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[Muziek] Hiphop/Rap [Deel 6]

Discussie in 'Actualiteiten, Sport, Entertainment en Lifestyle' gestart door Ferron, 11 mrt 2010.

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  1. Named

    Named Named

    Leuk Bevonden:
    ''Ghost in the machine'' zeker het beste nummer op het album, vind daarna een paar wel aardig. Niks interessants :) nu ook weer even fort minor luisteren, weet niet wie het zei maar kreeg er meteen weer keer zin in. ''High road'' :D lekker zeg!
  2. BigKabuto

    BigKabuto Well-Known Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Ik begon erover ;)

    fucking TOP album!!!! High road is echt de bom, maar ook Cigarettes, Right now en Kenji!!!!

    Radiozender KISS FM berichtte dat Eminem zijn nieuwe single 'Not Afraid' vrijdagochtend op de wereld zal loslaten en Dj Semtex vond een snippet van een nieuwe Dr Dre track in zijn inbox.

    Insiders die de track al hebben gehoord hebben bevestigd dat Eminem niet de irritante flow die op Relapse te horen was bezigt. Gelukkig.

    Em zelf 'bevestigde' het bericht van KISS FM via zijn Twitter-account. Recovery, het album waarvan Not Afraid dus de eerste single is, staat gepland voor een release op 22 juni.

    Picture 2.pngIntussen is Em niet de enige uit het Shady/Aftermath kamp die een single onderweg heeft. We verwachtten de nieuwste van Em's mentor Dr. Dre een aantal weken geleden al, maar geheel in Detox-traditie duurt het weer veel langer dan gepland. Nu heeft Dj Semtex toch eindelijk een snippet van nieuwe muziek van Dr Dre's te pakken weten te krijgen. Dat het om Under Pressure gaat, de single die Dr Dre volgens de geruchten opnam met Jay-Z, lijkt ons erg onwaarschijnlijk. Luister zelf maar:

    En daar heb je nu een jaar of tien op zitten wachten. Die Andre Young neemt wel lekker de tijd, zeg.

    door State Magazine, 27Apr10

    snippet vind je hier...vind het niks speciaals.

  3. Modder-Eter

    Modder-Eter XBW.nl VIP XBW.nl VIP

    Leuk Bevonden:
  4. Robby Bobson

    Robby Bobson Die rapper.

    Leuk Bevonden:
  5. BigKabuto

    BigKabuto Well-Known Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Hij sloopt die freestyle echt keihard, wow. Zijn honger is echt terug, das duidelijk.

    Morgen komt dus de nieuwe single al uit op Shade 45.


    Eminem announced the lead song title to his upcoming "Recovery" album, due June 22nd on Shady/Aftermath/Interscope Records, via Twitter today (April 27). "Not Afraid" will be the first single, and the rapper's manager, Paul Rosenberg, says its "an uplifting song."

    "It's not a dark song, it's an uplifting song," Rosenberg tells Billboard.com about the Boi-1da-produced track, which is scheduled to be released this week.

    About the album's new direction -- reflected in the album's recent title change -- Rosenberg says the set will be "more accessible to more fans. He [Eminem] had pretty much completed a whole second album worth of material but at some point he took a step back, looked at it and said, 'I think I want to record some more,'" he says. "But in recording, the album started to sound so different and was going in such a different direction that he decided to keep it going and turn it into a whole new album. The last album was really for the core Eminem fans. I think this record will open that up a bit."

    Producers confirmed on the album include Dr. Dre, Just Blaze, Jim Jonsin and Mr. Porter.

    En en en ---------->

    Royce Da 5'9 Confirms Slaughterhouse Will Be Signing To Shady In A Week

  6. Nonsubsisto

    Nonsubsisto Thieves in the Night

    Leuk Bevonden:
    EMINEM! _O_ _O_

    Thank you Modder-Eter. :3

    Jij ook bedankt voor de nieuwe info, Kabuto. :)
  7. Pascal

    Pascal ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Haha, ik wist niet dat deze onzin bestond.



  8. BigKabuto

    BigKabuto Well-Known Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Die Solar is echt wel een grote kolerehufter zeg, als deze verhalen waar zijn. En echt, er zijn nu teveel negatieve berichten over die vent, dingen kloppen NO WAY!!!! Hij mishandelde Guru waarschijnlijk gewoon o.a.

    (AllHipHop News) Solar's ex-girlfriend and former 7 Grand Records employee Tasha Denham has lashed out at Solar over his alleged abusive treatment towards Guru.

    Denham explained her claims in an extensive interview with HipHopDx.com.

    "There was one night we were at Guru's house," Denham said of an altercation between Guru and Solar.

    "I was about three months pregnant at the time. Guru kept defending himself. Guru actually stood up and kind of got in Solar's face about it" Denham stated. "Next thing I know, Solar punched him in the face. From that point in time, he just started kicking him and hitting him."

    "Guru was fighting back, he wasn't just sitting there being a punk, but at the same time, Guru had severe asthma. He didn't have his inhaler. He started really hyper-ventalating and really having a hard time, and Solar kept beating him. It wasn't a fight anymore, it was beating him. I felt that it was so bad that I got in between the two of them and broke it up, because I knew he wouldn't hit me of course. At that point in time, I was pregnant with his child....that's probably one of the first times I was like, 'Wow, this relationship is really unhealthy. It's a really sick relationship.' After that, if I didn't physically see it myself...I saw [Guru] punched in the face numerous times with no provocation. It [would just be] that he'd get upset with something Guru would say and punch him in the face. I know he knocked a tooth out of Guru's. I know he gave him a black eye [so Guru would] have to wear glasses for photo-shoots and concerts."

    Additionally, Denham says that Solar stopped Guru from connecting with his loved ones, family members and friends. He allegedly would even take Guru's cell phone from him as well.

    As previously reported, the family of deceased rapper Guru have announced plans to hold a public memorial in his honor.

    Guru, born Keith Elam, died of cancer at the age of 48, on April 19th.

    According to reports, the rapper was cremated shortly after the family came in possession of his body.

    Plans for a memorial are being planned for July 17th, Guru's birthday,according to Guru's sister, Patricia Elam.

    According to Patricia, the family is also planning to launch a website that honors Guru's legacy, while posting official information surrounding the emcee.

    Meanwhile the family continues to criticize Guru's former partner Solar of mishandling the release off information surrounding Guru's health condition.

    In a recent interview with MTV, Patricia said that Guru's nephew Justin heard about his uncle's health via the Internet, while Guru's nine-year-old son learned of his father's death over the radio, while riding in a car.

    "[My son] Justin found out on the Internet and called me. I had to call my dad," Patricia told MTV News. "[Keith's 9-year-old son] KC found out riding in the car, hearing it on the radio. That's not right if you care about someone. That's not how you treat them. My brother would never have wanted us to find out that way. Never in a million years. Especially his son. Come on, now."

    Patricia said that the body was released to Solar, who was acting as Guru's healthcare proxy.

    Patricia labeled the experience a "nightmare" and revealed that Guru's brother had to call various funeral homes in search of the rapper's body.

    "My son Justin was looking online and saw something that the body was going to be cremated," Patricia continued. "My father was calling the hospital looking for the body and they were like, 'We released it to the health-care proxy.' Luckily my other brother happened to be in New York on something unrelated and he started calling funeral homes in the area, if you can imagine. Fortunately the third one he called was the right one. He said, 'Listen, I'm the brother of Keith Elam, do not release that body to anyone but me.' Thankfully he was able to get there in time."
  9. Speurneus

    Speurneus Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Nieuwe Eminem

    Vind de zin "The Relapse album was meh..." wel intressant. Hoop dat Recovery beter en vooral anders wordt.
  10. Nonsubsisto

    Nonsubsisto Thieves in the Night

    Leuk Bevonden:
    ^Thank you kind sir.

    Vette nummer, ik hoop dat Recovery beter wordt dan Relapse, die maar een paar vette nummers had.
  11. apoc123

    apoc123 Lucian

    Leuk Bevonden:
    thanks! Krijg echt het gevoel dat Em eindelijk echt terug is. Na nummers als The Warning, My darling, die freestyle, BET freestyle en deze track, krijg ik hoop! Ben benieuwd
  12. BigKabuto

    BigKabuto Well-Known Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Fucking nice track, zo dan!!!!

    "and to the fans, i'll never let you down again, im back,
    i promise to never go back on the promise, in fact,
    lets be honest, that last Relapse CD was ehhh, perhaps
    i ran them accents into the ground, relax
    i aint goin back to that now"
  13. apoc123

    apoc123 Lucian

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Ja, heerlijk. Heb hem gemist man.
  14. Nonsubsisto

    Nonsubsisto Thieves in the Night

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Btw, hoe kwam jij zo snel aan die track, Speurneus, als ik het vragen mag?
  15. Speurneus

    Speurneus Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Forum Post op KanyeLive. 5 minuten later stond het op 2dopeboyz. Die laatste is wel goede site.
  16. ArtificialFaith

    ArtificialFaith Active Member XBW.nl VIP

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Guru Tribute Tee:



  17. Modder-Eter

    Modder-Eter XBW.nl VIP XBW.nl VIP

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Nieuwe Eminem is mwuah en overhyped.

    Impressed me niet zo. Lyrics zijn goed, maar die beat en de chorus zijn gewoon bout.
  18. OscarJ

    OscarJ Hip-Hop.

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Echt een ziek shirt ArtificialFaith!
  19. BigKabuto

    BigKabuto Well-Known Member

    Leuk Bevonden:

    Neee de beat is juist nice en die chorus is prima :)

    Ieder zijn ding of cuorse, ik ben hier zeeeer blij mee iig.
  20. Robby Bobson

    Robby Bobson Die rapper.

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Heet jij Meka? :+

    (Had je dat artikel op Complex gelezen, waar ze alle grote blogs hadden gevraagd naar hun mening over die single? Vet goed :cool:)

    Anyway, ik heet Stan, en ik ben echt gruwelijk verslaafd aan die tracks.. 8)
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