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[TV] Prison Break [Amerika]

Discussie in 'Actualiteiten, Sport, Entertainment en Lifestyle' gestart door vagegast_112, 13 mrt 2006.

  1. SHiZ NL

    SHiZ NL Active Assassin

    Leuk Bevonden:
    ik von dhget best een leuke aflevering :D
  2. Tim

    Tim Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Ik was ooit gestopt met kijken na S02E02 omdat het hele vlucht gebeuren mij niet echt meer trok. Toen ik te horen kreeg dat zich S03 weer in kreeg ik er wel weer zin in en heb dus de afgelopen dagen bijna non-stop S02 afgekeken die opzich wel leuk was.

    Wat mij trouwens niet duidelijk is is wat met het geld is gebeurt. Het was in het water gevallen en toen heb je er iets meer over gehoord of heb ik iets gemist?
  3. SplinterX

    SplinterX ^Chief^

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Uhm er was op een gegeven moment wel een scene of ze nog iets hadden gevonden bij die boot, een rugzak met iets waardevols erin, was in aflevering 1 seizoen 3. Maar weet niet meer precies wat ze nu er over zeiden, zou je even terug moeten kijken.
  4. Cybermaxxx

    Cybermaxxx It just a game!

    Leuk Bevonden:
    13 oktober begint S3 toch?
  5. Tim

    Tim Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Ze zijn in Amerika bij bij aflevering 2 van S3, mocht je nederland bedoelen dan heb ik geen idee

    edit//heb even snel gezocht op RTL begint het op 11 oktober
  6. berenscheet

    berenscheet Guest

    Vette, vette aflevering!! maaruh

    what's in the box :eek:
    had een screenshot gemaakt maar zie iets van haren enzo, misschien een hoofd?? later deze week maar ff de HD versie download, is iets scherper:)
  7. Biba

    Biba Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Wel weer een aardige aflevering hoor :) Alleen gruwelijk die clifhanger op het eind...
  8. Danger

    Danger XBW Groentje

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Idd. Vind het wel een hele simpele cliffhanger, wat zit er in het doosje :emo:.
  9. Biba

    Biba Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Precies wat ik dacht. Sowieso vind ik heel seizoen 3 allemaal wat simpeler en clichématiger dan de vorige seizoenen. Maar het blijft toch leuk om te kijken :)

    Vooral dat stuk waarin Scofield en T bag die telefoon regelen, vond ik echt een leuke klassieke prison break scene :)
    Laatst bewerkt: 2 okt 2007
  10. Aleko

    Aleko Niet? Nou, dan toch!

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Ik vindt het dit jaar wel heel snel gaan met de ontwikkelingen. :{
    T-bag is al zo goed als volledig lid van de gevangenisleiders. En ook michael heeft al heel wat ontdekt om mogelijk te ontsnappen. Bijvoorbeeld de 'prop' in de waterleiding. Dat had hij wel heel snel gevonden. Net of niemand anders op het idee komt dat de buis misschien wel verstopt zit :emo:

    In de doos zal wel een dood dier liggen oid als waarschuwing met wat er gaat gebeuren met LJ of Sarah als Lincoln weer dwars ligt.
    Buiten dat vindt ik het wel weer een erg goede serie! Vooral de spanningen zijn weer herkenbaar 8)

    BLACKHAWK EM Target Theory

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Het had na aflevering 18 uit seizoen 1 gewoon moeten stoppen zoals van te voren het plan was... Daarna is de serie alleen maar minder geworden ondanks dat het nog steeds wel aardig was en ik het wel keek...

    Het zou mij trouwens ook niets verbazen als dit gewoon weer deel van "het" plan was en dat ie straks weer een tatoage tevoorschijn toverd waar deze complete gevangenis opstaat.. Net zoals hij in ene allerlei tattoes had in seizoen 2:confused: .... Beetje jammer
  12. Tim

    Tim Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Je weet natuurlijk niet wat de bedoeling is dit seizoen, het kan best dat ze na een aflevering of 8 al gaan ontsnappen. ALs ze idd pas aflevering 22 ontsnappen vind ik dat je gelijk hebt

    Was imo maar een matige aflevering. Op het telefoon gebeuren na niet veel boeiends gebeurt. Lijkt er trouwens wel op dat de actrice die Sara heeft gespeeld er niet meer echt bij zit want nolgens mij zag je alleen LJ gezicht en niet dat van haar,

    Op het telefoon gebeuren na niet veel boeiends gebeurt. Lijkt er trouwens wel op dat de actrice die Sara heeft gespeeld er niet meer echt bij zit want nolgens mij zag je alleen LJ gezicht en niet dat van haar. Of het zal met een plottwist te maken kunnen hebben. Ik dacht dat ik iets van een hand/vinger in de doos zag liggen
  13. Elgee

    Elgee Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Nee, dat is 100% zeker dat dat niet gebeurd. Bron: Jensen. :+
  14. Biba

    Biba Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Je kijkt Prison Break dan ook alleen maar voor de snelle actie/entertainment. Iedere aflevering is totaal ongeloofwaardig, maar als je dat gewoon negeert kan je er nog veel plezier aan hebben om de serie te volgen.

    Wel leuk topic op IMDB, 250 things you learn from prison break...

    1. Sucre's a hardcore romantic...or extremely pu*sy whipped.
    2. Even if you get your hand cut off, then reattach it, you can still live a normal life.
    3. Abruzzi only bows to God.
    4. A woman that looks like Martha Logan can actually be choosy in her mercifux.
    5. The best way to lay low is to walk around with a half-opened shirt that shows off your chest and wear sunglasses as well...because no one notices people with that "European gigolo" look.
    6. The best way to get revenge on a rat as a fugitive mob boss is to go there yourself rather than have a goon bring him to you.
    7. You either hate or love T-Bag
    8. T-Bag GOT PLAYED for once.
    9. Breaking out of prison is wrong.
    10. The police never check the FBI's most wanted list.
    11. You can bleach your hair, and effectively become invisible.
    12. T-Bag ain't no Rainman :)
    13. You can make a bar of soap look just like a cellphone
    14. You can paint a yellow water gun black and pretend it's a real gun
    15. In Thailand they got a black market where you can get any kind of surgery you want, even a hand transplant
    16. Prison Break is GAY
    17. Prison Break has more plotholes than (list of all TV Shows on Planet) combined!
    18. If it can go wrong it will go wrong.
    19. Copper wire can be sold in the docks
    20. The Hooker Law
    21. Wentworth Miller is seriously hot.
    22. Low Latent Inhibition is an actual condtion
    23. A baseball cap is an excellent disguise.
    25. That number 16 is wrong.
    26. You can evade cops for 6 hours (from midnight to 6am- episode 1)
    27. That Darwin always wins (c-note's quote)
    28. That Tweener is the next eminem
    29. That even srtutual engineers can have a body full of tatoo
    30. No one apart from C-note says 'you feel me'
    31. T-Bag's his real name.
    32. That if you get 2 toes cut off you will still be able to run
    33. That if you meet a gay ex-addict don't take him home, he is a government bad guy.
    34. You can give yourself a buzz cut using only scissors and a comb
    35. Always check the coin purse
    36. That it is possible to get Holly Vance style czechoslovakian mail order brides.
    37. Being shot in the leg and not going to a hospital does not cause you to have a limp.
    38. Showing up at someone's house in non-descript clothing will gain anyone's trust.
    39. If you are running from the law and laying low, you do not need food.
    40. you can get half your body tattooed in just a few weeks, and be able to afford it.
    41. You can dig a hole ANYWHERE.
    42. A good way to not get noticed is by riding a motorcycle without a helmet.
    43. That if you're supremely pissed off due to your daughter almost getting molested and you have both hands and an iron, you're still no match for a skinny, handless person.
    44. That if you kill a vet and take his car, you don't need to worry. They don't worry too much about putting a murdered person's stolen vehicle out on the wire
    45. Cons don't need to sleep or pee.
    46. Jumpin on and off trains is safe.
    47. Any suburban housewife will let 7 strangers into her home, then proceed to get drunk and try to sleep with several of them.
    48. Never leave an important backback filled with valuble items in a car
    49. Don't steal a $350,000. baseball card and then try to pickpocket a guard
    50. always check random number on your phone with t9
    51. The trunk of a car is a wonderful place to store people for whom you don't trust very much.
    52. A whiskey/lemonade cocktail is not a great way to seduce a man into giving up his co-worker to you.
    53. The first step to breaking out of prison is to make an Allen wrench and disconnect the commode from the wall.
    54. Structures that were around 30 years ago are probablly not there anymore.
    55. You can chase Tweener in a car - stop the car, get out, and still be 10 feet behind.
    56. Robert Knepper is a great actor.
    57. Prison Break arouses so much controversy because many people get the plot wrong: #44 is incorrect, as Mahone's assistant said T-Bag was spotted after "...severely assaulting a man...", NOT murdering him.
    58. Numbers in a paper crane don't always mean it's a number.
    59. Pigs have blood types.
    60. It is possible to disappear in the crowded streets of small town like Oswego.
    61. A prison break is much more important news than the unexpected death of the sitting POTUS.
    62. A pickpocket incarcerated for five years will make the FBI's Most Wanted List if he breaks out of prison.
    63. It's fun to harass Tweener!
    64. If you're name is Veronica, and you're hogging the attention away from the convicts; you'll get killed in the first episode of the new season
    65. That running in a suit for weeks without taking a shower will not make you stink, and even better, the suit will not get dirty.
    66. You can be on the FBI's most wanted list and still talk to your little girl at her school
    67. Shackled, fired C.O.'s can still survive, even in a deserted cabin way out yonder
    68. Two months sitting in a river will do no damage to a hard drive.
    69. Time is of absolutely no relevance.
    70. Whiskey/Lemonade drinking whores actually live in remote Utah towns.
    71: #68 was written by someone who obviously has no knowledge in harddrives and recreating data from them.
    72: When calling the local PD of a hillbilly town - you act as if a black car with people wearing suits actually is the police.
    73. An eggbeater works just as good as a sledge hammer for breaking down cement walls.
    74. That there can be a television show so preposterous that it actually insults my intelligence.
    75. Peroxide acts as a bleach.
    76. #65 wasn't paying attention, it hasn't been weeks, just days.
    77. Trying to remember a map is like taking a test you studied for 10 years ago.
    78. Always watch out so your cousin doesn't steal your pregnant girlfriend while your in prison.
    79. Just have a little faith.
    80. That #57 will point out people misunderstand the plot, only to misunderstand the plot themselves in giving an example - the person Mahone's assistant reported as being assaulted then having his car stolen wasn't the vet, it was the man with the daughter who T-Bag hit on, the vet (who he killed) also had his car stolen, a few episodes previously.
    81. That it can go from May-esque weather to winter in just one episode.
    82. Fast food restaurants don't lock their drive-thru windows.
    83. Every prison has a payphone for everyone to use
    84. T-Bag took one for the team.
    85. You can impress a Mormon girl by singing a country song.
    86. A man will marry a stripper-babe, help her get a green card and still not want sex from her!
    87. Preparation can only take you so far.
    88. That not all girls from Utah are Mormons.
    89. Hesitating too long before telling the cop you haven't seen that escaped con does not make the cop suspicious.
    90. Even though a policeman is 10-20 feet behind you, and you are in his peripheral vision, you can still get out of your car and run through a field before he'll notice.
    91. Someone with pills addiction in their past can still get a job administering and having access to the pills they were addicted to.
    92. Once you are a dead escape con - your family, plans and future dont get a second glimpse
    93. Cops are blind and retarded.
    94. The most beautiful women on the planet is alowed to work around conviceted rapists and other criminals, without the guards supervising.
    95.an escaped convict freakshow (Haywire)can ride around on a bike in broad daylight wearing a football helmet and go completely unnoticed.
    96.Putting something over the mouthpiece of the prison payphone will block out the prison noise and make it seem like you are really in Iraq instead of Fox River.
    97. Never trust a G-Man.
    98. Don't Trust Anyone.
    99. If you see Jesus on a wall, stay where you are.
    100. Pulling over on the side of the road is a dead give away.
    101. Overdosing is a sure fire way of getting that gorgeous escapee to give you a call.
    102. If you look like Sara, stay away from a phoneboth
    103. There are no spare white hands in Thailand
    104. That hugely fat men cannot successfully cross a very thin cable without it breaking (but that they can fit down tunnels)!
    105. If you sell stolen goods, they are worth more to the person that owned them
    106. A prison escapee's car never needs to be refuelled.
    107.Alchohol makes T-Bag "irascible"
    108. Bellick doesn't understand the mechanizations of love
    109. That men who squint their eyes are surprisingly hot.
    110. Female prison doctors are extremely hot.
    111. "Passion" is not spelled with an "h"
    112. It is ok to leave convicts in the infirmary alone
    113. Apparently, 4 shady looking men, driving a shady looking car in an upper class neighborhood is not suspious at all
    114. # 65 is incorecct they havent been running around for weeks i think its been 6 days since theyve escaped maybe a little more
    115 always do what a gaurd tells you to or u may end up inn a cell that you wouldnt want to be a 100ft near
    116. that all the roads a convict needs to take to go to different states won't have any other drivers on that road
    117. Apparently you can make it from new york to utah on a motorcycle in less than 2 days
    118. Even if youre one of the most wanted men in america, with a shabby ass suit from a bargain store, a pair of glasses, and an i.d. made at an internet cafe you can convince an fbi agent's ex-wife that youre an fbi agent.
    119. that secret service only tracks voice calls but not txt msgs.
    120.That Making a cell phone out of a bar of soap is really easy
    121. #24 isn't important if you want to break out of prison
    122. Small motorcycles moving fast can move big trees
    123.If you find yourself having the law right on your heels, just wait for either a commercial break, a scene change, or the season two premiere, and you'll get a good enough lead to get away.
    124. When you're on the run from cops and stressed out, you don't grow any facial hair
    125. You can build a raft out of driftwood and sail to Holland from the shores of Lake Michigan.
    126. You can bike ride from Illinois to Wisconsin in a helmet and white suit and not get noticed (at least for bein crazy)
    127. You can steal a dumb ladys car and not have it tracked for a long while
    128. Your hoopdie car can out chase a cop car.
    129. Its okay to swallow objects that your not supposed to swallow.
    130. Its okay if u just found a presumably dead person, you call the police and everything will be fine.
    131. You saw your mom and stepdad get killed, get framed for murder, went on the run, attempted to murder an fbi agent, got put in prison, and is on the run again with your dad who is on the fbis most wanted list, and your perfectly fine.
    132. CIA spooks exist everywhere. Even in anti CIA organizations hell-bent on exposing them.
    133. The whole practice of origami is so that you can only make paper swans and write numbers on them.
    134. If you need to customize a watch for your escape plan, don't do it to a 15K gold Swiss watch, which cry's out to lifted by anyone handling it in a prison goods cage.
    135. I know now, never to throw away a data sensitive hard drive in the river. 2 minutes with a hammer would have made sure nothing could ever be recovered and then trash it in multiple bins to make damn sure.
    136. You can always count on a dying man to tell you where his 5 million dollar stash is located.
    137. You can accurately predict the precise location of a stash of 5 million with a few trees and shadows they cast to guide you to within a few feet.
    138. You can turn off the power to an entire street of houses and no one will call the power faults department for an emergency repair crew.
    139. It took Michael all of half a day to discover Mahone's little Oscar secret but the entire FBI and Internal Investigations still believe Oscar Shales is on the run because Mahone told them so.
    140. I can look and speak totally Latino and then confess to an officer of the law that my name is Mr. Miller without raising suspicion.
    141. Vehicle rental companies put GPS tracking on every cheap low-end rental. (That's how he found Sara)
    142. I can have a house built that does not allow me to get out, but allows anyone to come in at any time. (A Venus Flytrap House.LOL)
    143. That going to Panama makes everything right and is an answer to everything.
    144. The less you know, the better
    145. Even if a guy cut 2 of your toes off you should still be friends with him
    146. You wont go to hell by drilling holes into the devil or digging up someone else's grave.
    147. While in prison, always be on good terms with the warden until you escape
    148. Abruzzi is the best gangster in the world and only kneels to god!
    149. That I shouldn't trust anyone!
    150. I shouldn't hide a body in my back yard, because his DNA will leak into the soil and I can get caught. Ok, I gotta go now and find a way to get that dead body out of my garden!!!
    151. Always be nice with your mother, you made need her to come pick you up one day
    152. A Mrs Gupta isnt hard to find in a neighbourhood
    153. T-Bag would have tattooed the map of Tooele on his body but didn't have the time.
    154. When coming face to face with an escaped convict, people will glance up at the Wanted poster several times, making the connection as obviously as possible.
    155. When you're drowning underneath a tree and Scofield tells you to raise your hand when you're out of breath, don't bother since he doesn't even look.
    156. People who recognize you as one of the Fox River Eight will always let you know they recognize you by their facial expression and behavior.
    157. Sharing a cell with a big fat greek looking man isn't a nice experience.
    158. A good way to get macdonalds in prison is to tell the guards information.
    159. When in doubt, just eat it, then make the poor bastards deal with your antics.
    160. You should probably lay low once you jack an escaped con's money..
    161. ... and then club your partner who has such obvious links to you.
    162. She was gonna do the Cleveland Steamer.
    163. You dont *beep* with T-bag
    164. Apparently, when talking loudly in a room with 2 other people, you can't hear a large man moaning and falling to the ground after being shot, but you can hear the ping of the shell casings hitting the ground.
    165. Sugar water can look remarkably like nitro glyserin (sp?)
    166. Sucre saves the day
    167. Micheal knows Linc's father
    168. Those who said Abruzzi kneels only to God aren't reading the list (it's on there three times)
    169. If you want to be part of the "family" just hold on to T-Bag's pocket
    170. It's easy to dig a gigantic hole in the guard's shack and cement it in all in one night
    171. Crazy people can see the patterns in your tattoos
    172. Haywire's storyline isn't that important...yet
    173. No one notices in the psych ward of a maximum security prison that two inmates are in a back room alone
    174. Guys: when seeing whether a group of girls have I.D. you, it's best to stare at their behinds as they walk away
    175. Don't forget your change
    176. Don't get attached to anyone, I mean anyone
    180. Latino is a language.(#140)
    181. sticking your face in a bathtub of water with a plugged in iron will do nothing to you.
    182. you have to pay for that.
    183. Repeatedly ringing pay phones with men standing behind them are not detected by police officers.
    184. That a person can recognize an escaped convict when they get literally one second to look at them in a car.
    185. A high-level FBI agent cannot tell the difference between an actual weapon and a spray-painted water pistol.
    186. Life is only for God to give and take.
    187. Fax machines sometimes have memory.
    188. T-Bag is not nobody.
    189. its possible to detatch a sewn on hand 5 seconds before the police break down the door and hide it behing the heater without fainting from shock or making any noise whatso ever.
    190. Open envelopes by ripping down the side and blowing into...instead of opening it w/ a letter opener or just ripping along the edge
    191. A man who used to by a correctional officer can't fight off a skinny guy with no hand.
    192. you can get a cleveland steamer for $750.
    193. if you said no on your wedding, you still get to go to the honeymoon.
    194. a mob boss can see the image of jesus christ on a wall, but a priest cannot.
    195. if you find out that your most trusted CO is corrupted and is fired, you should stand up for him and quit your job.
    196. even if you were a CO since 18 years old, you still dont make enough money to move out of your momma's house.
    197. Clearly other viewers aren't watching the same show.
    198. The panties of the cell block bitch smell no different than the panties of a hot Latina.
    199. Contrary to popular belief, doing origami will not make you ass-candy for the next guy.
    200. I thought avocados were ugly before.
    201. If you tie up the warden, then knock him out and leave him in the closet, be sure to either smash his phone or take it away or even leave the phone on silent.
    202. Nitroglycerin comes in glass vials not plastic
    203. Concrete is C-Note's speciality...and yes he can dig it
    204. To become a PI in prison knowing construction is a plus
    205. T-Bag can sing like Johnny Cash
    206. Michael put his blood into this
    207. Any Vet can do microsurgery on a severed hand
    208. Anesthesia and pain killers are over rated and not need when reattaching a human hand.
    209. The entire U.S political system is corrupt and will kill anyone who tries to expose them.
    210. Sucre, Lincoln and Mahone can figure out what Bolshoi booze is whilst hundreds of FBI agents can't.
    211. If the prison air con system is down, temperatures can get so high that a white man can turn into a black man
    212. Michael's tattoos lead directly opposite to hell
    213. Dont try to make out with your Brother's ex.
    214. If your brother calls whilst you try to make out with his ex, answer his call.
    215. If you need to hide a body, bury it under a bird-bath to avoid suspicion.
    216. Don't ever snap Kellerman's finger, he may not forgive you for it.
    217. C-Note can have tea with the KKK and still collect his money from the BROTHERS
    218. Sucre and Lincoln didn't need to figure out what Bolshoi booze meant because Micheal told them! (#210)
    219. Philly Falzone is just an envelope
    220. if you just call the jokeline, you can hear jokes without paying $2.99 a minute.
    221. if your husband (mahone) suddenly divorces you and kicks you out of the house, you still take the time to call him when he needs you.
    222. C-note plans to escape with his wife and daughter to Disneyland
    223. if you keep talking like that, kellerman will be forced put a bullet in your head.
    224. you may learn more than 250 things from prison break.
    226. T-Bag don't got the blicky.
    227. Chew makes you poop.
    228. When trying to pass off tubes of sugar water as nitroglycerin make sure that nobody tastes it.
    229. There are places in the country where a GPS device can be purchased for under $100.
    230. If you ever touch Lincoln's son again he will kill you.
    231. It can't be done.
    232. Mahone loves Pam
    233. This time Sara knows better.
    234. Michael has a plan to make all of this right.
    235. Becoming kidnappers ain't right.
    236. It's over the wall.
    237. there is a way to put someone's fingerprints on a weapon (kellerman framing LJ, season 1)
    238. panama is nothing but white sand beaches and ice cold beer.
    239. Sara is that stupid
    240. cells are no-smoking areas
    241. nothing trandecents race in prison.
    242. sometimes, sharpshooters miss
    243. they all die.
    244. you can't get to four buttons before kellerman gets to one.
    245. men and women can't be friends
    246. when you kill a guy, then bury him in your backyard, you get a little spaztic(sp.?)
  15. Aleko

    Aleko Niet? Nou, dan toch!

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Volgens mij had ik ergens gelezen dat 'Sarah' zwanger was. (de actrice dus;)) Ze zou pas halverwege het seizoen oid weer echt mee gaan doen. Ik kan het artikel alleen nu niet meer terugvinden8)
  16. Ebrithil

    Ebrithil Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    En ik heb ze nog allemaal gelezen ook :b:
  17. Kareem

    Kareem Krispy Kareem

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Ik zal morgen even kijken op de comicbookresources forums daar werd een artikel gepost waarin bevestigd werd dat ze na haar zwangerschapsverlof NIET terug zou komen.

    *edit* gevonden.

    Laatst bewerkt: 4 okt 2007
  18. Tim

    Tim Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Ben benieuwd hoe ze dit gaan oplossen omdat ze of een keer dood moet gaan of ontsnappen in seizoen 3. Hoop niet dat ineens een andere actrice nemen voor de rol want dat vind ik altijd zo nep
  19. Kareem

    Kareem Krispy Kareem

    Leuk Bevonden:
    ik hoop dat haar hoofd in die doos zit
  20. Gerjan

    Gerjan XBW.nl VIP XBW.nl VIP

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Nouja dat hoeft nou ook weer niet :9

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