beta-alanine is nog meer dan creatine een spiegel in je lijf. Je zal er dus nooit per training iets van merken maar pas na een paar weken gebruik. Nadeel van dat soort dingen vind ik altijd dat de werking zo moeilijk vast te stellen is.
Zo slik ik al jaren geen VitC1000 meer en heb niet het idee dat het uitmaakt.
Ik kan trouwens nergens vinden waarom Beta-analine zo prikt.
Vanmiddag chia-zaden ophalen. 500 gram voor 8 euro
nog een goed stuk over niet al te krampachtig omgaan met je dieet
Stop dealing in absolutes
By eugeneveksler
It seems to be common sense advice, however this seems to be the biggest issue that I notice amongst individuals looking to make changes in their training/diet/lifestyle. The concept of dealing in absolutes as an approach that would advocate there is only one way to go about things is borderline psychotic. From the most bland individuals in society to those as diverse as Lady Gaga, people need some kind of variety in their lives. With this I’m not saying that you need to start wearing a hat made out of meat, however it also doesn’t mean that you need to eat 6 meals a day, drink 8 glasses of ice cold water a day, workout for several hours until you’re exhausted and sore, while pumped full of the latest and greatest supplements on the market, making sure that you get 8 hours of sleep a night, and any other cliche that you can think of.
At the end of the day, an approach like that will drain all of the enjoyment out of your life. Something I experienced first hand by taking a very drastic and antisocial approach to losing weight when coming down from over 412lbs to 227lbs in just under a year. I found myself missing an enjoyment out of my accomplishments because I was to preoccupied worrying about all these things that I now know to be marginally consequential.
First, let’s look at the concept of needing to eat 6 meals a day. If this is easier for you and you enjoy smaller meals broken up throughout the day, then by all means go ahead. Personally I like to sit down with friends and family and not feel like an outcast at the table, that’s part of why I prefer to eat 3 larger meals a day. Along with that I find it easier to eat 3 meals as opposed to carrying around food and worrying about what time it is to get my meals in. Eating larger meals tends to be more satisfying as well, especially when you’re trying to come down in weight as a “meal” of 2 table spoons of peanut butter and an apple can really only hold you over for so long.
As for the type of food you can eat, there are a lot of advocates for a movement of “clean” eating. While I fully agree that you should wash your food this term is a little ridiculous. Is your long term health going to be better off if you avoid pumping your body full of preservatives, I’m sure that most experts would say yes, at the same time should you become a nazi over the sodium content of some beef jerky? Things like these are why I encourage people to eat something as long as “if it fits your macros” meaning that your protein/carb/fat and calorie intake allows for your consumption of the product. In the same regard, while this is a principle that allows you to indulge from time to time, it does not mean that you should be eating cake everyday because it helps you hit your carb totals. The key is to be able to indulge, not to become a victim of your own gluttony. Polishing off carton’s of Ben & Jerry’s is in all likelihood not going to help you reach your ideal physique. Half a cup of it every now and then should not be detrimental to you as long as you approach everything sensibly.
Granted this is only skin deep, but I feel as though this is a good start and I will gladly address any questions that people have about specifics in terms of training, nutrition, supplementation, and other things along these lines.
Voor de mensen hierboven die een dieet teveel werk vinden. Vaak eet je ook onbewust van dag tot dag min of meer hetzelfde. Door jezelf iets bewuster te maken van wat je eet en wat er in zit aan de ene kant en van wat je nodig hebt om een stuk groter te worden aan de andere kant kan je vaak met een paar aanpassingen al een zeer redelijk dieet in elkaar zetten. Een dieet wat van dag tot dag net zo gemakkelijk vol te houden is als toen je nog geen 'dieet' had