights. This video shows them making a pinpoint landing on a treacherous lunar surface, finding rocks, and generally having a blast. The program features an interview with Pete Conrad, filmed a year before he died in a tragic motorcycle accident in 1999. Credit with editorial assistance.
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(TV-Y) It's the ultimate buddy movie. Forty years ago, on November 19, 1969, astronauts Pete Conrad and Alan Bean lande...
1 8 When Will Time End? (21:15)
When Will Time End?
TV-Y 21:15
Cosmic Journeys Documentaires en biografieën
(Seizoen 1, aflevering

Time is flying by on this busy, crowded planet as life changes and evolves from second to second. And yet, even the life span of the human species is just a blip compared to the age of the universe, at 13.7 billion years and counting. It now seems that our entire universe is living on borrowed time. How long it can survive in any form depends on whether Stephen Hawking's theory checks out. Special thanks to Ivan Bridgewater for use of use of footage.
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(TV-Y) Time is flying by on this busy, crowded planet as life changes and evolves from second to second. And yet, even ...
1 7 How Large is the Universe? (20:1

How Large is the Universe?
Cosmic Journeys Documentaires en biografieën
(Seizoen 1, aflevering 7) The universe has long captivated us with its immense scales of distance and time. How far does it stretch? Where does it end and what lies beyond its star fields and streams of galaxies extending as far as telescopes can see? These questions are beginning to yield to a series of extraordinary new lines of investigation and technologies that are letting us to peer into the most distant realms of the cosmosBut also at the behavior of matter and energy on the smallest of scales. The mind-blowing answer comes from a theory describing the birth of the universe in the first instant of time.
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The universe has long captivated us with its immense scales of distance and time. How far does it stretch? Where...
1 6 The Largest Black Holes in the Universe (18:4

The Largest Black Holes in the Universe
Cosmic Journeys Documentaires en biografieën
(Seizoen 1, aflevering 6) We've never seen them directly, yet we know they are there, lurking within dense star clusters or wandering the dust lanes of the galaxy, where they prey on stars, or swallow planets whole. Our Milky Way may harbor millions of these black holes, the ultra dense remnants of dead stars. But now, in the universe far beyond our galaxy, there's evidence of something even more ominous: a breed of black holes that have reached incomprehensible size and destructive power. How big can they get? What's the largest so far detected? Where does an 18 billion solar mass black hole hide?
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We've never seen them directly, yet we know they are there, lurking within dense star clusters or wandering the ...
1 5 Saturn's Mysterious Moons (18:40)
Saturn's Mysterious Moons
Cosmic Journeys Documentaires en biografieën
(Seizoen 1, aflevering 5) Some 900 million miles from the Sun in the outer regions of our Solar System orbiting the planet Saturnlies a mysterious world. Enceladus is enveloped in ice. Because nearly all of the sunlight that manages to hit its surface is reflected back into space, its one of the brightest objects in the solar system. It turns out that this distant outpost may harbor subsurface oceans and pre-conditions for life.
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Some 900 million miles from the Sun in the outer regions of our Solar System orbiting the planet Saturnlies a my...
1 4 Super Hurricanes (19:37)
Super Hurricanes
Cosmic Journeys Documentaires en biografieën
(Seizoen 1, aflevering 4) Why some tropical storms erupt into monster hurricanes capable of wrecking coastlines. Can they be predicted? A SpaceRipTV original with
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Why some tropical storms erupt into monster hurricanes capable of wrecking coastlines. Can they be predicted? A ...
1 3 Mars World That Never Was (20:1

Mars World That Never Was
Cosmic Journeys Documentaires en biografieën
(Seizoen 1, aflevering

Just about every two years, the planet Mars makes its closest approach to Earth around 36 million miles. Thats when we pack our robotic emissaries off to the Red Planet, timing their launches to spend the least effort to get there. These probes may pave the way for human explorers and, perhaps permanent settlers wholl dig deeper still in search of answers to our most pressing question: Did Mars develop far enough and stay that way long enough for life to arise?
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Just about every two years, the planet Mars makes its closest approach to Earth around 36 million miles. Thats w...
1 2 Attack of the Sun (18:1

Attack of the Sun
Cosmic Journeys Documentaires en biografieën
(Seizoen 1, aflevering 2) Massive solar eruptions could threaten our high-tech society. A SpaceRipTV original, in collaboration with
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Massive solar eruptions could threaten our high-tech society. A SpaceRipTV original, in collaboration with Space...
1 1 Crashing into the Moon (17:42)
Crashing into the Moon
Cosmic Journeys Documentaires en biografieën
(Seizoen 1, aflevering 1) Half a dozen countries are launching missions to the Moon to pave the way for a permanent human presence. A SPACERIP TV original, in collaboration with SPACE.COM.
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Half a dozen countries are launching missions to the Moon to pave the way for a permanent human presence. A SPAC...
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